Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen für Deutschland.

Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen Definition

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Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen

"Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen" is the German term for "Award and Contract Regulations for Construction Works." This set of regulations, commonly known as VOB (Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen), establishes the legal framework and guidelines for the awarding and execution of construction contracts in Germany.

It is a crucial reference for investors and market participants operating in the capital markets within the construction industry. VOB consists of three parts: VOB/A, VOB/B, and VOB/C. VOB/A primarily focuses on the contractual aspects of awarding construction contracts, while VOB/B imparts regulations for the execution of construction works. VOB/C, on the other hand, lists specific technical standards for construction projects. This comprehensive regulatory framework aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and quality in the construction sector. By adhering to VOB, investors, contractors, and professionals in capital markets can navigate the complexities associated with construction contracts, mitigate risks, and promote a level playing field. VOB encompasses various important provisions and guidelines related to the awarding of construction contracts. It includes criteria for evaluating bids, tendering procedures, contract negotiations, and the execution of construction projects. Furthermore, VOB outlines relevant legal obligations, liability aspects, payment terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms. To optimize your search engine visibility, provides a comprehensive glossary/lexicon encompassing key terms like VOB. Through our platform, investors and market participants can access vital information about VOB in German, English, and other languages. This enriched glossary, unparalleled in its scope and depth, ensures that users are equipped with the necessary knowledge to thrive in the capital markets—both domestically and internationally.'s mission is to empower investors by providing them with the most authoritative and informative resources. Our glossary is constantly updated, meticulously curated, and designed to enhance your understanding of essential concepts in capital markets and the construction industry. Stay ahead of the competition and navigate the intricacies of investments proficiently with
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