Ist die Orlen Dividende sicher?
Orlen steigert die Dividende seit 6 Jahren.
Innerhalb der letzen 10 Jahre hat Orlen diese um jährlich 13,875 % gesteigert.
Auf 5-Jahressicht stieg die Ausschüttung um 12,888 %.
Die Analysten rechnen für das laufenden Geschäftsjahr mit einer Dividendensteigerung von 10,856%.
Orlen Aktienanalyse
Was macht Orlen?
Polish Oil and Gas Company ORLEN SA is one of the largest oil and gas companies in Central and Eastern Europe. It was established in 1999 as a result of a merger between two of Poland's biggest oil and gas companies: PKN Orlen and Petrochemia Plock. Today, PKN ORLEN operates in several European countries, including Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, and Slovakia.
PKN ORLEN's business model is focused on upstream and downstream operations, which include exploration, production, refining, and marketing of crude oil and natural gas. The company also offers a diverse range of products and services, including fuel, lubricants, chemicals, and other petrochemicals. Over the years, PKN ORLEN has expanded its product portfolio to include alternative fuels such as biofuels and electric vehicle charging points.
The company operates in several different segments, including Retail, Wholesale, Refining and Petrochemicals, Gas, Power Generation, and Upstream. The Retail segment is the most visible to consumers, as it focuses on the sale of gasoline and diesel through more than 2,800 service stations across Europe. The Wholesale segment supplies fuel to businesses, while the Refining and Petrochemicals segment involves the production of fuels and chemicals from crude oil.
The Gas segment is responsible for managing PKN ORLEN's natural gas production and storage facilities, while the Power Generation segment generates electricity and heat using biogas, natural gas, and other fuels. Finally, the Upstream segment deals with the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in Poland, Canada, and the North Sea.
PKN ORLEN's products are divided into numerous categories, including gasoline, diesel, LPG, aviation fuels, heating oil, lubricants, chemicals, and other petrochemicals. One of the most popular products is ORLEN gasoline, which has a high octane rating and includes additives that clean the engine and improve fuel efficiency. PKN ORLEN also produces a range of motor oils, hydraulic oils, and greases under its own brand name.
In recent years, PKN ORLEN has also been investing heavily in alternative fuels and renewable energy sources. One example is the company's investment in EV charging infrastructure, which includes over 150 fast charging stations across Poland and Germany. PKN ORLEN is also exploring the use of hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels, and other low-carbon options to reduce emissions and meet climate targets.
In conclusion, PKN ORLEN is a large and diverse company with a complex business model that spans multiple segments and products. The company's history dates back to the 1990s and includes several mergers and acquisitions that have helped it become one of the top oil and gas companies in Europe. Today, PKN ORLEN is focused on expanding its portfolio, exploring new energy sources, and reducing its carbon footprint to meet the challenges of a changing energy landscape. Orlen ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen aufäne bieten eine attraktive Möglichkeit für Anleger, langfristig Vermögen aufzubauen. Einer der Hauptvorteile ist der sogenannte Cost-Average-Effekt: Indem regelmäßig ein fester Betrag in Aktien oder Aktienfonds investiert wird, kauft man automatisch mehr Anteile, wenn die Preise niedrig sind, und weniger, wenn sie hoch sind. Dies kann zu einem günstigeren Durchschnittspreis pro Anteil über die Zeit führen. Zudem ermöglichen Aktiensparpläne auch Kleinanlegern den Zugang zu teuren Aktien, da sie bereits mit kleinen Beträgen teilnehmen können. Die regelmäßige Investition fördert zudem eine disziplinierte Anlagestrategie und hilft, emotionale Entscheidungen, wie impulsives Kaufen oder Verkaufen, zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus profitieren Anleger von der potenziellen Wertsteigerung der Aktien sowie von Dividendenausschüttungen, die reinvestiert werden können, was den Zinseszinseffekt und somit das Wachstum des investierten Kapitals verstärkt.