Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt für Deutschland.

Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt Definition

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Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt

Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt is a legal concept in German financial markets that denotes the fulfillment of an obligation by means of a substitute performance.

In simpler terms, it refers to a situation where a debtor is allowed to fulfill their contractual obligations through an alternative action or asset. In the context of capital markets, Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt is primarily applicable to trading activities involving stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies. It provides flexibility for investors and borrowers to meet their obligations by offering alternative methods or assets when it is not possible or convenient to deliver the original contractual terms. This concept is rooted in German civil law, specifically in Section 364 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch or BGB). According to this provision, if a debtor is unable to fulfill their contractual obligations precisely as agreed upon, the creditor has the right to accept a substitute performance instead. The alternative performance offered as Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt must be lawful and reasonable, taking into account the nature of the contractual relationship and the interests of both parties involved. However, it is important to note that the creditor is not obligated to accept the substitute performance if they consider it to be unjustifiable or unjust. The application of Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt can vary depending on the specific financial instrument being traded. For example, in the case of stocks, it could involve the transfer of equivalent securities or cash as an alternative to the original stock. In the context of loans or bonds, it may entail the provision of other assets or securities as a substitute for the agreed-upon payment. In the emerging field of cryptocurrencies, Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt becomes particularly relevant due to the decentralized nature of these digital assets. In cases where it is impossible or impractical to transfer the specified cryptocurrency, an equivalent digital asset or its corresponding cash value may be offered as a substitute. Overall, Leistung an Erfüllungs Statt plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of capital markets by providing a legally recognized mechanism for alternative performance in situations where the original terms cannot be met. Investors and other market participants can benefit from the flexibility and adaptability it offers, allowing for efficient resolution of contractual obligations in a manner that is both practical and legally sound.
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