Terms of Use and Consumer Information by Eulerpool

Learn how we handle your data when visiting our online offerings.

§ 1 Provider and Scope
§ 2 Ordering process and conclusion of contract
§ 3 Prices and Payment Terms
§ 4 Contract Duration and Termination
§ 5 Right of revocation
§ 6 Liability, Warranty, Customer Service, Dispute Resolution
§ 7 Risk notice
§ 8 Final Provisions

§ 1 Scope, Definitions

(1) The provider of the Eulerpool websites and corresponding versions for use on mobile devices is:


E-Mail: info@eulerpool.com

Internet: www.eulerpool.com

These websites offer comprehensive stock market information and newsletters, which are available to users both free of charge and for a fee.

(2) These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all membership agreements between consumers (§ 13 BGB) and entrepreneurs (§ 14 BGB) and the provider.

§ 2 Ordering process and conclusion of contract

(1) The contract is concluded with Eulerpool Research Systems (see above).

(2) The offered services are a binding contract offer to conclude a corresponding contract. By clicking the button "Order now with obligation to pay", the customer submits his binding declaration of contract, thereby accepting the offer of the provider. The contract is thereby concluded. Subsequently, the customer will be redirected to a payment page where he can enter further data and initiate the payment process. Here, the customer can recognize and modify input errors. Immediately afterwards, the customer will receive a confirmation email acknowledging the receipt of the order.

(3) The language available for contract conclusion is German.

(4) The contract text will not be stored by the provider. However, the customer will receive an email with the order data and the terms and conditions. The current terms and conditions can also be viewed on the website at any time.

§ 3 Prices and Payment Terms

(1) The prices mentioned on the website include the statutory value-added tax and other price components.

(2) There are various payment options available:
  • For the payment method "credit card," the credit card information must be provided on the order page. The credit card will be charged on the same day.
  • With the payment method "SEPA Direct Debit", the customer grants a SEPA direct debit mandate. With the SEPA direct debit mandate, the customer authorizes the provider to collect the payment by direct debit from the customer's account. At the same time, the customer instructs his/her bank to honor the direct debit. The SEPA direct debit mandate can be revoked by the customer at any time. The debit will be made within 7 days.

§ 4 Duration of Contract and Termination

(1) The contract runs indefinitely. It can be terminated at any time with a notice period of one month.

(2) Eulerpool Premium is also offered with a minimum contract term of one year. After the minimum contract term expires, the contract will automatically be extended indefinitely if not canceled in advance. During the minimum contract term, the contract can be terminated at any time, with termination taking effect at the end of the minimum contract term. The extended contractual relationship can be terminated at any time with one month's notice.

(3) The termination requires written form (e.g. letter, email). Additionally, termination can also be done through the termination function on the website.

(4) The right to terminate without notice remains unaffected.

§ 5 Right of withdrawal

Consumers have a right of withdrawal. Entrepreneurs are not granted a voluntary right of withdrawal.

Cancellation policy

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reasons.

The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the day of concluding the contract. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us (, Telephone: , Email: hello@eulerpool.com) by means of a clear statement (e.g., a letter sent by post or an email) of your decision to withdraw from this contract. You can use the attached sample withdrawal form, but it is not mandatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the notification of exercising your right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period expires.

Right of withdrawal

If you revoke this contract, we will refund you all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (excluding any additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), immediately and no later than fourteen days from the day on which we receive notification of your revocation of this contract. We will use the same means of payment for this repayment as you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged any fees for this repayment.

If you have requested that the services should start during the withdrawal period, you must pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the proportion of services already provided up to the point when you inform us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal regarding this contract, compared to the total scope of services provided for in the contract.

Sample withdrawal form

(If you want to withdraw from the contract, please fill out this form and send it back.)

An Eulerpool Research Systems, 9 Battery Road, 049910 Singapore

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/the provision of the following service (*).

Ordered on (*) / received on (*).

- Name of the consumer

- Consumer's address

- Consumer's signature (only for communication on paper)

- Date

(*) Delete irrelevant information.

§ 6 Liability, Warranty, Customer Service, Dispute Resolution

(1) The statutory warranty law applies.

(2) Claims for damages by the customer due to investment decisions made are excluded. Eulerpool has been created to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data provided. In case of doubt, all Eulerpool metrics should be verified in the respective company's annual report.

(3) Exclusion of investment advice. No investment advice is provided. The purchase of stocks is associated with high risks, including the possibility of a total loss. The customer may make investment decisions only after conducting their own research and not relying on the information provided by Eulerpool. Eulerpool, the Eulerpool partners, the Eulerpool shareholders and owners, as well as the analysts and data providers working for Eulerpool, do not assume any responsibility for any consequences and losses resulting from the use of our information.

(4) The provider offers customer service. It is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm by email at info@eulerpool.comto reach.

(5) Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 ODR Regulation: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you can find at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ find.

(6) Information according to § 36 VSBG: The provider is not willing and not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation body.

§ 7 Risk Disclaimer

(1) The information and offers on Eulerpool's websites are intended for registered as well as unregistered users. However, the offers found by the user on Eulerpool's websites are explicitly not aimed at individuals in countries that prohibit the hosting or accessing of the content posted therein, particularly not at US persons within the meaning of Regulation S of the US Securities Act of 1933, as well as internet users in the UK, Northern Ireland, Canada, and Japan. Each user is responsible for informing themselves about any restrictions and adhering to them before accessing the websites.

(2) As far as Eulerpool provides stock or financial information, prices, indices, news, (stock) metrics, dividends, market data, as well as other general market information on their websites, these are for informational purposes only and to support the user's independent investment decision. The mentioned information does not constitute an invitation to buy, hold, or sell securities and derivative financial products, and does not establish an individual advisory or consultation relationship. They are not legal, tax, or other advice and cannot replace such advice.

(3) Before making investment decisions, the user should carefully inform themselves about the opportunities and risks of the investment. A positive performance of a financial product in the past does not in any way indicate future returns. Eulerpool assumes no liability for the provided information deemed reliable by Eulerpool, for trading suggestions provided, and for their completeness. Readers and participants in multimedia events such as webinars, videos, audio content, or lecture events who make investment decisions or carry out transactions based on the published content, do so entirely at their own risk and on their own responsibility.

(4) The published recommendations are for general information purposes only. They do not constitute advice within the meaning of the Securities Trading Act and do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell securities or derivatives. They merely reflect the author's current personal opinion. There can be no guarantee of the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, value or quality of the information provided. Therefore, no liability can be accepted. Claims for damages against Eulerpool expressly cannot be asserted. Engagements in stocks are always associated with risks, which in extreme cases can also result in a total loss of the capital invested. Therefore, the use of the content is at your own risk. All information is provided without warranty and without guarantee of accuracy. The information is solely for private use. The distribution to third parties is prohibited without the express consent of the publisher.

(5) We do not guarantee the accuracy of the data (including financial indicators and data from Eulerpool). Occasionally, miscalculations or rounding errors may occur. Technical issues will be resolved as quickly as possible. A temporary interruption of signal delivery does not entitle you to reimbursement or a discount.

(6) The information provided on Eulerpool is for general informational purposes only.

(7) Eulerpool does not provide investment advice and does not give specific recommendations regarding securities, financial products, or instruments. Furthermore, the mention of a particular security at Eulerpool does not constitute a recommendation by Eulerpool to buy, sell, or hold the respective or any other security, financial product, or instrument.

(8) Even if formulations and instructions seem to prompt an action, Eulerpool cannot be held responsible for actual transactions on the part of the user.

(9) The use of this site cannot replace the competent advice of a recognized investment advisor. Please remember that any type of investment carries the risk of financial losses.

(10) Eulerpool does not offer any financial services as defined by the Banking Act, nor does it provide any securities services as defined by the Securities Trading Act.

§ 8 Final provisions

(1) If the customer is a business entity, German law applies to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

(1) (2) If the customer is a merchant within the meaning of the Commercial Code, a legal entity under public law or a special public fund, Munich shall be the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the provider and the customer.