Je dividenda Knorr Bremse bezpečná?
Knorr Bremse zvyšuje dividendu už 2 rokov.
V priebehu posledných 10 rokov Knorr Bremse ročne 0 % znížené.
Na 5-ročnú perspektívu klesol výplata o -3,691 %.
Analytici očakávajú pre bežný obchodný rok nárast o Rast dividend vo výške 4,540%.
Knorr Bremse Aktienanalyse
Čo robí Knorr Bremse?
Knorr-Bremse AG is a leading manufacturer of brake and driving systems for rail and commercial vehicles. The company, headquartered in Munich, has a long history and was founded by Georg Knorr in 1905. Originally, the company focused on manufacturing disc brakes for carriages and automobiles. However, with the increasing importance of rail transportation in the early 20th century, Knorr-Bremse soon became the major manufacturer of brake systems for trains. Today, Knorr-Bremse is a global corporation with over 29,000 employees and a revenue of nearly 6.2 billion euros in 2020. The company's business model focuses on the development and production of high-quality brake and driving systems for rail and commercial vehicles, as well as the maintenance and service of these systems. The company's portfolio is diverse and includes a variety of products and divisions. The company's activities can be roughly divided into three areas: rail vehicles, commercial vehicles, and service/aftermarket. In the rail vehicles sector, Knorr-Bremse offers a wide range of products, including disc brakes, air pressure brake systems, driving safety systems, control units, and door systems. With these products, Knorr-Bremse is a global leader and serves the entire range of rail vehicles, from high-speed trains to subways and trams. In the commercial vehicles sector, Knorr-Bremse also offers a wide range of products, such as brake control units, air linkages, ABS and ESP systems, and electronic brake control systems. These products are designed for trucks, buses, trailers, and agricultural machinery and are used by a wide range of customers worldwide. The third area, service/aftermarket, is particularly important for Knorr-Bremse's long-term future as a company. Here, the company offers comprehensive services to its customers, ranging from maintenance and repair to spare parts supply and employee training. Knorr-Bremse's goal is to serve its customers as comprehensively as possible and build long-term partnerships. Overall, Knorr-Bremse is a globally positioned company with a diverse product range and a clear focus on quality and customer service. The company has a long and successful history and is now a leading manufacturer of brake and driving systems for rail and commercial vehicles. Knorr Bremse je jednou z najobľúbenejších spoločností načné plány do akcií ponúkajú atraktívnu možnosť pre investorov na dlhodobú výstavbu majetku. Jednou z hlavných výhod je tzv. Cost-Average-Effekt: Pravidelnou investíciou pevnej sumy do akcií alebo do akciových fondov automaticky kupujete viac podielov, keď sú ceny nízke, a menej, keď sú vysoké. To môže viesť k výhodnejšej priemernej cene za podiel v priebehu času. Okrem toho investičné plány do akcií umožňujú aj malým investorom prístup k drahým akciám, keďže sa dá investovať už s malými sumami. Pravidelná investícia tiež podporuje disciplinovanú investičnú stratégiu a pomáha predchádzať emocionálnym rozhodnutiam, ako je impulzívne kupovanie alebo predávanie. Ďalej investorom prináša potenciálny nárast hodnoty akcií, ako aj výplaty dividend, ktoré môžu byť reinvestované, čo zvyšuje efekt zloženého úroku a tým rast investovaného kapitálu.
Akcii Knorr Bremse je možné sporadicky nakupovať u týchto poskytovateľov: Trade Republic a Consorsbank