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Združeno kraljestvo Stanovanjski krediti


2,796 milijard GBP
Sprememba +/-
+92 mio. GBP
Sprememba %
+3,35 %

Trenutna vrednost Stanovanjski krediti v Združeno kraljestvo je 2,796 milijard GBP. Stanovanjski krediti v Združeno kraljestvo so se zvišali na 2,796 milijard GBP dne 1. 7. 2024, potem ko so dne 1. 6. 2024 znašali 2,704 milijard GBP. Od 1. 10. 1986 do 1. 8. 2024 je bil povprečni BDP v Združeno kraljestvo 3,30 milijard GBP. Rekordna vrednost je bila dosežena dne 1. 6. 2021 z 17,16 milijard GBP, medtem ko je bila najnižja vrednost zabeležena dne 1. 7. 2021 z −1,75 milijard GBP.

Vir: Bank of England

Stanovanjski krediti

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Hipotekarni kredit

Stanovanjski krediti Zgodovina

1. 7. 20242,796 milijard GBP
1. 6. 20242,704 milijard GBP
1. 5. 20241,324 milijard GBP
1. 4. 20242,436 milijard GBP
1. 3. 2024414 mio. GBP
1. 2. 20241,811 milijard GBP
1. 11. 2023139 mio. GBP
1. 10. 202368 mio. GBP
1. 8. 20231,061 milijard GBP
1. 7. 2023108 mio. GBP

Podobni makroekonomski kazalniki kot Stanovanjski krediti

Cene stanovanjskih nepremičnin
−1,71 %−0,79 %Četrtletje
Delež lastništva domov
65,2 %65 %Letno
Državne cene stanovanj
530,83 points529,4 pointsMesečno
Državne cene stanovanj MoM
0,7 %−0,2 %Mesečno
Državne cene stanovanj YoY
3,2 %2,4 %Mesečno
Gradbena dela
22.99 units22.58 unitsČetrtletje
Gradbena naročila
−2,9 %−30,1 %Četrtletje
Gradbena proizvodnja
−1,6 %−1,7 %Mesečno
Gradbeni PMI
55,3 points52,2 pointsMesečno
Hipotekarna obrestna mera
7,69 %7,83 %Mesečno
Hipotekarna odobritev
64.86 62.5 Mesečno
Indeks cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin MoM
0,3 %0,3 %Mesečno
Indeks cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin YoY
1,5 %1,1 %Mesečno
Povprečne cene hiš
291.268 GBP289.042 GBPMesečno
Razmerje med ceno in najemnino
117,596 118,258 Četrtletje
RICS stanovanjski cenovni indeks
1 %−18 %Mesečno
Stanovanjski indeks
505,9 points504,5 pointsMesečno
Zasebne najemnine
8,9 %9,2 %Mesečno

V Združenem kraljestvu se hipotekarno posojanje nanaša na mesečne spremembe skupnega neto zavarovanega posojanja v funtih posameznikom in stanovanjskim združenjem na Eulerpool.

Kaj je Stanovanjski krediti

Home Loans, or in Slovene "Stanovanjska posojila," are a critical component of the macroeconomic landscape in any country, including Slovenia. As a professional website dedicated to displaying macroeconomic data, Eulerpool recognizes the importance of understanding the intricate dynamics of home loans and how they impact the broader economy. This comprehensive overview will delve into various facets of the home loan market in Slovenia, including market conditions, trends, and their macroeconomic implications. The macroeconomic environment plays a significant role in shaping the home loan market. The primary factors influencing home loans include interest rates, inflation, employment rates, and general economic growth. In Slovenia, as in other countries, interest rates are governed by the central bank’s monetary policy. The Slovenian central bank, as part of the Eurosystem, aligns its policies with the broader objectives of the European Central Bank (ECB). When interest rates are low, borrowing costs for home loans decrease, leading to a higher demand for mortgages. Conversely, when interest rates rise, borrowing becomes more expensive, and demand for home loans typically declines. Inflation is another critical macroeconomic factor. When inflation rates are high, the real value of money decreases over time. For homeowners, this can have both positive and negative implications. On the one hand, the real value of future mortgage payments decreases, benefiting borrowers. On the other hand, high inflation often leads to higher interest rates, which can make home loans more expensive. Understanding the balance between inflation and interest rates is crucial for prospective homebuyers and policymakers alike. Employment rates and economic growth are closely intertwined with the housing market. Higher employment rates generally lead to increased consumer confidence and purchasing power, which can drive demand for home loans. Economic growth typically results in higher household incomes, further boosting the ability to afford homes. In Slovenia, strong economic performance in recent years has positively influenced the housing market, leading to increased demand for home loans. However, the macroeconomic impact of home loans extends beyond individual financial considerations. Home loans can significantly affect the broader economy through various channels. One of the most significant impacts is on the construction industry. Increased demand for housing leads to higher investment in construction, which in turn boosts employment and economic activity in related sectors. This multiplier effect underscores the importance of a vibrant home loan market for overall economic health. From a macroeconomic stability perspective, the housing market and, by extension, the home loan market, can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, a robust housing market can contribute to economic growth. On the other hand, excessive borrowing and inflated housing prices can lead to economic instability, as witnessed during the global financial crisis of 2008. Therefore, it is crucial for authorities to closely monitor the home loan market and implement measures to prevent speculative bubbles and ensure sustainable growth. In Slovenia, the regulatory environment governing home loans is designed to balance these competing objectives. The Bank of Slovenia, in collaboration with the ECB, sets guidelines for lending practices to ensure that the housing market remains stable and borrowers are not over-leveraged. These guidelines include requirements for minimum down payments, maximum loan-to-value ratios, and borrower affordability assessments. By adhering to these regulatory norms, lenders can help maintain a healthy balance between promoting homeownership and preventing financial vulnerabilities. Technological advancements have also played a pivotal role in transforming the home loan market in Slovenia. Digital platforms and fintech innovations have made the mortgage application process more streamlined and accessible. Online comparison tools allow potential borrowers to explore different loan options and choose the one that best fits their needs. Additionally, the advent of digital documentation and e-signatures has significantly reduced the bureaucratic hurdles traditionally associated with home loan applications. Market trends in the home loan sector are continuously evolving. In recent years, Slovenia has seen a shift towards fixed-rate mortgages, as borrowers seek to lock in low interest rates amidst economic uncertainties. Fixed-rate mortgages provide predictability in monthly payments, which can be particularly appealing in a volatile economic environment. Additionally, there has been a growing interest in environmentally sustainable housing. Green mortgages, which offer favorable terms for energy-efficient homes, are gaining traction as both borrowers and lenders recognize the long-term financial and environmental benefits of sustainable housing. The demographic profile of home loan borrowers is also changing. Younger generations, particularly millennials, are entering the housing market with different preferences and financial behaviors compared to previous generations. This cohort is more likely to prioritize urban living and flexible financing options. Lenders are responding to these trends by offering more customized and flexible mortgage products to cater to the diverse needs of modern borrowers. Looking ahead, several factors are poised to shape the future of the home loan market in Slovenia. The ongoing digitization of financial services will continue to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of mortgage lending. Furthermore, demographic shifts, including an aging population and urbanization trends, will influence housing demand and loan products. Policymakers and industry stakeholders will need to stay attuned to these changes to ensure that the home loan market remains resilient and capable of supporting economic growth. In conclusion, home loans are a vital component of Slovenia’s macroeconomic framework, influencing and being influenced by a myriad of economic factors. At Eulerpool, we are committed to providing comprehensive and accurate data to help stakeholders navigate the complexities of the home loan market. By understanding the interplay between interest rates, inflation, employment, and economic growth, borrowers and policymakers can make informed decisions that promote financial stability and economic prosperity. As the housing market evolves, continued vigilance and adaptation will be essential to harness the benefits of home loans while mitigating potential risks.