im Auftrag (i.A.) Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff im Auftrag (i.A.) für Deutschland.

im Auftrag (i.A.) Definition

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im Auftrag (i.A.)

"Im Auftrag (i.A.)" is a German term commonly used in the financial industry to indicate that an action or transaction is being carried out on behalf of another party.

In English, it can be translated as "on behalf of" or "by order of." This term is particularly relevant in the context of capital markets, where professionals often execute trades, investments, or other financial activities on behalf of their clients or companies. When an individual or entity acts "im Auftrag," they are assuming a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of the principal party. This concept is crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring that all financial activities are conducted ethically and within the regulatory framework. Understanding the implications and proper usage of "im Auftrag" is essential for investors, as it facilitates transparency, accountability, and legal compliance. In the context of stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and crypto, "im Auftrag" implies that an intermediary, such as a broker, fund manager, or financial institution, is executing a transaction on behalf of a client. For example, a stockbroker may buy or sell stocks "im Auftrag" of their client, following the client's instructions and considering any specific investment objectives or constraints. On, a prominent platform for equity research and finance news, we strive to provide comprehensive and accurate information to investors in capital markets. Our glossary is a valuable resource that aims to demystify complex financial terminology and empower users with in-depth explanations. By including "im Auftrag (i.A.)" in our glossary, we ensure that investors have a clear understanding of this fundamental concept and its relevance across different asset classes. In conclusion, "im Auftrag (i.A.)" is a German term used in capital markets to denote acting on behalf of another party. It is an integral part of transparent and ethical financial operations, ensuring that professionals take responsibility for executing actions in the best interests of their clients. With our extensive glossary, is committed to equipping investors with the knowledge they need to navigate the intricacies of capital markets successfully.
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