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Erlebnis Akademie Akcija



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+0,90 %

Erlebnis Akademie Akcija Promet, EBIT, Dobit


Promet, Profit & EBIT

Razumevanje prometa, EBIT-a i prihoda

Dobijte uvid u Erlebnis Akademie, sveobuhvatan pregled finansijskih performansi može se dobiti analizom dijagrama prometa, EBIT-a i prihoda. Promet predstavlja ukupni prihod koji Erlebnis Akademie ostvaruje iz svojih glavnih poslova i pokazuje sposobnost kompanije da privlači i zadržava klijente. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) pruža informacije o operativnoj profitabilnosti kompanije, oslobođen od poreskih i kamatnih troškova. Deo prihoda odražava neto profit Erlebnis Akademie, krajnju meru njegovog finansijskog zdravlja i profitabilnosti.

Godišnja analiza i poređenja

Pogledajte godišnje stubove kako biste razumeli godišnje performanse i rast Erlebnis Akademie. Uporedite promet, EBIT i prihod kako biste procenili efikasnost i profitabilnost kompanije. Veći EBIT u poređenju s prošlom godinom ukazuje na unapređenje operativne efikasnosti. Slično tome, povećanje prihoda ukazuje na povećanu ukupnu profitabilnost. Analiza poređenja iz godine u godinu pomaže investitorima da razumeju rast i operativnu efikasnost kompanije.

Koristite očekivanja za investiranje

Predviđene vrednosti za naredne godine pružaju investitorima uvid u očekivane finansijske performanse Erlebnis Akademie. Analiza ovih prognoza zajedno s istorijskim podacima pomaže da se donesu informisane investicione odluke. Investitori mogu proceniti potencijalne rizike i prinose i uskladiti svoje investicione strategije kako bi optimizovali profitabilnost i smanjili rizike.

Uvid u investicije

Upoređivanje prometa i EBIT-a pomaže u proceni operativne efikasnosti Erlebnis Akademie, dok upoređivanje prometa i prihoda otkriva neto profitabilnost nakon uzimanja u obzir svih troškova. Investitori mogu steći dragocene uvide analizirajući ove finansijske parametre pažljivo i tako postaviti temelj za strateške investicione odluke kako bi iskoristili potencijal za rast Erlebnis Akademie.

Erlebnis Akademie Prihod, dobit i EBIT istorija

DatumErlebnis Akademie PrometErlebnis Akademie EBITErlebnis Akademie Profit

Erlebnis Akademie Акција Маргине

Erlebnis Akademie анализа маржи приказује бруто маржу, ЕБИТ маржу, као и маржу добити компаније Erlebnis Akademie. ЕБИТ маржа (ЕБИТ/продаја) указује колики проценат од продате робе остаје као оперативни добитак. Маржа добити показује колики проценат продате робе компаније Erlebnis Akademie остаје.

Bruto marža
EBIT marža
Profitna marža


Razumevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena u procentima, pokazuje bruto dobit od prodaje Erlebnis Akademie. Viši procenat bruto marže znači da Erlebnis Akademie zadržava više prihoda nakon što su uzeti u obzir troškovi prodatih roba. Investitori koriste ovaj pokazatelj da ocene finansijsko zdravlje i operativnu efikasnost, i da je uporede sa konkurentima i prosečnim vrednostima u industriji.

Analiza marže EBIT

Marža EBIT predstavlja profit Erlebnis Akademie pre kamata i poreza. Analiza marže EBIT kroz različite godine pruža uvide u operativnu profitabilnost i efikasnost, bez efekata finansijskog leveraginga i poreske strukture. Rastuća marža EBIT tokom godina signalizira poboljšanu operativnu izvedbu.

Uvidi u maržu obrta

Marža obrta pokazuje ukupan promet koji Erlebnis Akademie ostvari. Upoređivanjem marže obrta iz godine u godinu, investitori mogu da procene rast i širenje tržišta Erlebnis Akademie. Važno je uporediti maržu obrta sa bruto i EBIT maržom, kako bi se bolje razumele strukture troškova i profita.

Tumačenje očekivanja

Očekivane vrednosti za bruto, EBIT i maržu obrta daju budući finansijski izgled Erlebnis Akademie. Investitori bi trebali da uporede ova očekivanja sa istorijskim podacima kako bi razumeli potencijalni rast i faktore rizika. Presudno je uzeti u obzir pretpostavke i metode koje su korišćene za prognozu ovih očekivanih vrednosti kako bi se donosile informisane investicione odluke.

Analiza poređenja

Poređenje bruto, EBIT i marži obrta, godišnje i kroz više godina, omogućuje investitorima da izvrše sveobuhvatnu analizu finansijskog zdravlja i perspektive rasta Erlebnis Akademie. Procena trendova i obrazaca u tim maržama pomaže u identifikovanju snaga, slabosti i potencijalnih investicionih prilika.

Erlebnis Akademie Istorija margine

Erlebnis Akademie Bruto maržaErlebnis Akademie Profitna maržaErlebnis Akademie EBIT maržaErlebnis Akademie Profitna marža

Erlebnis Akademie акција промет, EBIT, добит по акцији

Erlebnis Akademie-промет по акцији отуда показује колико промета Erlebnis Akademie у једном периоду припада свакој акцији. EBIT по акцији показује колико оперативног профита припада свакој акцији. Добит по акцији указује колико профита припада свакој акцији.

Prihod po akciji
EBIT po akciji
Dobit po akciji

Promet, EBIT i Zarada po deonici

Promet po deonici

Promet po deonici predstavlja ukupan promet koji Erlebnis Akademie ostvaruje, podeljen brojem izdatih deonica. To je ključna metrika, jer odražava sposobnost kompanije da generiše promet i pokazuje potencijal za rast i širenje. Godišnja poređenja prometa po deonici omogućuju investitorima da analiziraju postojanost prihoda kompanije i predviđaju buduće trendove.

EBIT po deonici

EBIT po deonici označava dobit Erlebnis Akademie pre kamata i poreza, i pruža uvid u operativnu profitabilnost, ne uzimajući u obzir efekte kapitalne strukture i poreske stope. Može se uporediti s prometom po deonici kako bi se ocenila efikasnost pretvaranja prodaje u profit. Konstantan porast EBIT-a po deonici tokom godina naglašava operativnu efikasnost i profitabilnost.

Prihod po deonici

Prihod po deonici ili Zarada po deonici (EPS) pokazuje deo dobiti Erlebnis Akademie koji se dodeljuje svakoj deonici osnovnog kapitala. To je ključno za ocenu profitabilnosti i finansijskog zdravlja. Poređenjem s prometom i EBIT-om po deonici, investitori mogu videti koliko efikasno kompanija pretvara promet i operativni profit u neto prihod.

Očekivane vrednosti

Očekivane vrednosti su prognoze za promet, EBIT i prihod po deonici za naredne godine. Ove prognoze, koje se baziraju na istorijskim podacima i tržišnim analizama, pomažu investitorima da strategizuju svoje investicije, ocene buduće poslovanje Erlebnis Akademie i procene buduće cene deonica. Međutim, ključno je uzeti u obzir tržišne volatilnosti i neizvesnosti koje mogu uticati na ove prognoze.

Erlebnis Akademie Promet, dobit i EBIT po akciji - istorija

DatumErlebnis Akademie Prihod po akcijiErlebnis Akademie EBIT po akcijiErlebnis Akademie Dobit po akciji

Erlebnis Akademie Akcija i analiza akcija

The Experience Academy AG is a young company that specializes in creating extraordinary nature experiences. The company was founded in 2001 in Waldachtal, Baden-Württemberg by entrepreneurs Thomas Räuchle and Rainer Schaller. The idea that the two founders pursued was to experience nature in a different way. Away from the classic sightseeing tour and towards an experience where one can feel the beauty and fascination of nature up close. The Experience Academy AG offers a wide range of possibilities to experience unique nature experiences off the beaten path. The business model of the Experience Academy AG is based on offering nature experiences that cannot be found everywhere. The needs of customers are placed at the center in order to provide them with an unforgettable experience. This experience is created through the combination of nature and adventure, focusing on a wide range of experiences. The experiences are offered in different categories to diversify the offering. For example, in the tree path category, there are various tree courses that can be completed either in a group or alone. In the cable car category, there are various cable cars that lead over gorges and valleys. Skywalks and other facilities are also included in the offering. Another offering is the treehouse stay, where one can experience nature in a Robinson Crusoe feeling. Equipped with a cooking place and simple sleeping accommodations, the treehouse offers a nature experience that is not easily forgotten. The products of the Experience Academy AG aim to appeal to a wide audience. There are offers for families, groups, and companies. Even school classes can find original offers for their outings. The concept of the Experience Academy AG also includes innovative locations. The locations are all unusual, such as a treetop path near Bad Harzburg in the Harz region and the recently completed treetop path in Bad Wildbad in the Black Forest. The Experience Academy AG also has locations in Czechia and Slovakia. The Experience Academy AG aims to include the natural environment as an experiential space in its offering. Care is always taken to balance economic and ecological interests. Overall, the Experience Academy AG can be described as a company that has made it its mission to create extraordinary nature experiences. The different categories and products offer a wide range of possibilities, ranging from cable car experiences to treehouse stays. Sustainable use of resources is always taken into account. Through its unusual locations and modern concept, the Experience Academy AG has become one of the largest providers of extraordinary nature experiences in Germany and Europe. Erlebnis Akademie je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija na

Erlebnis Akademie Ocena na osnovu istorijskog KGV, EBIT i KUV

Trenutno, nažalost, nema dostupnih ciljanih cena i prognoza za Erlebnis Akademie.

Česta pitanja o Erlebnis Akademie akciji

What values and corporate philosophy does Erlebnis Akademie represent?

Erlebnis Akademie AG represents a set of core values and a corporate philosophy based on adventure, nature, and sustainability. The company aims to offer unique and memorable outdoor experiences to its customers while emphasizing environmental responsibility. With a focus on sustainable development, Erlebnis Akademie AG aims to create harmonious connections between people and nature through their exceptional adventure parks around the world. By promoting eco-friendly practices and respecting the natural environment, the company strives to inspire individuals to appreciate and protect nature while enjoying thrilling outdoor activities. Erlebnis Akademie AG's corporate philosophy prioritizes adventure, nature conservation, and sustainable development.

In which countries and regions is Erlebnis Akademie primarily present?

Erlebnis Akademie AG is primarily present in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and Canada.

What significant milestones has the company Erlebnis Akademie achieved?

Erlebnis Akademie AG has achieved several significant milestones in its history. One of the notable accomplishments includes the establishment of numerous treetop walkways and adventure parks in various locations across Germany. These attractions offer visitors a unique and immersive experience amidst nature, combining adventure, education, and environmental consciousness. Erlebnis Akademie AG has successfully developed and operated these adventure destinations, allowing individuals of all ages to connect with the outdoors and foster an appreciation for the environment. These milestones highlight the company's commitment to creating memorable and sustainable experiences for its customers, solidifying its position as a leading provider of recreational outdoor activities in Germany.

What is the history and background of the company Erlebnis Akademie?

Erlebnis Akademie AG is a renowned company specializing in unique outdoor experiences and adventure parks. Founded in 2001, Erlebnis Akademie AG has become a leading provider of high-quality, sustainable recreational activities. The company's captivating concept combines breathtaking treetop walks, suspended bridges, and thrilling observation towers to offer visitors an extraordinary perspective on nature. With parks located in Germany, Czech Republic, and Ireland, Erlebnis Akademie AG continues to expand its reach and provide unforgettable adventures for all ages. This innovative company's commitment to exceptional customer experiences and environmental stewardship has made it a top choice for nature enthusiasts seeking remarkable outdoor encounters.

Who are the main competitors of Erlebnis Akademie in the market?

The main competitors of Erlebnis Akademie AG in the market include various companies operating in the adventure and outdoor experiential learning industry. These competitors include Adventure Forests, Outdoor Ventures, Adventure Works, and AdventureX. Erlebnis Akademie AG faces strong competition from these companies in offering unique and engaging outdoor experiences and team-building activities.

In which industries is Erlebnis Akademie primarily active?

Erlebnis Akademie AG is primarily active in the leisure and tourism industry.

What is the business model of Erlebnis Akademie?

The business model of Erlebnis Akademie AG focuses on providing unique and immersive outdoor experiences to individuals and groups. They specialize in developing and operating high-quality treetop and forest adventure parks in beautiful natural landscapes. Erlebnis Akademie AG aims to offer thrilling activities such as canopy walks, zip lines, and suspension bridges, allowing visitors to connect with nature while enjoying exciting challenges. By combining exceptional adventure courses with sustainable tourism practices, Erlebnis Akademie AG aims to promote environmental conservation and create memorable experiences for adventure enthusiasts.

Koji P/E odnos ima Erlebnis Akademie 2024?

KGV za Erlebnis Akademie trenutno ne može biti izračunato.

Koji je KUV za Erlebnis Akademie 2024?

KUV za Erlebnis Akademie trenutno ne može biti izračunat.

Koji AlleAktien kvalitetni skor ima Erlebnis Akademie?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Erlebnis Akademie.

Koliki je prihod od Erlebnis Akademie 2024?

Prihod trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Erlebnis Akademie.

Koliki je profit kompanije Erlebnis Akademie 2024?

Profit trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Erlebnis Akademie.

Шта ради Erlebnis Akademie?

The Experience Academy AG is a company that operates in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland and specializes in the conception and implementation of adventure worlds in nature. The innovative business model is based on the combination of nature, sustainability, and experience. The Experience Academy AG offers various divisions that are interesting for both private individuals and companies. The first division is treetop walkways. These are unique visitor attractions that lead through the treetops at lofty heights. The walkways offer spectacular views and allow visitors to experience nature from a new perspective. The second division is nature adventure worlds. Complex adventure worlds are built in the forests of the region. These offer a unique experience in nature for both children and adults. The nature adventure worlds include various stations where visitors can actively participate and learn. Topics such as sustainability, environmental protection, or organic farming are addressed. The third division is adventure camps. These are accommodations in nature that offer a special experience. The adventure camps are built in the forests of the region and offer unique opportunities to experience nature. Accommodations range from simple tents to modern treehouses. In addition, the Experience Academy AG also offers various products dedicated to the theme of nature and sustainability. These include sustainable products such as beeswax wraps, soaps, or honey. They are handmade and produced in an environmentally friendly manner. The adventure worlds of the Experience Academy AG are not only unique experiences for private individuals but also offer companies the opportunity to book team events or incentive trips. The various divisions and offers can be combined individually, providing a diverse program for participants. The business model of the Experience Academy AG is based on the combination of nature, sustainability, and experience. The various divisions and products offer a unique experience in nature while also helping visitors develop an awareness of sustainability and the environment. The adventure worlds are not only intended for private individuals but also offer companies the opportunity to motivate employees and strengthen team spirit.

Kolika je Erlebnis Akademie dividenda?

Erlebnis Akademie isplaćuje dividendu od 0 EUR raspoređenu preko isplata u toku godine.

Koliko često Erlebnis Akademie isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividenda za Erlebnis Akademie trenutno ne može biti izračunata ili kompanija ne isplaćuje dividendu.

Šta je Erlebnis Akademie ISIN?

ISIN od Erlebnis Akademie je DE0001644565.

Šta je Erlebnis Akademie WKN?

WKN od Erlebnis Akademie je 164456.

Koji je Erlebnis Akademie berzanski simbol?

Oznaka za praćenje akcija kompanije Erlebnis Akademie je EAD.DE.

Kolika je dividenda koju isplaćuje Erlebnis Akademie?

U poslednjih 12 meseci, Erlebnis Akademie je isplatio dividendu u iznosu od . To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od oko . Za narednih 12 meseci, Erlebnis Akademie će verovatno isplatiti dividendu od 0 EUR.

Kolika je dividendna prinosa za Erlebnis Akademie?

Dividendski prinos od Erlebnis Akademie trenutno iznosi .

Kada Erlebnis Akademie isplaćuje dividendu?

Erlebnis Akademie isplaćuje dividende na kvartalnom nivou. One se isplaćuju u mesecima .

Koliko je sigurna dividenda od Erlebnis Akademie?

Erlebnis Akademie je isplaćivao dividendu svake godine u poslednjih 0 godina.

Kolika je dividenda kompanije Erlebnis Akademie?

Za narednih 12 meseci očekuju se dividende u iznosu od 0 EUR. To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od 0 %.

U kom sektoru se nalazi Erlebnis Akademie?

Erlebnis Akademie se svrstava u sektor 'Ciklična potrošnja'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Erlebnis Akademie kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da biste primili poslednju dividendu od Erlebnis Akademie od 26. 9. 2024. u iznosu od 0 EUR, morali ste da imate akciju u depou pre Ex-dana 26. 9. 2024..

Kada je Erlebnis Akademie poslednji put isplatio dividendu?

Isplata poslednje dividende izvršena je 26. 9. 2024..

Kolika je bila dividenda od Erlebnis Akademie u godini 2023?

U godini 2023 kompanija Erlebnis Akademie je isplatila 0 EUR kao dividende.

U kojoj valuti Erlebnis Akademie isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividende od Erlebnis Akademie se isplaćuju u EUR.

Ostali pokazatelji i analize od Erlebnis Akademie u dubinskoj analizi

Naša analiza akcija za akciju Erlebnis Akademie Promet uključuje važne finansijske pokazatelje kao što su prihod, profit, P/E odnos, P/S odnos, EBIT, kao i informacije o dividendama. Takođe, razmatramo aspekte poput akcija, tržišne kapitalizacije, dugova, kapitala i obaveza kompanije Erlebnis Akademie Promet. Ako tražite detaljnije informacije o ovim temama, na našim podstranicama vam nudimo opsežne analize: