Automation Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Automation für Deutschland.

Automation Definition

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Automation, or Automatisierung in German, refers to the process of utilizing technology and software programs to perform tasks and operations in a systematic and autonomous manner, without the need for human intervention.

In the context of capital markets, automation plays a vital role in enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and speed across various financial activities, including trading, risk management, regulatory compliance, and data analysis. In the stock market, automation is primarily associated with algorithmic trading, also known as algo-trading or automated trading systems (ATS). With the help of sophisticated algorithms, automation enables market participants to execute a large number of trades within microseconds, leveraging pre-defined strategies and rules. This remarkable capability ensures that transactions are executed swiftly, reducing manual errors and achieving better price discovery. Furthermore, automation is revolutionizing the loan and bond markets by streamlining processes and increasing accessibility. Through automation, key functions such as credit scoring, loan origination, and bond issuance can be automated, reducing administrative burdens and transaction costs. As a result, lenders and borrowers can leverage automation to enhance efficiency, improve risk management, and create a seamless experience for all stakeholders involved. The application of automation extends to money markets as well, where it enables the efficient management of short-term funds. Automated systems provide investors with a transparent view of available investment opportunities, allowing for quick and informed decisions. Additionally, automation offers enhanced liquidity management, allowing investment managers to optimize cash positions, minimize idle funds, and maximize returns. Moreover, automation has made significant inroads into the emerging field of cryptocurrencies. With the rise of digital assets, automated trading systems have gained prominence in crypto markets. These systems leverage complex algorithms to assess market trends, execute trades, and manage risk, ensuring that transactions are executed at the desired speed and security levels. In conclusion, automation plays a crucial role in boosting efficiency, accuracy, and productivity across various areas of capital markets, including stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies. As technology continues to advance, the adoption of automation is expected to accelerate, revolutionizing the financial industry and reshaping how investors navigate the dynamic world of capital markets. Find more comprehensive investment and capital market related terms in our extensive glossary on Stay informed and make data-driven decisions through our reliable and timely equity research and finance news - we are your trusted source for capital market insights. (Note: The above text contains 288 words.)
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