Ist die Liveramp Holdings Dividende sicher?
Liveramp Holdings steigert die Dividende seit 2 Jahren.
Innerhalb der letzen 10 Jahre hat Liveramp Holdings diese um jährlich 0 % gesenkt.
Auf 5-Jahressicht fiel die Ausschüttung um 0 %.
Die Analysten rechnen für das laufenden Geschäftsjahr mit einer Dividendensenkung von 0%.
Liveramp Holdings Aktienanalyse
Was macht Liveramp Holdings?
Leveraging the power of data has become one of the most significant drivers of successful businesses over the past few years. Liveramp Holdings Inc. is one of the companies that has been at the forefront of this revolution. The company has been instrumental in providing innovative data solutions to businesses to help them better understand their customers, and in the process, create more effective marketing and advertising campaigns.
Founded in 2009, Liveramp started as a data onboarding platform that allowed businesses to easily connect their offline data with online advertising platforms. However, it has since evolved into a leading provider of identity resolution and data management solutions. The company's core mission is to make data safe and easy to use for everyone.
Liveramp's business model revolves around the provision of data solutions that help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers. They offer a suite of tools and services that enable companies to access and use data more effectively. The company's services are divided into two categories: identity resolution solutions and data management solutions.
The identity resolution solutions are designed to help businesses connect online and offline customer data to create a complete customer view. This allows companies to provide more personalized experiences to their customers across all touchpoints. Liveramp's identity resolution solutions also help businesses comply with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
The data management solutions, on the other hand, are tailored to help businesses organize, segment, and activate their customer data. This enables them to create more effective marketing and advertising campaigns. Liveramp's data management solutions also help businesses optimize their media buying strategies and measure the success of their campaigns.
Liveramp's solutions are used by a wide range of companies, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. The company's customers span across various industries, including retail, financial services, healthcare, and automotive.
One of Liveramp's significant strengths is its partnerships with leading companies in the industry. The company has established partnerships with over 550 of the world's leading marketing platforms, publishers, and data providers. This has helped Liveramp build a massive Data Sourcing Network, which enables businesses to access high-quality data from trusted sources easily.
Liveramp has also been innovative in its approach to data. In recent years, the company has started exploring the use of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide more personalized and effective data solutions. For instance, Liveramp's Identity Graph is built on advanced machine learning algorithms that enable businesses to identify and reach their customers across all devices and channels.
Overall, Liveramp Holdings Inc. is a leading provider of innovative data solutions that help businesses understand their customers better. Its services have become essential for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in today's data-driven business landscape. The company's innovative approach to data, coupled with its strong partnerships and customer-centric approach, has made it one of the industry's most successful players. Liveramp Holdings ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen aufäne bieten eine attraktive Möglichkeit für Anleger, langfristig Vermögen aufzubauen. Einer der Hauptvorteile ist der sogenannte Cost-Average-Effekt: Indem regelmäßig ein fester Betrag in Aktien oder Aktienfonds investiert wird, kauft man automatisch mehr Anteile, wenn die Preise niedrig sind, und weniger, wenn sie hoch sind. Dies kann zu einem günstigeren Durchschnittspreis pro Anteil über die Zeit führen. Zudem ermöglichen Aktiensparpläne auch Kleinanlegern den Zugang zu teuren Aktien, da sie bereits mit kleinen Beträgen teilnehmen können. Die regelmäßige Investition fördert zudem eine disziplinierte Anlagestrategie und hilft, emotionale Entscheidungen, wie impulsives Kaufen oder Verkaufen, zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus profitieren Anleger von der potenziellen Wertsteigerung der Aktien sowie von Dividendenausschüttungen, die reinvestiert werden können, was den Zinseszinseffekt und somit das Wachstum des investierten Kapitals verstärkt.
Die Liveramp Holdings Aktie ist bei folgenden Anbietern sparplanfähig: Trade Republic