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Stocks with high dividend 2025

The 100 stocks with the highest dividend yield.

Stocks with high dividend 2025
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List of Stocks with High Dividend

Investors who follow the dividend strategy primarily buy stocks of companies with high dividend yields. With this, they aim to secure a passive income. Investing according to the dividend strategy describes the purchase of dividend stocks, which can generate a steadily increasing passive income.

In this strategy, there are similar criteria as with a regular long-term stock strategy: The quality of high dividend stocks is also the decisive factor here.

When searching for stocks with high dividends, a combination of qualitative and quantitative factors is important, and fundamental indicators are often a decisive criterion in the selection.

In addition, there are dividend indicators that become particularly relevant, such as the history of the dividend or the dividend growth over a as long as possible period of time. This allows us to better estimate whether the dividend may have been reduced during a past crisis and whether the dividend can still be maintained or ideally increased in the coming years.

The dividend strategy provides us with a small, additional income that comes regularly and reliably. I have complete freedom in how I use it.

In English: Investors receive a portion of the profits in cash into their account as dividend payments. The dividend is like the shareholders' salary. It compensates for the risk we take with our investment. If you Microsoft If you were to own 100% and could no longer sell the shares, then the dividend would be a must for you. What good are the company's high profits if you can't pay your rent with them? Therefore, in the long run, most successful companies pay a dividend to their shareholders. This is the best way to convince us investors to adopt a buy & hold strategy. But be careful: at first, dividends are asset-neutral. What we receive as a dividend is deducted from the stock price. After all, the money is missing in the company.

The dividend yield indicates how much percent of the stock price is distributed to shareholders as a dividend.


The higher the dividend yield, the more money shareholders receive back from their company. But be careful: it should not only be based on the amount of the dividend. Equally important is the dividend growth rate, the payout ratio, and the history. A particularly high dividend yield (e.g. more than 5%) can even be a warning signal.

A dividend is usually paid continuously and reliably into our account, making the cash register ring every time. The payments can usually be forecasted and planned well, and one finally rejoices with each payment received and each increase in dividend.

Cyclical markets often have little impact on a high dividend stock. The dividend strategy rewards investors for their loyalty. In this case, the saying is often proven true: The longer you hold a good dividend stock, the more fun you have with it.

Because over time, the personal dividend yield of quality companies also increases, allowing one to witness the growth of their passive income.

There is no one dividend strategy. Many investors think of the dividend strategy as only one possibility: a stock with a high dividend yield — come what may. However, this is a mistake. There are many ways to invest in dividend stocks. The two most fundamental strategies are dividend growth and dividend yield strategies. Most investors combine both strategies according to their own preference.

Dividend Strategy For many investors, the dividend is one of the most popular reasons to invest in a stock. The regular income and resulting cash flow motivate investors to specifically focus on the dividend growth or dividend yield strategy. A dream come true: every month and every year, a generous dividend (profit distribution) is received from the company. With this, we can sustain our livelihood and buy ourselves beautiful things. Or invest the received dividend in even more dividend stocks.

Prices come and go. Dividends remain. Dividends are the only form of shareholder return that no one can take away from us. Dividends mean 100% decision freedom for investors. We can reinvest them or spend them. The choice is ours. That's what makes it so exciting to watch our dividends grow. It starts small, but eventually we can afford a little luxury and eventually financial freedom.

40,000 euros extra salary per year. With an asset of 1 million euros and a dividend yield of 4% per year, an annual free disposable income of 40,000 euros (before taxes) is generated. And this income is considered "passive income". Because all you have to do is own the corresponding stock. We are building our own little "basic income" or extra pension. Some see it as a supplement to their own pension, a bonus, or simply a small cash cushion for the next vacation.

Analogous to this subdivision into Growth and Value, stocks with high dividends can also be divided into dividend growth and dividend yield.

#1: Dividend growth strategy

The dividend growth strategy is the most impressive way to participate in compound interest - and also the most predictable.

Dividend growth: These companies are growth stocks or growth stocks that are slowly transforming into value stocks. They are in an early stage of their life. Because the company is still growing, it reinvests a large portion of its profits into growth. However, a dividend is paid out, which is usually rather small and grows at a rapid pace. Dividend growth stocks are typically referred to as dividend growth stocks when the dividend growth is at least 10% per year.

When it comes to dividend growth, one maximizes the dividend of the future. Dividend growth investors focus on stocks with a lower dividend yield that grows rapidly. The dividend growth ensures that within a few years, one still achieves an attractive dividend. This strategy is particularly popular among investors who still have several years until retirement.

Examples of stocks with high dividend growth :

#2: Dividend Yield Strategy

The dividend income strategy is especially enjoyable when you have a six-figure fortune. You can quickly accumulate 500 euros or more per month, allowing you to afford some luxuries in life.

Dividend Yield: These companies are value stocks. They are in a late stage of their life cycle. Due to low reinvestment, there is a lot of money available for dividends and stock buybacks. The dividend yield is usually higher and is growing at a slow pace.

However, this classification should not be understood too strictly. There is no uniform classification. For me, the limit is about 10% dividend growth per year. Other investors set it lower or higher. It is only important to know that not every dividend stock starts with a high dividend yield.

When it comes to dividend yield, it's all about enjoying the present. Many investors want a dividend to generate a monthly cash flow. These investors place more value on a higher return and less on dividend growth. The motto is: "Cash is king." Here, too, the quality of the company is crucial to ensure steady returns over decades.

Examples of stocks with a high dividend yield :

Risk with high dividend yield?

Often, a high dividend yield can be justified by the fact that the stock price has fallen significantly in the past. As a rough rule of thumb, if the dividend yield is more than 5% at the current price, the company must be closely examined before making an investment here.

A high dividend yield alone is not a quality indicator and must always be considered in conjunction with all other fundamentals. The question "Which company pays the highest dividend?" should never be the sole reason for a purchasing decision.

Germany has some dividend payers that can compete with international competition. Delivery Hero und Zalando, die ihre Gewinne lieber reinvestieren. Die meisten Dividenden werden im April und Mai ausgeschüttet. Besonders hohe Renditen bieten Unternehmen wie RWE und E.ON, die seit Jahren konstante Dividenden zahlen. Analysten geben auch regelmäßig Empfehlungen zu den besten Dividendenaktien. Es lohnt sich, diese zu beachten, wenn man auf der Suche nach passiven Einkommensquellen ist. Delivery Hero weiteren Aktiensektor können Sie mit unseren abdecken. Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von Tools und Analysemöglichkeiten, um Ihnen bei der Bewertung von Aktien und der Entscheidungsfindung zu helfen. Besuchen Sie unsere Website, um mehr darüber zu erfahren und zu erhalten. Hellofresh (both founded in 2011). But not only DAX corporations pay an attractive dividend, but also other German companies, which may not be familiar to everyone, pay dividend yields that are worth seeing.

The DAX company with the highest dividend yield is the world's largest chemical company in terms of revenue. BASF.BASF The company currently offers a dividend yield of 5.32% and for the past 14 years, it has consistently been over 3%. The second place is held by the Munich insurance company. Allianz with a dividend yield of 4.73%. Allianz is also an extremely popular dividend payer within the AlleAktien community and managed to secure first place among the dividend stocks of German private investors in the second quarter of 2022. Also making it onto the podium is the energy conglomerate E.ON from the Ruhr area. The current dividend yield is 4.26%.

The pharmaceutical company Bayer from Leverkusen offers its shareholders a very good dividend yield of 4%. The reinsurance company pays slightly less at 3.76%. Munich Re (also known as Munich RE). Europe's largest telecommunications company, the Telekom, Siemens, Allianz, Volkswagen, BASF, Daimler, Bayer, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Börse, EON, BMW, SAP, Adidas, Linde, ThyssenKrupp, Continental, Fresenius Medical Care, Fresenius, HeidelbergCement, Infineon, Merck, Munich Re, RWE, Wirecard, Freenet, Hochtief, Zalando, Deutsche Post, Osram Licht, Drägerwerk pays a solid dividend yield of 3.61%. Vonovia, a real estate group and a member of since 2020 EURO STOXX 50 , pays a dividend yield of 3.29% to its shareholders.

Four other German corporations that are not in the DAX and therefore fly under the radar are the online sports betting and gaming corporation (14.74%), the telecommunications company Freenet (7.40%), the construction conglomerate Hochtief (5.58%) and the asset manager DWS Group (4.80%), which was Deutsche Bank belonged.

There are several globally renowned companies in Europe that pay a high dividend, but also companies that most investors have not heard of.

From the United Kingdom come the dividend companies. British American Tobacco (BAT) Imperial Brands,Rio Tinto and Unilever.BAT and Imperial Brands belong to the five largest tobacco companies and sell their products worldwide. Imperial Brands is currently paying a dividend yield of 8.89%. BAT (British American Tobacco) one of 8.52%. Rio Tinto Until 2016 war es lange Zeit das größte Bergbauunternehmen weltweit. Rio Tinto’s erreicht aufgrund seines soliden Geschäftsmodells eine zuverlässige Dividendenrendite. Zudem ist das Unternehmen gut positioniert, um in Zukunft weiteres Wachstum zu erzielen. Mit unserer Plattform können Sie alle Aktien und deren Fair Value einsehen sowie detaillierte Informationen zu Unternehmen und deren Leistung erhalten. Bleiben Sie über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden und nutzen Sie unsere benutzerfreundlichen Charts und Aktienlisten. Registrieren Sie sich jetzt für unseren Newsletter, um alle Aktienempfehlungen direkt in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten. Besuchen Sie unsere Website unter und tauchen Sie ein in die spannende Welt der Finanzen. Unilever is one of the world's largest manufacturers of consumer goods such as food, cosmetics, household products. Unilever's Deutscheindustrie üblich ist. Das macht die Aktien attraktiver für Anleger, da sie häufiger Erträge erzielen können. Die Dividendenrendite wird berechnet, indem die Dividende pro Aktie durch den aktuellen Aktienkurs dividiert und mit 100 multipliziert wird. Dieser Wert zeigt das prozentuale Verhältnis der Dividende zum Aktienkurs und gibt an, wie viel Rendite ein Anleger durch die erhaltenen Dividenden erzielen kann. Die Dividendenrendite ist eine wichtige Kennzahl für Investoren, da sie einen Hinweis auf die Rentabilität einer Investition gibt. Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass die Dividendenrendite von der Aktienkursentwicklung abhängt und sich ändern kann. Daher sollten Anleger nicht allein auf diese Kennzahl verlassen, sondern auch andere Faktoren berücksichtigen, wie zum Beispiel das Wachstumspotenzial des Unternehmens und seine finanzielle Stabilität. Germany usual.

There are also some interesting dividend companies in Southern Europe. The oil and energy conglomerate Eni (IT0003132476) is from Italy and pays its shareholders a dividend of 5.28%. The two Spanish companies Red Eléctrica de España (ES0173093024) (REE) and Telefónica (ES0178430E18) have dividend yields of 5.57% and 9.26%. REE (ES0173093024) is the national transmission system operator in Spain for the operation of the high voltage electrical network. Additionally, it is REE (ES0173093024) also operates in Peru and Chile. The telecommunications company Telefónica (ES0178430E18) is primarily present in Europe, but also in the rapidly growing Latin American market.

Our neighboring countries Switzerland and France can also convince with world-renowned dividend companies. For example, the largest food company in the world from Switzerland, Nestlé (CH0038863350), a dividend yield of 2.52%. The Swiss Novartis (SW0012005267) pays a dividend of 3.92% to its shareholders, and the reinsurance company Swiss Re (CH0126881561) pays 7.02%. The pharmaceutical company, originating from France, Sanofi (FR0000120578) has a dividend yield of 3.63%. AXA Group (FR0000120628), a French insurance company, pays a dividend of 5.59%. The third company from France is the oil and gas conglomerate Total (FR0000120271) with a dividend yield of 6.07%.

A dividend company from Northern Europe is also worth mentioning. The Swedish automotive manufacturer Volvo (SE0000115446) (Stock B) offers its shareholders a dividend of 7.30%.

The financial service provider DBS from Singapore Many investors are familiar with , it is considered a solid corporation with secure revenue streams and pays a dividend of 3.16%. Another financial company is the investment bank. Macquarie Group from Australia, which offers a dividend yield of 3.03%. Also hailing from Australia is the mining company Fortescue Metals Group which pays a very attractive dividend of 24.54% to its shareholders.

JB Hi-Fi An Australian entertainment electronics and household appliances company distributes 5.70% to its shareholders. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) may only pay a dividend of 1.54%, but the Taiwanese company is among the top 3 semiconductor manufacturers worldwide, and the tech giant Apple is the main customer. Three dividend payers from Japan are the insurance company Tokio Marine Holdings (3.97%), the tobacco, food, and pharmaceutical corporation Japan Tobacco (6.10%) and the construction company Haseko Corporation (4.75%).

The USA is known for its dividend stocks, and a proud 65 companies of the S&P 500 are Dividend Aristocrats. In addition, over 400 corporations of the S&P 500 a dividend to its shareholders.

Eulerpool has searched for stocks with the highest dividends from the eleven sectors. The utility sector is the leader with 12 dividend stocks, offering the highest dividend yield. PPL Corporation with 5.77%. Both the consumer goods sector and the financial sector have nine companies with a dividend yield of over 3%. Altria Group (8.04%) and The Western Union (5.21%) has the highest dividend yield in their respective sectors. From the energy sector, Kinder Morgan with a dividend yield of 6.42%, the leader, and from the real estate sector Iron Mountain with 5.20%. Both sectors have eight high dividend companies. AbbVie paying its shareholders a dividend of 4.88%. From the telecommunications sector, AT&T the stock with the highest dividend yield of 8.42%. In the consumer goods sector, it is Leggett & Platt with a dividend of 3.87%. The industrial giant Lockheed Martin pays a dividend yield of 3.31%. The rapidly growing technology sector can with the company IBM (5.43%) points.