Recognition of Palestine: Three European States Make a Statement


In a significant geopolitical development, Ireland, Norway, and Spain have announced their intention to recognize Palestine as an independent state. Hussein al-Sheikh, Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), praised this commitment as a "historic moment." He stated on X that the global reverberation of the Palestinian national struggle is reflected in the solidarity of recognition and strengthens the call for stability and peace in the region. The intention of the three countries to formally confirm the statehood of Palestine on May 28 has been met with positive response from the Palestinian leadership. The office of President Mahmoud Abbas supported the decision and emphasized the principle of international law of the right of peoples to self-determination. Another sign of approval came from Hamas, which referred to the move as an "important step" for the independence of Palestine and Jerusalem as its capital in a statement. However, this diplomatic development also led to tensions; Israel immediately responded by recalling its ambassadors from the three European states for consultations. Given the complex history of the region, the imminent recognition of Palestine by additional member states of the international community marks a new chapter: The PLO had already declared independence in 1988 and gained partial autonomy in Gaza and the West Bank as part of the peace processes with Israel beginning in 1993. Despite these advances and the steady pursuit of a state of their own as the ultimate goal, the expansion of autonomous territories has so far been denied and peace negotiations ultimately failed in 2014.

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