Coca-Cola AAQS 2024

Coca-Cola AAQS


Coca-Cola Dividendu rentabilitāte

2,98 %







Coca-Cola ir pašreizējais AAQS ir 7. Augsts AAQS var tikt interpretēts kā pozitīvs signāls, ka uzņēmums veiksmīgi attīstās. Investori var uzskatīt, ka uzņēmums ir labā ceļā, lai gūtu peļņu. No otras puses, ir svarīgi salīdzināt Coca-Cola akcijas AAQS ar gūtajām peļņām un citiem tās pašas nozares uzņēmumiem. Augsts AAQS nav absolūts nākotnes panākumu garantijas. Tikai tā var iegūt pilnīgu priekšstatu par uzņēmuma veiktspēju. Lai labāk novērtētu uzņēmuma attīstību, ir svarīgi salīdzināt AAQS ar citiem tās pašas nozares uzņēmumiem. Parasti investoriem vajadzētu apskatīt uzņēmuma AAQS saistībā ar citiem rādītājiem, piemēram, peļņu, EBIT, naudas plūsmu un citiem, lai pieņemtu pamatotu investīciju lēmumu.

Coca-Cola Aktienanalyse

Ko dara Coca-Cola?

The Coca-Cola Company is an internationally renowned company and a leading manufacturer of beverages. Its history dates back to 1886, when pharmacist John Pemberton created a beverage called "Coca-Cola" in Georgia, USA. The brand "Coca-Cola" immediately became a huge success, and the company grew rapidly. Today, Coca-Cola produces a variety of beverages, including sodas, fruit juices, iced teas, energy drinks, and water. Coca-Cola is a globally recognized company that operates worldwide. Its business model is based on the production and marketing of beverages. The company operates numerous brands, including Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, and Minute Maid. Coca-Cola has a strong presence in many key markets and continues to heavily invest in marketing and advertising. Coca-Cola has various divisions, including the marketing of beverages as well as devices used for the sale of Coca-Cola products. The company works closely with retailers and distributors to ensure its products are available worldwide. Additionally, Coca-Cola also has divisions in the marketing and advertising field. They collaborate closely with creative agencies to develop campaigns that promote the Coca-Cola brand and connect with customers. Coca-Cola's product range is very diverse. One of the most well-known brands is Coca-Cola Classic, which is globally recognized and a popular refreshment. The Sprite brand is also very successful and known for its vibrant green color and unique taste. Fanta is another well-known brand, known for its fruity flavors and dynamic packaging. Coca-Cola also offers a variety of sodas, including Coca-Cola Zero, Diet Coke, and Dasani. Furthermore, Coca-Cola has heavily invested in the energy drink market and offers brands such as Monster Energy and Full Throttle. The Coca-Cola Company also has a strong social responsibility and places great importance on sustainability. The company has become a leader in areas such as climate protection, recycling, and water conservation. Coca-Cola is committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 25% by 2020 and has made significant progress in water reuse. Additionally, the company has invested in many sustainability initiatives, including forest conservation and the construction of clean water sources in areas of need. Overall, the Coca-Cola Company is a leading company in the beverage industry. The company has a long tradition and a strong global presence. Coca-Cola is known for its variety of products but also for its social responsibility and sustainability. Coca-Cola is a strong brand capable of building and sustaining customer relationships worldwide. The Coca-Cola Company is an internationally known company and a leading manufacturer of beverages. Its history dates back to 1886, when the pharmacist John Pemberton created a beverage called "Coca-Cola" in the US state of Georgia. The brand "Coca-Cola" immediately became a great success and the company grew quickly. Today, Coca-Cola produces a variety of beverages, including soft drinks, fruit juices, iced teas, energy drinks, and water. Coca-Cola is a company with a high level of recognition that operates worldwide. The business model is based on the production and marketing of beverages. The company operates a number of brands, including Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, and Minute Maid. Coca-Cola has a strong presence in many key markets and continues to heavily invest in marketing and advertising. Coca-Cola has a variety of divisions, including the marketing of beverages, but also devices used for the sale of Coca-Cola products. The company works closely with retailers and distributors to ensure that its products are available worldwide. In addition, Coca-Cola also has divisions in the field of marketing and advertising. They work closely with creative agencies to develop campaigns that promote the Coca-Cola brand and connect with customers. The product range of Coca-Cola is very diverse. One of the most well-known brands is Coca-Cola Classic, which is recognized worldwide and represents a popular refreshment. The brand Sprite is also very successful and known for its vibrant green color and unique taste. Fanta is another well-known brand that is known for its fruity flavors and dynamic packaging. Coca-Cola also offers a variety of soft drinks, including Coca-Cola Zero, Diet Coke, and Dasani. In addition, Coca-Cola has made large investments in the energy drink market and offers brands such as Monster Energy and Full Throttle. The Coca-Cola Company also has a strong social responsibility and places great importance on sustainability. The company has become a leader in the areas of climate protection, recycling, and water conservation. Coca-Cola has committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 25% by 2020 and has made significant progress in water reuse. In addition, the company has invested in many sustainability initiatives, including the protection of forests and the construction of clean water sources in areas of need. Overall, the Coca-Cola Company is a leading company in the beverage industry. The company has a long tradition and a strong global presence. Coca-Cola is known for its variety of products, but also for its social responsibility and sustainability. Coca-Cola is a strong brand that is capable of building and sustaining customer relationships worldwide. Coca-Cola ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par Coca-Cola akciju

Akcienu ieguldījumu plāni piedāvā investoriem pievilcīgu iespēju ilgtermiņā uzkrāt kapitālu. Viens no galvenajiem priekšrocībām ir tā sauktais Vidējās izmaksas efekts: ieguldot regulāri noteiktu summu akcijās vai akciju fondos, automātiski tiek iegādāts vairāk daļu, kad cenas ir zemas, un mazāk, kad tās ir augstas. Tas laika gaitā var novest pie izdevīgākas vidējās cenas par daļu. Turklāt akcienu ieguldījumu plāni nodrošina piekļuvi dārgām akcijām arī mazajiem investoriem, jo tiem var pievienoties jau ar nelielām summu. Regulāra ieguldījumu veikšana arī veicina disciplinētu ieguldījumu stratēģiju un palīdz izvairīties no emocionāliem lēmumiem, piemēram, impulsīvas pirkšanas vai pārdošanas. Turklāt investori gūst labumu no potenciālās akciju vērtības pieauguma un no dividendēm, kuras var reinvestēt, tādejādi pastiprinot procentu uz procentu efektu un līdz ar to investētā kapitāla augšanu.

Coca-Cola akcija ir pieejama iegādē iekrājumu plānos šādos sniedzējos: Trade Republic, ING, Scalable Capital un Consorsbank

Andere Kennzahlen von Coca-Cola

Mūsu akciju analīze par Coca-Cola Apjoms ietver svarīgus finanšu rādītājus, piemēram, apgrozījumu, peļņu, P/E rādītāju, P/S rādītāju, EBIT, kā arī informāciju par dividendēm. Turklāt mēs aplūkojam aspektus kā akcijas, tirgus kapitalizāciju, parādus, pašu kapitālu un saistības no Coca-Cola Apjoms. Ja meklējat sīkāku informāciju par šīm tēmām, piedāvājam detalizētas analīzes mūsu apakšlapās: