Je dividenda Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos bezpečná?
Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos zvyšuje dividendu již 4 let.
V průběhu posledních 10 let Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos tuto hodnotu zvyšovala o 0 % ročně sníženo.
Na pětiletou perspektivu klesl výplata o 0 %.
Analytici počítají pro běžný obchodní rok s růstem o Snížení dividendy ve výši -100,000%.
Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos Aktienanalyse
Co dělá Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos?
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA is a Brazilian company operating in the healthcare sector. The company was founded in 1979 by Candido Pinheiro and is headquartered in Fortaleza, Brazil. Since its establishment, Hapvida has grown to become one of the largest healthcare providers in the country, operating over 47 hospitals and health insurance plans in 16 Brazilian states.
The mission of Hapvida is to provide high-quality and affordable healthcare for all Brazilians. Hapvida's business model is based on an integrated approach that connects health insurance and hospital services. This approach allows Hapvida to optimally and efficiently care for its customers in both outpatient and inpatient settings.
Hapvida's various divisions include health insurance, outpatient services, and hospital services. In the health insurance sector, the company offers a wide range of plans tailored to individual needs, allowing customers to access the best healthcare services in the country.
In the outpatient services sector, Hapvida provides a wide range of services, from general medicine to specialized areas such as cardiology and neurology. In addition, the company operates its own chain of pharmacies, providing customers with high-quality medications at affordable prices.
In the hospital services sector, Hapvida operates over 47 hospitals in 16 Brazilian states. These hospitals offer a wide range of facilities and services, from emergency care to intensive care. Furthermore, the company also operates its own medical laboratories and radiology centers, enabling customers to receive quick and accurate diagnoses.
Hapvida also offers a variety of products to help customers improve their health and well-being. These products include fitness programs, nutritional counseling, and other services aimed at enhancing the quality of customers' lives.
In 2018, Hapvida conducted the largest initial public offering in Brazil since 2013 and is listed on the Brazilian stock exchange B3. The company also has a strong expansion strategy and plans to further grow its business in the coming years.
Overall, Hapvida is a leading healthcare provider in Brazil, offering customers a wide range of services and products. The company is well positioned to continue growing and providing high-quality, affordable healthcare to its customers in the years to come. Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos je jednou z nejoblíbenějších společností naé spořicí plány nabízí atraktivní možnost pro investory, jak dlouhodobě budovat jmění. Jednou z hlavních výhod je takzvaný průměrovací efekt nákladů: Pravidelnou investicí fixní částky do akcií nebo akciových fondů se automaticky nakupuje více podílů, když jsou ceny nízké, a méně, když jsou vysoké. To může vést k výhodnější průměrné ceně za podíl v průběhu času. Akciové spořicí plány navíc umožňují i malým investorům přístup k drahým akciím, protože se mohou zúčastnit už s malými částkami. Pravidelná investice také podporuje disciplinovanou investiční strategii a pomáhá vyhýbat se emočním rozhodnutím, jako je impulzivní nákup nebo prodej. Kromě toho investoři profitují z potenciálního zhodnocení akcií a z výplat dividend, které mohou být reinvestovány, což zvyšuje efekt složeného úroku a tím růst investovaného kapitálu.