Vegetarian Boom: Meatless Alternatives Gain Increasing Popularity

Eulerpool News·

Demand for plant-based food options is experiencing a sustained upswing in Germany. New figures from the Federal Statistical Office reveal that the production of vegetarian and vegan meat substitutes increased by a notable 16.6 percent last year. With approximately 121,600 tonnes of meat replacement products manufactured, the upward trend of previous years continues. This development impressively demonstrates that the appetite for tofu sausages, soy patties, and veggie burgers is also growing robustly in this country. The comparison with the production figures from 2019 is also remarkable: Within this time frame, the output of meat alternatives more than doubled – an increase of 113.8 percent, as reported by the Wiesbaden authority. The sector is also enjoying a growing number of manufacturers: While there were 51 companies dedicated to the creation of vegetarian delicacies in 2022, there are already 67 producers in 2023. Nonetheless, the production of meat substitute products remains a relatively small segment in the food market. For comparison: Meat production reached a goods value of an impressive 44.8 billion euros in 2023, thus far exceeding that of meat alternatives (583.2 million euros). Still, the trend towards reduced meat consumption is unmistakable: According to current surveys by the Federal Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition, per capita meat consumption decreased by 0.4 kilograms to 51.6 kilograms compared to the previous year. The appetite for meat substitute products appears to be unstoppable, and the industry could contribute to a more sustainable and healthier diet in Germany in the coming years.
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