Je dividenda CVS Health bezpečná?
CVS Health zvyšuje dividendu již 2 let.
V průběhu posledních 10 let CVS Health tuto hodnotu zvyšovala o 7,961 % ročně zvýšen.
Na pětiletou perspektivu vzrostl výplata o 3,886 %.
Analytici počítají pro běžný obchodní rok s růstem o Růst dividend ve výši 1,531%.
CVS Health Aktienanalyse
Co dělá CVS Health?
CVS Health Corp is an American company operating in the healthcare sector. It was founded in 1963 as Consumer Value Stores and is headquartered in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The company has experienced significant expansion since its founding and is now one of the largest pharmacy chains in the USA. It operates more than 10,000 stores in the USA and has also expanded internationally in recent years.
The business model of CVS Health Corp is based on various divisions under one roof. The core division of the company is the CVS Pharmacy chain, which offers a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter medications. The company focuses on a broad customer base and operates pharmacies in cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Additionally, the company places a special emphasis on developing innovative products and services to improve the well-being of its customers.
In addition to the pharmacy chain, CVS Health Corp also operates the CVS Caremark division, which specializes in providing medications for businesses. The company offers special programs to improve access to medications for employees and reduce costs for businesses. The division also offers consultation to improve employee healthcare and lower healthcare costs.
Other divisions of CVS Health Corp include MinuteClinic and Long-Term Care Pharmacy. MinuteClinic is an outpatient medical facility found in many CVS pharmacies. Here, customers can receive medical advice and treatment without having to endure long wait times. Long-Term Care Pharmacy provides specialized care services for patients in long-term care facilities and ensures that prescribed medications are administered effectively and safely.
To expand its offerings for customers, CVS Health Corp also provides online services. Through the company's website, customers can order medications, manage their prescriptions, and receive information on various health topics. By utilizing technology, CVS Health Corp aims to provide its customers with even better healthcare and simplify the medical treatment process.
CVS Health Corp also takes a leading role in environmental protection. The company has set a goal to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% by the year 2020. Additionally, the company has developed a medication disposal program to reduce waste and minimize the environmental harm caused by medications.
Overall, CVS Health Corp has undergone impressive development in recent years. With its wide range of products and innovative services, the company has established itself as a major player in the healthcare industry. And by focusing on sustainability and environmental protection, it demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility. CVS Health je jednou z nejoblíbenějších společností naé spořicí plány nabízí atraktivní možnost pro investory, jak dlouhodobě budovat jmění. Jednou z hlavních výhod je takzvaný průměrovací efekt nákladů: Pravidelnou investicí fixní částky do akcií nebo akciových fondů se automaticky nakupuje více podílů, když jsou ceny nízké, a méně, když jsou vysoké. To může vést k výhodnější průměrné ceně za podíl v průběhu času. Akciové spořicí plány navíc umožňují i malým investorům přístup k drahým akciím, protože se mohou zúčastnit už s malými částkami. Pravidelná investice také podporuje disciplinovanou investiční strategii a pomáhá vyhýbat se emočním rozhodnutím, jako je impulzivní nákup nebo prodej. Kromě toho investoři profitují z potenciálního zhodnocení akcií a z výplat dividend, které mohou být reinvestovány, což zvyšuje efekt složeného úroku a tím růst investovaného kapitálu.
Akcie CVS Health je možné spořit u následujících poskytovatelů: Trade Republic, ING, Scalable Capital a Consorsbank