Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik für Deutschland.

Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik Definition

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Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik is a term used in economics to describe a harmful practice pursued by nations in an attempt to gain economic advantages at the expense of their trading partners.

Also known as "Bettlerpolitik" in German, this term refers to a situation where a country adopts protectionist measures or devalues its currency in order to promote its own economic interests, disregarding the negative repercussions it may have on other countries. In Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik, a country aims to boost its exports by artificially lowering the value of its currency. This can be achieved through various means such as currency devaluation, imposing tariffs on imports, or implementing trade barriers. By making their exports cheaper and more competitive, the country hopes to increase its share in international markets, thus leaving other countries at a disadvantage. Oftentimes, Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik strategies can lead to a destructive cycle, resembling a zero-sum game. As one country seeks to gain a competitive edge, other nations may retaliate by adopting similar policies, triggering a series of protectionist measures. Ultimately, such practices can disrupt global trade and hinder economic growth on a global scale. While Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik may provide temporary benefits to the countries implementing such policies, the long-term consequences are generally detrimental. By destabilizing trade relations and provoking trade wars, the practice can lead to a decline in overall economic welfare and cooperation among nations. It is important to note that Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik is widely frowned upon by international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, as it goes against the principles of free trade and fair competition. Consequently, efforts have been made to promote cooperation and discourage protectionist policies through multilateral negotiations and agreements. In conclusion, Beggar-my-Neighbour-Politik refers to the pursuit of self-interest at the expense of other nations through protectionist policies or currency manipulation. While it may yield short-term benefits, the long-term consequences can be detrimental to global economic stability and cooperation. Governments and international organizations strive to discourage such practices and promote fair and open trade for the benefit of all nations involved. At, the leading platform for comprehensive financial information and analysis, you can find further insights and analysis on the term "Bettlerpolitik" and its impact on global capital markets. Stay informed and make well-informed investment decisions by utilizing our extensive glossary, covering a wide range of financial terms related to stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and even emerging sectors like cryptocurrencies. Our goal is to provide you with accurate, up-to-date, and SEO-optimized knowledge to enhance your understanding and success in the dynamic world of capital markets.
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