Green Light for Cannabis - Traffic Light Plans Face Crucial Obstacle in the Federal Council

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The tracks are set to green for a revision of cannabis consumption regulations in Germany: This Friday, the Federal Council will debate the partial legalization of cannabis—a step that occurs as part of the legislative initiative of the traffic light coalition. Although the law already adopted by the Bundestag does not require approval by the chamber of states, the process could still be delayed by referral to the mediation committee. According to the government coalition's plan, as of April 1, the possession and cultivation of cannabis for personal use by adults will be allowed under strict conditions. Additionally, from July 1, non-commercial communities will be permitted to cultivate their plants collectively. This date marks a possible turning point for cannabis policy in Germany. In response to the diverse criticism, particularly from the federal states, the federal government made concessions. It promises more commitment in prevention and education and announced that it would give the law more flexibility in implementation through later adjustments, in a statement informing the Federal Council. In addition to the cannabis draft, another health policy item is on the agenda of the Federal Council: the vote on a law to create an online atlas that provides information on services and treatment quality of German hospitals. After a detour through the mediation committee, the chamber of states is now being offered another voting opportunity. While politics discusses the legal frameworks, the attention of industry observers and investors remains focused on the developments and potential economic opportunities.

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