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Ameerika Ühendriigid Sõidukite registreerimised

Aktsia hind

261 300
Muutus +/-
-19 400
Muutus %
-7,16 %

Praegune Sõidukite registreerimised väärtus Ameerika Ühendriigid on 261 300 . Sõidukite registreerimised Ameerika Ühendriigid langes 261 300 1.4.2024, pärast seda kui see oli 280 700 1.3.2024. Perioodil 1.1.1967 kuni 1.5.2024 oli Ameerika Ühendriigid keskmine SKT 676 110,01 . Kõigi aegade kõrgeim tase saavutati 1.9.1986 1,21 mln. , samas kui madalaim väärtus registreeriti 1.4.2020 166 400,00 .

Allikas: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Sõidukite registreerimised

  • 3 aastat

  • 5 aastat

  • 10 aastat

  • 25 aastat

  • Max

Sõidukite registreerimine

Sõidukite registreerimised Ajalugu

1.4.2024261 300
1.3.2024280 700
1.2.2024230 000
1.1.2024207 200
1.12.2023264 900
1.11.2023244 900
1.10.2023234 400
1.9.2023274 000
1.8.2023263 600
1.7.2023265 400

Sarnased makromajanduslikud näitajad Sõidukite registreerimised

0,5 %0,3 %Kuus
48,5 points48,7 pointsKuus
11,18 mln. Units11,73 mln. UnitsKuus
CFNAI indeks isikliku tarbimise ja eluasemete jaoks
−0,02 points−0,02 pointsKuus
CFNAI müügi-, tellimuste ja laovaru indeks
−0,02 %−0,01 %Kuus
CFNAI tootmisindeks
−0,28 %−0,02 %Kuus
0 points−0,05 pointsKuus
Chicago Fedi riiklik tegevusindeks
0,18 points−0,26 pointsKuus
Chicago PMI
46,1 points45,3 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi teenindussektori tuluindeks
7,7 points1,9 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi teenuste indeks
−4,1 points−12,1 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi tootmishindade indeks
21,5 points20,4 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi tootmishõive indeks
−2,9 points−5,3 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi tootmisindeks
−15,1 points−19,4 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi tootmisindeks
0,7 points−2,8 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi tootmisindeks
2,8 points−3 pointsKuus
Dallas Fedi uute tellimuste indeks
−1,3 points−2,2 pointsKuus
Ettevõtte kasumid
2,727 Bio. USD2,803 Bio. USDKvartal
Hulgikaupluse laovarud
0,6 %0,2 %Kuus
Investeerimiskaupade tellimused ilma kaitse- ja lennukisektorita
1 %−0,9 %Kuus
ISM hinnad mitte-töötlevas sektoris
58,1 points59,2 pointsKuus
ISM mitte-töötleva sektori hõive
47,1 points45,9 pointsKuus
ISM tegevus mitte-töötlevas sektoris
53,3 points54,5 pointsKuus
ISM tellimuste jääk töötlevas tööstuses
43,6 points41,7 pointsKuus
ISM Tööhõive töötlevas tööstuses
49,3 points51,1 pointsKuus
ISM tootmishinnad
52,1 points57 pointsKuus
ISM tootmisindeks
45,9 points48,5 pointsKuus
ISM tootmissektorite varud
50,3 points44,5 pointsKuus
ISM tootmistarned
52,6 points49,8 pointsKuus
ISM uute tellimuste indeks mitte-töötlevas sektoris
54,1 points52,2 pointsKuus
ISM uute tootmistellimuste indeks
49,3 points45,4 pointsKuus
Jae- jaemüügi laovarud ilma autodeta
0,4 %0,5 %Kuus
0,1 %−1,1 %Kuus
Kansas Fedi Komposiitindeks
−8 points−2 pointsKuus
Kansas Fedi makstud hinnaindeks.
19 points18 pointsKuus
Kansas Fedi tarneindeks
−1 points−18 pointsKuus
Kansas Fedi tööhõiveindeks
−7 points−12 pointsKuus
Kansas Fedi tootmisindeks
−11 points−1 pointsKuus
Kansas Fedi uuestellimise indeks
−13 points−6 pointsKuus
143,15 points142,9 pointsKuus
Koguautode müük
15,13 mln. 15,82 mln. Kuus
Komposiitne ostujuhtide indeks
54,4 points54,6 pointsKuus
Koostatud varajane indikaator
99,969 points99,991 pointsKuus
63,6 points65,2 pointsKuus
64,5 points64,9 pointsKuus
LMI-logistikajuhtide indeks tulevik
66,1 points65,5 pointsKuus
56,5 points55,3 pointsKuus
61 points57,8 pointsKuus
NFIB ärioptimismi indeks
90,5 points89,7 pointsKuus
NY Empire State makstud hinnaindeks
23,2 points23,4 pointsKuus
NY Empire State tarneindeks
3,3 points−1,2 pointsKuus
NY Empire State tööhõiveindeks
−8,7 points−6,4 pointsKuus
NY Empire State tootmisindeks
−6 points−15,6 pointsKuus
NY Empire State uustellimuste indeks
−1 points−16,5 pointsKuus
20 316 Companies18 926 CompaniesKvartal
Philadelphia Fedi tootmisindeks
1,3 points4,5 pointsKuus
Philly Fedi ärikliima
15,8 points15,4 pointsKuus
Philly Fedi CAPEX-indeks
12,1 points20,1 pointsKuus
Philly Fedi makstud hinnad
22,5 points18,7 pointsKuus
Philly Fedi tööhõive
−2,5 points−7,9 pointsKuus
Philly Fedi uued tellimused
−2,2 points−7,9 pointsKuus
Püsivate tarbekaupade tellimused ilma transpordita
0,5 %−0,1 %Kuus
Püsivkaupade tellimused
0 %9,8 %Kuus
Richmond Fedi teenindussektori indeks
−1 points−11 pointsKuus
Richmond Fedi Töötleva tööstuse indeks
−10 points0 pointsKuus
Richmondi Föderaalreservi töötleva tööstuse tarnekett
−9 points13 pointsKuus
Teenindussektori ostujuhtide indeks (PMI)
53,8 points49,4 pointsKuus
Teenuste PMI
55,1 points54,8 pointsKuus
Tehase tellimused ilma transpordita
0,7 %0,4 %Kuus
Tellimused pikaajalistele tarbekaupadele ilma kaitsetööstuseta
−0,2 %−0,5 %Kuus
Tellimused tehaselt
5 %−3,3 %Kuus
Terase tootmine
7 mln. Tonnes6,9 mln. TonnesKuus
Teravilja varud: nisu
702 mln. Bushels1,087 mld. BushelsKvartal
Teraviljavaru Mais
4,993 mld. Bushels8,347 mld. BushelsKvartal
Teraviljavarud Soja
969 mln. Bushels1,845 mld. BushelsKvartal
0,4 %−0,7 %Kuus
Tööstustoodangu kuu muutus
0,9 %0 %Kuus
Töötleva tööstuse ostujuhtide indeks
51,6 points51,3 pointsKuus
Töötleva tööstuse toodang
0,2 %−0,7 %Kuus
Tootmisproduktiivsus KuK
0,9 %−0,4 %Kuus
592,14 mld. USD563,972 mld. USDKuus
Varajane indikaator
101,2 points101,7 pointsKuus
Varude muutused
71,7 mld. USD17,7 mld. USDKvartal
78,7 %78,2 %Kuus

Ameerika Ühendriikides viitab autode registreerimine kõigi sõiduautode, sealhulgas universaalide, koguregistreerimisele. Need hõlmavad sõidukeid, mis on kokku pandud USA-s, Kanadas ja Mehhikos, samuti mujal toodetud sõidukeid.

Mis on Sõidukite registreerimised?

Car Registrations in Estonia: An Indicator of Economic Health Car registrations are a pivotal macroeconomic indicator that sheds light on the overall well-being and consumer confidence within a country. In Estonia, tracking the number of new car registrations offers insights into various facets of the economy, from consumer spending patterns to the effectiveness of monetary policies. On Eulerpool, a trusted platform for comprehensive macroeconomic data, we provide a detailed analysis of car registration trends in Estonia to help investors, policymakers, and businesses make informed decisions. Understanding the dynamics of car registrations in Estonia requires an appreciation of multiple economic parameters that interrelate to influence this sector. At the core, car registrations reflect consumer confidence. When consumer confidence is high, individuals are more likely to make significant expenditures, such as purchasing new vehicles. Therefore, a rise in car registrations typically signals strong economic activity and positive consumer sentiment. In Estonia, car registrations have displayed various trends over the years, corresponding to global and national economic conditions. For instance, during periods of economic growth, the number of new car registrations tends to increase. Conversely, economic downturns often result in a decline in the number of new cars hitting the roads. By analyzing these patterns, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into broader economic trends. Several factors influence car registrations in Estonia. These include household income levels, interest rates, government policies, and international economic conditions. When household incomes rise, residents have more disposable income to spend on durable goods, including vehicles. Therefore, a robust job market and wage growth positively correlate with increased car registrations. Interest rates also play a crucial role in this domain. Lower interest rates make car loans more affordable, encouraging more people to purchase vehicles. Conversely, higher interest rates can dampen car sales as borrowing costs rise. Thus, monitoring fluctuations in interest rates is essential for predicting trends in car registrations. Government policies, such as subsidies, tax incentives, and environmental regulations, significantly impact car registrations. For example, incentives for electric vehicles can boost registrations in that segment, reflecting a shift towards more sustainable transportation options. On the other hand, stringent environmental regulations can reduce registrations of older, less environmentally friendly cars as consumers transition to newer, compliant models. International economic conditions and global events also reverberate through car registration numbers in Estonia. For instance, global supply chain disruptions can affect the availability of new cars, thereby influencing registration figures. Similarly, changes in exchange rates can impact car prices, especially for imported models, thereby affecting consumer purchasing decisions. Eulerpool provides users with up-to-date data and comprehensive analyses to help them understand these complex dynamics. Our platform tracks car registration data monthly, permitting detailed trend analysis over various time horizons. This transparency allows investors to gauge economic health and adjust their strategies accordingly. For policymakers, these insights are invaluable for crafting informed, effective economic policies. Moreover, Eulerpool offers comparative analyses of car registration trends in Estonia vis-à-vis other countries. This comparative framework allows users to contextualize Estonia’s performance within the broader global economy. For instance, a sudden spike in car registrations in Estonia can be juxtaposed against similar trends in neighboring countries to identify regional economic patterns. The automotive industry in Estonia itself warrants special attention. This sector is a key component of the Estonian economy, influencing numerous ancillary industries, from banking to manufacturing. Therefore, fluctuations in car registrations have far-reaching implications. For instance, increased car sales can spur growth in automotive services, insurance, and finance sectors, thereby catalyzing broader economic growth. Understanding car registration trends also offers insights into consumer preferences. For example, a surge in registrations of electric vehicles indicates a shift towards greener transportation options, reflecting changing consumer priorities and regulatory frameworks. Eulerpool's detailed data analyses help stakeholders understand these shifts and align their strategies with emerging trends. Agricultural seasons can also influence car registrations in Estonia, albeit indirectly. For example, during harvest periods, there might be an increased demand for utility and commercial vehicles, reflecting the cyclical nature of the economy. Recognizing these patterns helps in forecasting short-term fluctuations in car registrations. Trends in car registrations also provide a window into the efficacy of public transportation infrastructure. For instance, a continuous decline in new car registrations might suggest an improvement in public transportation options or a societal shift towards alternative modes of transportation like biking or ride-sharing. Eulerpool ensures that its data on car registrations is not just current but also highly granular. Users can explore data segmented by vehicle type, fuel type, and customer demographics. This level of detail enables a nuanced understanding of the market, helping stakeholders make precise, informed decisions. To sum up, car registrations in Estonia offer a rich vein of information for understanding the health and direction of the country's economy. By tracking and analyzing this data, Eulerpool provides valuable insights that support the decision-making processes of investors, policymakers, and businesses. Whether you are looking to understand consumer confidence, forecast economic trends, or craft informed government policies, car registration data is an indispensable tool. Through our comprehensive, real-time data and analyses, Eulerpool ensures you stay ahead of the curve, capturing the complexities of Estonia's economic landscape with precision and clarity.