free Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff free für Deutschland.

free Definition

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"Free" in German can be translated as "kostenlos" or "frei", depending on the context.

In the context of capital markets and investments, "free" is commonly used to indicate the absence of cost or restrictions related to certain financial instruments or services. In the world of capital markets, the term "free" often refers to the absence of fees or charges. For instance, when we say a stock is "free of charge," it means there are no fees or commissions associated with buying or selling that particular stock. Similarly, a loan or bond may be described as "free" if it does not come with any additional costs or expenses beyond the principal amount and the agreed-upon interest rate. Furthermore, the term "free" can also signify the absence of restrictions or limitations. In the context of money markets, for example, a "free currency" signifies a currency that is freely convertible and can be exchanged without any governmental restrictions or regulations. On the other hand, a "restricted currency" may have limitations on its convertibility or usage in certain international transactions. In the world of cryptocurrencies, "free" often refers to the absence of centralized control or intermediaries. Bitcoin, for instance, is often described as a "free currency" because it operates without the need for a central bank or government intervention. Transactions made with cryptocurrencies are typically "free" from the traditional banking system, allowing for greater autonomy and lower transaction costs. In summary, the term "free" in the context of capital markets refers to the absence of fees, charges, restrictions, or centralized control. It signifies an environment where investors can engage in transactions without incurring additional costs or being limited by regulatory barriers. At, we provide a comprehensive glossary encompassing such terms to help investors make informed decisions in the complex world of capital markets. Explore our glossary to enhance your understanding of investment terms and concepts, and stay updated with the latest financial news and research in the industry.
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