Rift over EU Supply Chain Law - Baerbock Calls for German Reliability, FDP in the Crossfire of Criticism

Eulerpool News·

The debate over German approval for the proposed EU Supply Chain Act is intensifying: Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock emphasizes the importance of German reliability for trust within the European Union. She warns of the breakup of promises made in Brussels and sees Germany's behavior as potential damage to the country's international capacity to act. The decision against the act, which intends to hold large corporations accountable for malpractices in their supply chains, such as child labor or forced labor outside Europe, was recently announced by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil. He points to the FDP as the source of resistance and accuses the party of ideological obstruction. The dissent is not surprising: Finance Minister Christian Lindner and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, both members of the FDP, have already expressed concerns about the law and raised potential economic disadvantages for Germany. This stance contrasts with the perspectives of the SPD and the Greens, which emphasize the necessity of an EU-wide regulation. Baerbock criticizes the inconsistent approach and advocates for respectful relations within EU countries and towards the European Parliament. She also highlights the significance of an EU-wide law for economic policy. A German abstention could indeed have serious consequences, as the necessary majority in Brussels for the enactment of the Supply Chain Act could thus be jeopardized. This would risk the entire endeavor and poses a further challenge to the unity and collective orientation in the EU.
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