per ultimo Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff per ultimo für Deutschland.

per ultimo Definition

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per ultimo

"Per ultimo" is a commonly used term in the financial industry, specifically in accounting and reporting.

In German, it is translated as "per ultimo" or "zum Ultimo". This term is often included in financial documents, particularly in balance sheets and income statements, to indicate the end of a reporting period. In simple terms, "per ultimo" refers to the financial status of a company or an individual at the end of a specific date or period. For instance, if a balance sheet mentions "per ultimo December 31, 2022," it means that the financial position indicated is as of the last day of December 2022. When it comes to accounting practices, "per ultimo" signifies the final and official figures for a given period. It implies that all financial transactions and adjustments have been recorded, and the balances represent an accurate depiction of the entity's financial state at that particular cut-off date. The use of "per ultimo" is essential in financial reporting as it provides a clear reference point for stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and regulatory bodies. By disclosing the financial position at the end of a reporting period, companies enable users of financial statements to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. Moreover, "per ultimo" is particularly crucial for evaluating the financial performance and health of an organization. By comparing the figures "per ultimo" with those of previous periods, investors can assess the company's growth, profitability, and stability. They can identify trends, spot potential issues, and make projections for the future. In conclusion, "per ultimo" is a crucial term in finance and accounting that indicates the financial position of a company at the end of a specific period. Its inclusion in financial statements allows investors and other stakeholders to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information.
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