Undervalued stocks 2024

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Undervalued stocks 2024

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Prices are formed in the stock market through supply and demand. Declining prices, lack of potential buyers. There can be several reasons why stocks are traded below their true value in the market.

Every company wants to prevent negative news, However, this is not always possible. For example, when companies fail to meet their profit expectations or face impending lawsuits, this often leads to a decrease in demand. In response, inexperienced shareholders often sell their stocks in these companies, causing the stock price to fall. Although bad news can pose a risk to a company, many investors overreact, resulting in an undervaluation of the stock.

This premature trading often stems from the so-called herd mentality. Investors start selling their stocks when others do the same, this is a typical human investor behavior. A common reason for this irrational action is online forums where members advise on buying or selling. In early 2021, there was such an artificial high because Reddit users called for the purchase of GameStop stock, which was then massively overvalued.

Find niche companies. Because in the world of finance, only the big players like Apple, Tesla, and Amazon are often reported on. As a result, smaller niche companies or companies with less revolutionary business models are uninteresting to many investors, despite their great potential. Less interest therefore also means fewer purchases. Undervalued stocks that are cheap to buy due to lack of interest represent a huge opportunity for investors to acquire solid stocks at a favorable price before their potential is recognized by the masses.

To find undervalued stocks, you should familiarize yourself with the financial markets. It is important to stay informed about current events in order to act rationally. For example, pay attention to negative headlines about companies, as they could temporarily lower the stock price.

Crises or corrective phases can also push down the prices of stocks, even though there is no change in the business model of the companies. In the spring of 2020, at the start of the Corona pandemic, stock prices plummeted and many undervalued stocks could be bought at bargain prices.

Cyclical influences should be familiar to investors who are looking for undervalued stocks. Some companies are highly responsive to economic fluctuations and are therefore dependent on the overall economy. Typical cyclical companies can be found in the consumer goods and technology sectors.

Finally, investors should always get an overview of the company to make an informed decision about the stock. So compare the undervalued stock with its competitors and observe what insiders (link to Insiderpage) are doing in the company. If the company or the executives are buying their own stocks, this can be a sign that the stock is undervalued and has a lot of potential for returns.

There are two fundamentals that every investor who wants to find undervalued stocks should know: the price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) and the price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio).

The P/E ratio is calculated by comparing the stock price to the earnings. If the stock price is significantly lower than the company's earnings, the stock is undervalued. So a low P/E ratio indicates that a stock is cheap. However, a high P/E ratio does not necessarily mean that a stock is overpriced. It is important to compare a company's P/E ratio to the industry average to determine if it exceeds the rate of competition. Additionally, the P/E ratio should not be used as the sole indicator, as it cannot predict the future.

P/E ratio=
current stock price
Earnings per share

When looking for undervalued stocks, investors focus on the assets recorded in the balance sheets for the P/E ratio. The equity amount is then divided by the number of outstanding shares. The current stock price is then compared to this book value per share. Stocks are considered undervalued if the market value does not match the book value. A P/E ratio below 1 means that the stock is cheap. However, it is also important here not to consider the P/E ratio as the sole indicator of undervaluation.

current stock price
Book value per share

After investors have surveyed undervalued stocks using the P/E ratio and P/B ratio, additional financial ratios should be considered. The Price/Earnings Growth ratio (PEG ratio), Return on Equity (ROE), Debt Ratio, and Current Ratio are additional important indicators.


PEG Ratio=
P/E ratio
expected earnings growth

Return on Equity=
Net Income
Equity x 100

Leverage ratio=

Liquidity 3rd Grade=
short-term liabilities

die darauf abzielt, Aktien zu identifizieren, die unterbewertet sind und ein hohes Potenzial für zukünftiges Wachstum aufweisen. Die Idee dahinter ist, dass der Marktpreis einer Aktie nicht immer den tatsächlichen Wert des Unternehmens widerspiegelt. Value-Investoren suchen nach Unternehmen, deren Aktienkurse unter ihrem gerechten Wert liegen und investieren in sie mit der Erwartung, dass sich der Marktpreis im Laufe der Zeit an den tatsächlichen Wert annähern wird. Diese Strategie basiert auf grundlegenden Analysen, wie zum Beispiel der Bewertung des Unternehmens, seiner Finanzdaten und anderen relevanten Faktoren. Die Bewertungsmethode, die von Value-Investoren häufig angewendet wird, ist die Discounted Cashflow-Methode. Bei diesem Ansatz wird der zukünftige Cashflow eines Unternehmens abgezinst, um den heutigen Wert zu ermitteln. Wenn der errechnete Wert höher ist als der aktuelle Marktpreis, gilt die Aktie als unterbewertet und somit als Kaufgelegenheit. Value Investing erfordert eine gründliche Recherche und Analyse sowie Geduld, da es oft einige Zeit dauern kann, bis sich der tatsächliche Wert einer Aktie am Markt widerspiegelt. Es ist wichtig, die Finanzdaten und Geschäftsmodelle der Unternehmen sorgfältig zu prüfen, um potenzielle Investitionen zu identifizieren. Bei Eulerpool bieten wir Ihnen umfassende Informationen zu verschiedenen Aktien, analysieren ihre Bewertungen und bieten Investmentstrategien basierend auf Value Investing an. Unsere Plattform ermöglicht es Ihnen, den fairen Wert einer Aktie zu ermitteln und potenzielle Investitionsmöglichkeiten zu identifizieren. Investieren Sie mit Eulerpool und nutzen Sie die Vorteile der Value-Investing-Strategie, um Ihre Anlageentscheidungen zu verbessern und langfristig profitabel zu sein. which searches the market for undervalued stocks or securities with the aim of buying or investing in them. Since the assets can be acquired at a favorable price, investors hope for a large profit potential. In addition, value investors avoid buying stocks that could be considered overvalued in the market.

Warren Buffett is arguably the most well-known value investor. The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has built his fortune of more than 80 billion US dollars primarily through the strategy of value investing. Buffett buys undervalued company shares well below their fair value in order to participate in their future development.

The basis of value investing is fundamental analysis, which relies on financial indicators. However, factors such as management quality, potential competitive advantage, and the strength of the business model also play an important role.

It is important not to fall into the so-called value trap when analyzing undervalued stocks. A value trap may appear undervalued, but it is not. In a value trap, the stock price usually continues to decline and can potentially lead to bankruptcy. There are some indicators that can help to differentiate an undervalued stock from a value trap.

Pay attention to the following factors:

  • 1. Stable net income development over the past years.
  • 2. No known scandals.
  • 3. Positive future prospects
  • 4. High credit ratings by Moody's and S&P Global Ratings
  • 5. Possible competitive advantages or unique selling points
  • 6. Low PEG Ratio