V letu 2024 je EBIT družbe Ball znašal 1,46 milijard USD, kar pomeni povečanje za 2,31% v primerjavi z 1,43 milijard USD EBIT iz preteklega leta.

Zgodovina Ball EBIT

LETOEBIT (undefined USD)

Ball Aktienanalyse

Kaj počne Ball?

Ball Corporation is an American company that was founded in 1880 and operates globally. Originally started as a glass container manufacturer, the company has evolved over the years to become a global provider of packaging and aerospace solutions. Ball is currently headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado and employs over 17,500 people in more than 100 locations worldwide. The company's history dates back to the 19th century when it was originally founded as the Wooden Jacket Can Company. The first glass containers were introduced into production in 1884. In 1891, the company was renamed as Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company after two brothers, Frank and Edmund Ball, joined the company. The Ball brothers introduced several innovations in glass container manufacturing, including a new method for producing rubber and metallic sealed lids known as the "Ball Closure." In the 1940s, Ball Corp became a leading provider of cans for the food industry and expanded its production to meet the increasing demand. In 1970, the company introduced another innovation, the world's first aluminum can. In the years that followed, the company expanded its focus to the aerospace sector and acquired several companies to establish itself as a global provider of solutions for the space industry. The core business of Ball Corp is the manufacturing of packaging solutions for various markets, including the food and beverage industry, cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals, and industrial sectors. The company produces a wide range of packaging formats, including glass and aluminum cans, reusable beverage and food containers, as well as plastic containers. The company also has a presence in the aerospace sector, where it manufactures and supplies components and systems for rockets, satellites, and space stations. In recent years, Ball Corp has expanded and diversified its business model through a series of acquisitions and joint ventures. In 2016, the company completed a $6.1 billion acquisition of Rexam plc, a leading provider of beverage cans, expanding its presence in international markets and significantly increasing its capacity in aluminum cans. In 2014, the company formed a joint venture with Chinese packaging company ORG Technology to establish a foothold in the Chinese market. Ball Corp is divided into three business segments: Packaging North America, Packaging International, and Aerospace. Packaging North America is the largest segment, producing a wide range of packaging formats, including aluminum and steel cans, single-use and reusable glass containers, plastic containers, and flexible packaging. The products of Ball Corp are used by consumers worldwide and can be found in many well-known brands. Packaging International focuses on the international market, producing packaging for some of the world's leading brands. This segment has benefited the most from the acquisition of Rexam, reducing its dependence on the North American market. Aerospace is the smallest segment of Ball Corp but one with high potential. The company manufactures components and systems for use in the aerospace industry, including tanks for rockets and satellites, structures and modules for space stations, and antennas. These products are used, among others, by NASA and the European Space Agency. Ball Corp's product range is diverse and includes packaging for various industries. Aluminum and steel cans are the most well-known products in the packaging field. The thin and lightweight beverage can has gained market share from glass containers and plastic bottles in recent years. Ball Corp is a global leader in the production of aluminum and steel cans, supplying them to some of the world's largest brands. In the glass packaging field, the company offers a wide range of solutions, including single-use glass containers, reusable glass containers, and glass containers with integrated lids. The company has also developed plastic containers that are lightweight and sturdy, making them suitable for use in the food industry. In conclusion, Ball Corp is a multinational company with a long history and a wide range of packaging solutions and aerospace products. The company has strengthened its market position and expanded its capabilities through strategic acquisitions and partnerships in recent years. Ball Corp's product range offers solutions for a wide range of industries and consumers. The company will continue to play an important role in the packaging and aerospace industries, solidifying its position as a global leader in packaging solutions and aerospace products. Ball ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf Eulerpool.com.

EBIT v podrobnosti

Analiza EBIT od Ball

EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) od Ball predstavlja operativni dobiček podjetja. Izračuna se tako, da se od skupnega prihodka odštejejo vse operativne izdatke, vključno s stroški prodanih blago in storitev (COGS) ter poslovnimi izdatki, brez upoštevanja obresti in davkov. Ponuja vpogled v operativno dobičkonosnost podjetja, brez vpliva financiranja in davčne strukture.

Letno primerjanje

Letna primerjava EBIT od Ball lahko pokaže trende v operativni učinkovitosti in dobičkonosnosti podjetja. Povečanje EBIT čez leta lahko kaže na izboljšano operativno učinkovitost ali rast prihodkov, medtem ko lahko upad sproži skrbi glede povečanja operativnih stroškov ali padca prihodkov.

Vpliv na investicije

EBIT od Ball je pomemben kazalnik za vlagatelje. Pozitiven EBIT nakazuje, da podjetje ustvarja dovolj prihodkov, da pokrije svoje poslovne stroške, kar je bistven vidik ocene finančnega zdravja in stabilnosti podjetja. Vlagatelji pozorno spremljajo EBIT za oceno dobičkonosnosti in potenciala za prihodnjo rast podjetja.

Interpretacija nihanj EBIT

Nihanja v EBIT od Ball so lahko rezultat sprememb v prihodkih, operativnih izdatkih ali obojega. Naraščajoč EBIT nakazuje na izboljšano operativno delovanje ali povečane prodaje, medtem ko zmanjšanje EBIT lahko kaže na rast operativnih stroškov ali zmanjšanje prihodkov, kar zahteva strateške prilagoditve.

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici Ball

Koliko je Ball dosegel EBIT v tekočem letu?

V tekočem letu je Ball dosegel EBIT v višini 1,46 milijard USD.

Kaj je EBIT?

EBIT pomeni Earnings Before Interest and Taxes in se nanaša na dobiček podjetja pred obrestmi in davki Ball.

Kako se je EBIT podjetja Ball razvijal v zadnjih letih?

EBIT družbe Ball se je v primerjavi z lanskim letom povečal za 2,314% narasel.

Kaj pomeni EBIT za vlagatelje?

EBIT daje vlagateljem vpogled v dobičkonosnost podjetja, saj prikazuje dobiček pred obrestmi in davki.

Zakaj je EBIT pomemben kazalnik za vlagatelje?

EBIT ponuja bolj neposreden vpogled v dobiček podjetja kot čisti dobiček, zato je pomemben kazalnik za vlagatelje pri ocenjevanju dobičkonosnosti podjetja.

Zakaj vrednosti EBIT nihajo?

EBIT vrednosti se lahko spreminjajo, saj jih vplivajo različni dejavniki, na primer prihodki, stroški in davčni učinki.

Kakšno vlogo igra davčna obremenitev pri EBIT?

Davčne obremenitve imajo neposreden vpliv na EBIT podjetja, saj se odštevajo od dobička.

Kako je EBIT prikazan v bilanci stanja podjetja Ball?

EBIT od Ball je naveden v izkazu dobička in izgube.

Ali lahko EBIT uporabimo kot posamezen kazalnik za ocenjevanje podjetja?

EBIT je pomemben kazalnik za ocenjevanje podjetja, vendar je za pridobitev celovite slike treba upoštevati tudi druge finančne kazalnike.

Zakaj EBIT ni enak čistemu dobičku?

Čisti dobiček podjetja vključuje tudi davke in obresti, medtem ko EBIT predstavlja samo dobiček pred obrestmi in davki.

Koliko dividende izplača Ball?

V zadnjih 12 mesecih je Ball izplačal dividendo v višini 0,80 USD . To ustreza približni donosnosti dividend 1,13 %. V prihajajočih 12 mesecih bo Ball predvidoma izplačal dividendo v višini 0,91 USD.

Kakšen je donos dividend od Ball?

Trenutni donos od dividend za Ball znaša 1,13 %.

Kdaj Ball izplača dividend?

Ball izplačuje četrtletno dividendo. Ta se izplačuje v mesecih september, december, marec, julij.

Kako varna je dividenda od Ball?

Ball je v zadnjih 25 letih vsako leto izplačeval dividend.

Kakšna je dividenda od Ball?

V naslednjih 12 mesecih se pričakuje dividende v višini 0,91 USD. To ustreza dividendnemu donosu 1,29 %.

V katerem sektorju se nahaja Ball?

Ball je razvrščen v sektor 'Osnovni materiali'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Ball kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da si prejel zadnjo dividendo Ball z dne 17. 6. 2024 v višini 0,2 USD, si moral imeti delnico v depoju pred dnevom brez pravice do dividende (Ex-Tag) 3. 6. 2024.

Kdaj je Ball izplačal zadnjo dividendo?

Zadnje izplačilo dividende je bilo 17. 6. 2024.

Kakšna je bila dividenda od Ball v letu 2023?

V letu 2023 je Ball 0,8 USD izplačal kot dividende.

V kateri valuti Ball izplača dividendo?

Dividende od Ball se izplačujejo v USD.

Delniški varčevalni načrti ponujajo privlačno možnost za vlagatelje, da dolgoročno zgradijo premoženje. Eden glavnih prednosti je tako imenovani učinek povprečenja stroškov: Z rednim vlaganjem fiksnega zneska v delnice ali delniške sklade se avtomatsko kupi več enot, ko so cene nizke, in manj, ko so visoke. To lahko vodi do ugodnejše povprečne cene na enoto s časom. Poleg tega delniški varčevalni načrti omogočajo tudi malim vlagateljem dostop do dragih delnic, saj se lahko pridružijo že z majhnimi zneski. Redna investicija tudi spodbuja disciplinirano investicijsko strategijo in pomaga izogibati se čustvenim odločitvam, kot so impulzivno kupovanje ali prodaja. Poleg tega vlagatelji profitirajo od potencialne rasti vrednosti delnic kot tudi od izplačil dividend, ki se lahko reinvestirajo, kar povečuje učinek obrestnega obrestovanja in s tem rast investiranega kapitala.

Delnica Ball je primerna za varčevalne načrte pri naslednjih ponudnikih: Trade Republic

Andere Kennzahlen von Ball

Naša analiza delnic Ball Prihodki vključuje pomembne finančne kazalnike, kot so prihodki, dobiček, razmerje cena/dobiček (KGV), razmerje cena/prihodki (KUV), EBIT ter informacije o dividendah. Prav tako preučujemo aspekte, kot so delnice, tržna kapitalizacija, dolgovi, lastniški kapital in obveznosti Ball Prihodki. Če iščete podrobnejše informacije o teh temah, na naših podstraneh nudimo obsežne analize: