COMECON Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff COMECON für Deutschland.

COMECON Definition

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Definition: COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) – Definition and Explanation in Equities and Capital Markets COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), also known as the Council for Mutual Economic Aid, was an economic organization established in 1949 by the countries of the Eastern Bloc.

The Soviet Union played a leading role in this organization, which aimed to promote economic cooperation and integration among its member states. COMECON's main objective was to coordinate economic planning, trade, and resource allocation within its member countries. The formation of COMECON was driven by the political and ideological considerations of the Soviet Union. It sought to establish a socialist economic framework for its member states, providing them with a platform for cooperation and a means of countering the influence of the capitalist world. The organization consisted of the Soviet Union and thirteen other countries, including East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Vietnam, among others. One of the primary functions of COMECON was to facilitate trade and economic cooperation among its member states. It aimed to ensure the specialization and division of labor within the Eastern Bloc, with member countries focusing on producing specific goods or commodities to meet the common needs of the region. COMECON also provided a platform for the coordination of industrial development plans, investment projects, and the exchange of technological expertise among its member countries. The activities of COMECON were supported by various institutions, including the Economic Committee, the Foreign Trade Committee, and the Scientific and Technical Committee. These institutions played a crucial role in formulating economic policies, promoting coordination, and enhancing economic relations within the Eastern Bloc. However, COMECON's influence and effectiveness declined significantly following the political and economic changes in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the subsequent transition of many Eastern Bloc countries to market-based economies led to the gradual disintegration of COMECON. By the late 1990s, COMECON ceased to exist as an active organization. In conclusion, COMECON was an economic organization established by the countries of the Eastern Bloc, led by the Soviet Union, to promote economic cooperation and integration among its member states. It played a significant role in coordinating economic planning, trade, and resource allocation within the Eastern Bloc. While its influence declined with the political and economic changes in the late 20th century, COMECON remains an important chapter in the economic history of the Eastern Bloc. For more in-depth information and comprehensive coverage of investment terms, visit, a leading website for equity research, market analysis, and finance news. Enjoy access to a vast glossary encompassing stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies, providing you with valuable insights to navigate the complexities of capital markets. Stay informed and empowered with!
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