Deterrence and Defense: Scholz Calls for Strengthening the European NATO Pillar


In a time of growing security policy challenges, Chancellor Olaf Scholz maintains the position that strengthening the European pillar within NATO is indispensable to ensuring a credible deterrence and defense capability for Europe. During the visit of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Scholz emphasized the importance of this measure, especially against the backdrop of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the resulting endangerment of Europe's security architecture. The Chancellor conveyed a clear message: boundaries must not be altered by force under any circumstances. In his address, Scholz commended Germany and the United Kingdom for their role as leading supporters of Ukraine in Europe. He also interpreted the release of financial resources for Ukraine by the U.S. Congress as a clear sign that the international community, including the United States and other supporters, is determined to stand with Ukraine. The Chancellor assured that retreating from support was not up for debate and elaborated his point with the words "Without security, there is nothing," while highlighting the strong Bond between Germany and the United Kingdom in supporting Ukraine. Although the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union, it remains an important ally of Germany in key international forums such as NATO, the G7, and the G20. Particularly in the context of the Ukraine crisis, the United Kingdom, as the main arms supplier and security partner of Europe, stands at the forefront and has recently significantly expanded its military support for the country. Given the current challenges in the Middle East, where the United Kingdom – in contrast to Germany – was actively involved in countering the Iranian attack on Israel, the importance of a strong and capable alliance is underscored.

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