nicht handelbare Güter Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff nicht handelbare Güter für Deutschland.

nicht handelbare Güter Definition

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nicht handelbare Güter

"Nicht handelbare Güter" is a German term used in the field of capital markets to refer to non-tradeable goods or assets.

In financial markets, tradeability is an essential characteristic that allows investors to buy or sell assets swiftly and efficiently. However, there are certain goods or assets that do not possess this property due to various reasons. Nicht handelbare Güter can include a wide range of assets with limited or no marketability. This may encompass illiquid assets, such as real estate properties, private equity investments, or certain types of loans that are not traded on active secondary markets. Additionally, non-tradeable goods can include specific government or regulatory restrictions that prevent their sale, such as certain types of restricted stocks or bonds. One common example of nicht handelbare Güter is restricted stocks. These are shares issued by a company that have specific limitations on their transfer or sale. These limitations can arise from regulatory requirements or contractual agreements. Restricted stock typically belongs to company insiders, such as founders, executives, or employees who received the shares as part of their compensation packages. These shares are often subject to lock-up periods, during which they cannot be sold in the open market. Another example of non-tradeable goods is certain types of loans. While loans are generally tradable financial assets, there are loans that are specifically designed for a restricted group of investors and are not intended to be actively traded. These loans are often structured as private debt offerings and are not available to the public market. Investors should be aware that investing in nicht handelbare Güter carries certain risks and limitations. As these assets are not easily tradeable, liquidity can be significantly reduced. It may take a considerable amount of time or effort to find a buyer or seller when engaging in transactions involving non-tradeable goods. Additionally, the lack of an active secondary market can make it challenging to determine the fair value of these assets. In conclusion, nicht handelbare Güter refer to non-tradeable goods or assets in the capital markets. These assets can include illiquid securities, restricted stocks, or loans that are not actively traded. Investors should carefully consider the limitations and risks associated with investing in such assets, including reduced liquidity and challenges in determining their fair value.
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