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Young & Co's Brewery Aktie



9,70 GBP
I dag +/-
+0,02 GBP
I dag %
+0,21 %

Young & Co's Brewery Aktiens omsætning, EBIT, indtjening


Omsætning, Overskud & EBIT

Forståelse af Omsætning, EBIT og Indkomst

Få indblik i Young & Co's Brewery, en omfattende gennemgang af den finansielle performance kan opnås ved analyse af omsætnings-, EBIT- og indkomstdiagrammer. Omsætningen repræsenterer den samlede indkomst, som Young & Co's Brewery opnår fra sine kerneforretninger og viser virksomhedens evne til at tiltrække og fastholde kunder. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) giver indsigt i virksomhedens operationelle rentabilitet, fri for skatte- og renteudgifter. Indkomstafsnittet afspejler Young & Co's Brewerys nettooverskud, et ultimativt mål for dets økonomiske sundhed og rentabilitet.

Årlig Analyse og Sammenligninger

Se på de årlige søjler for at forstå den årlige performance og vækst af Young & Co's Brewery. Sammenlign omsætning, EBIT og indkomst for at vurdere effektiviteten og rentabiliteten af virksomheden. En højere EBIT i forhold til foregående år indikerer en forbedring af den operationelle effektivitet. Ligeledes indikerer en stigning i indkomst en øget samlet rentabilitet. Analysen af år-til-år sammenligninger hjælper investorer med at forstå vækstbanen og operationel effektivitet af virksomheden.

Udnytte Forventninger til Investeringen

De forventede værdier for de kommende år giver investorerne et indblik i den forventede finansielle præstation af Young & Co's Brewery. Analysen af disse prognoser sammen med historiske data bidrager til at træffe informerede investeringsbeslutninger. Investorer kan vurdere de potentielle risici og afkast og justere deres investeringsstrategier i overensstemmelse hermed for at optimere rentabiliteten og minimere risiciene.


Sammenligningen mellem omsætning og EBIT hjælper med vurderingen af operationel effektivitet af Young & Co's Brewery, mens sammenligning af omsætning og indkomst afslører nettorentabiliteten efter alle omkostninger er taget i betragtning. Investorer kan opnå værdifulde indsigter ved nøje at analysere disse finansielle parametre, og dermed lægge grunden for strategiske investeringsbeslutninger for at udnytte vækstpotentialet i Young & Co's Brewery.

Young & Co's Brewery Omsætning, overskud og EBIT-historik

DatoYoung & Co's Brewery OmsætningYoung & Co's Brewery EBITYoung & Co's Brewery Indtjening

Young & Co's Brewery Aktie Margener

Young & Co's Brewery Margenanalysen viser bruttoavancen, EBIT-marginen samt profitmarginen for Young & Co's Brewery. EBIT-marginen (EBIT/omsætning) angiver hvor stor en procentdel af omsætningen, der forbliver som operationelt overskud. Profitmarginen viser, hvor stor en procentdel af omsætningen fra Young & Co's Brewery der forbliver.



Forståelse af bruttomargin

Bruttomarginen, udtrykt i procent, angiver bruttoindtjeningen fra Young & Co's Brewery's salg. En højere procentdel af bruttomarginen betyder, at Young & Co's Brewery beholder mere indtægt efter at omkostninger til solgte varer er blevet taget i betragtning. Investorer bruger denne nøgletal til at vurdere den finansielle sundhed og operationelle effektivitet og sammenligne den med konkurrenter og branchegennemsnit.

Analyse af EBIT-margin

EBIT-marginen repræsenterer Young & Co's Brewery's indtjening før renter og skatter. Analyse af EBIT-marginen over forskellige år giver indsigt i den operationelle rentabilitet og effektivitet uden effekterne af finansiel gearing og skattestruktur. En stigende EBIT-margin over år signalerer en forbedret operationel præstation.

Indsigt i omsætningsmargin

Omsætningsmarginen viser den samlede omsætning, Young & Co's Brewery har genereret. Ved at sammenligne omsætningsmargin fra år til år kan investorer vurdere vækst og markedsudvidelse for Young & Co's Brewery. Det er vigtigt at sammenligne omsætningsmarginen med brutto- og EBIT-marginerne for at forstå omkostnings- og indtjeningstrukturerne bedre.

Fortolkning af forventninger

De forventede værdier for brutto-, EBIT- og omsætningsmarginerne giver et fremtidigt finansielt udsyn for Young & Co's Brewery. Investorer bør sammenligne disse forventninger med historiske data for at forstå det potentielle vækst og risikofaktorer. Det er afgørende at overveje de underliggende antagelser og metoder, der anvendes til at prognosticere disse forventede værdier for at træffe informerede investeringsbeslutninger.

Sammenlignende analyse

At sammenligne brutto-, EBIT- og omsætningsmarginerne, både årligt og over flere år, giver investorer mulighed for at udføre en omfattende analyse af Young & Co's Brewery's finansielle sundhed og vækstudsigter. Vurderingen af tendenser og mønstre i disse marginer hjælper med at identificere styrker, svagheder og potentielle investeringsmuligheder.

Young & Co's Brewery Margenhistorie

Young & Co's Brewery BruttomarginYoung & Co's Brewery OverskudsmargenYoung & Co's Brewery EBIT-marginYoung & Co's Brewery Overskudsmargen

Young & Co's Brewery Aktie Omsætning, EBIT, Indtjening per aktie

Young & Co's Brewery-omsætningen per aktie angiver således, hvor meget omsætning Young & Co's Brewery i en periode er pr. aktie. EBIT per aktie viser, hvor meget af det operative overskud der tilfalder hver enkelt aktie. Fortjenesten per aktie angiver, hvor meget af overskuddet der tilfalder hver enkelt aktie.

Omsætning per aktie
EBIT per aktie
Indtjening per aktie

Omsætning, EBIT og indtjening per aktie

Omsætning per aktie

Omsætningen per aktie repræsenterer den samlede omsætning, som Young & Co's Brewery genererer, divideret med antallet af udestående aktier. Det er en afgørende metrik, da den afspejler virksomhedens evne til at generere omsætning og indikerer potentialet for vækst og ekspansion. Den årlige sammenligning af omsætningen per aktie tillader investorer at analysere et firmas indtægtskonsistens og forudsige fremtidige tendenser.

EBIT per aktie

EBIT per aktie viser Young & Co's Brewerys indtjening før interesser og skatter og giver indsigt i driftsrentabilitet, uden at tage hensyn til effekterne af kapitalstrukturen og skattesatserne. Den kan sammenlignes med omsætningen per aktie for at vurdere effektiviteten af at omdanne salg til overskud. En konstant stigning i EBIT per aktie over årene understreger operationel effektivitet og rentabilitet.

Indkomst per aktie

Indkomsten per aktie eller indtjening per aktie (EPS) viser andelen af Young & Co's Brewerys overskud der er tildelt hver aktie af grundkapitalen. Det er afgørende for vurdering af rentabilitet og finansiel sundhed. Ved at sammenligne det med omsætningen og EBIT per aktie kan investorer se, hvor effektivt et firma omdanner omsætninger og driftsindtjening til nettoindkomst.

Forventede værdier

De forventede værdier er prognoser for omsætning, EBIT og indtjening per aktie for de kommende år. Disse forventninger, som er baseret på historiske data og markedsanalyser, hjælper investorer med at strategisere deres investeringer, vurdere den fremtidige præstation af Young & Co's Brewery og estimere fremtidige aktiekurser. Det er dog kritisk at tage hensyn til markedsvolatilitet og usikkerheder, som kan påvirke disse prognoser.

Young & Co's Brewery Omsætning, overskud og EBIT pr. aktie historik

DatoYoung & Co's Brewery Omsætning per aktieYoung & Co's Brewery EBIT per aktieYoung & Co's Brewery Indtjening per aktie

Young & Co's Brewery Aktie og aktieanalyse

Young & Co. Brewery is a British brewery headquartered in London. It has been producing high-quality beers since 1831 and is now one of the major players in the British beer market. The history of Young & Co. began with the acquisition of a small brewery in Wandsworth, South London by Charles Allen Young. Since then, the brewery has undergone numerous expansions and developments. Young & Co.'s business model is based on two pillars: production and the sale and operation of pubs. Production takes place at the main brewery in Wandsworth, where several beers and ciders are made. These include the well-known Light Ale, Bitter, and lager-like Special. The beers are brewed solely using traditional methods and only the best ingredients. The second pillar of Young & Co.'s business model is the operation of pubs. The brewery currently owns around 220 pubs in London and the south of England. These include a variety of establishments, from traditional pubs to trendy bars and restaurants. Young & Co. also operates several hotels, including one near the brewery in Wandsworth. Young & Co. is divided into various business areas, including investment, property, and delivery. The investment area is responsible for the opening and operation of new pubs and restaurants. The property area oversees and develops all of the brewery's properties, ensuring high quality and solid building structures for long-term use. The delivery area is responsible for the logistical operation and delivery of beer and other items. In addition to classic beer varieties, Young & Co. also produces a comprehensive range of non-alcoholic beverages and offers a variety of food and snacks to its guests. The brewery is committed to environmental protection and socially responsible production and distribution of its products. In 2006, the brewery was converted into a public limited company. The company's shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange and are included in several indices, including the FTSE 250. Young & Co.'s shareholders are widely spread, with many of them also being customers of the brewery's pubs and restaurants. Young & Co. Brewery is an advanced and innovative brewery that values tradition, quality, and innovation. It has become an important part of the British brewery landscape and will continue to expand and introduce new products and concepts in the future. The combination of production and pub operation is an important part of the company's strategy to inspire and convince customers and guests in innovative ways. Young & Co's Brewery er et af de mest populære selskaber på Eulerpool.com.

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Young & Co's Brewery Vurdering ud fra historisk P/E, EBIT og P/S


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Young & Co's Brewery Aktiesplitninger

I aktiehistorikken for Young & Co's Brewery har der endnu ikke været nogen aktieopdelinger.

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For Young & Co's Brewery er der desværre ingen aktuelle kursmål og prognoser tilgængelige.

Young & Co's Brewery Indtjenings overraskelser

31.3.20240,23 GBP0,27 GBP (16,63 %)2024 Q4
31.3.20120,13 GBP0,16 GBP (25,95 %)2012 Q4
31.3.20100,08 GBP0,11 GBP (40,36 %)2010 Q4

Eulerpool ESG Rating for Young & Co's Brewery-aktien

Eulerpool World ESG Rating (EESG©)

43/ 100

🌱 Environment


👫 Social


🏛️ Governance


Miljø (Environment)

Direkte emissioner
Indirekte emissioner fra indkøbt energi
Indirekte emissioner inden for værdikæden
Pels & Læder
Bæredygtigt skovbrug
Miljøvenlig emballage
Farlige stoffer
Brændstofforbrug og -effektivitet
Vandforbrug og -effektivitet

Sociale (Social)

Kvindelige ansattes andel43
Kvindelig andel i ledelsen
Andel af asiatiske ansatte
Andel af asiatisk ledelse
Andel af hispano/latino-ansatte
Andel af hispano/latino-ledelse
Andel af sorte ansatte
Andel af sort ledelse
Andel af hvide ansatte
Andel af hvid ledelse
Arbejds- og sundhedsbeskyttelse

Virksomhedsledelse (Governance)


Det anerkendte Eulerpool ESG Rating er det strengt ophavsretligt beskyttede intellektuelle ejendom tilhørende Eulerpool Research Systems. Enhver uautoriseret brug, efterligning eller overtrædelse vil blive efterforsket beslutsomt og kan medføre betydelige juridiske konsekvenser. For licenser, samarbejder eller brugsrettigheder, kontakt os venligst direkte gennem vores Kontaktformular til os.

Young & Co's Brewery Bestyrelse og tilsynsråd

Mr. Simon Dodd

Young & Co's Brewery Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director (siden 2019)
Vederlag: 670.000,00 GBP

Mr. Mike Owen

Young & Co's Brewery Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director (siden 2019)
Vederlag: 559.000,00 GBP

Ms. Tracy Read

Young & Co's Brewery Executive Director, People Director (siden 2016)
Vederlag: 383.000,00 GBP

Mr. Mark Loughborough

Young & Co's Brewery Retail Director, Executive Director (siden 2022)
Vederlag: 170.000,00 GBP

Mr. Stephen Goodyear

Young & Co's Brewery Non-Executive Chairman of the Board (siden 1995)
Vederlag: 125.000,00 GBP

Hyppige spørgsmål om Young & Co's Brewery-aktien

What values and corporate philosophy does Young & Co's Brewery represent?

Young & Co's Brewery PLC is a renowned stock in the market today. This esteemed company represents strong values and an impeccable corporate philosophy. Young & Co's Brewery PLC believes in delivering exceptional quality beverages, continuously striving for excellence in every aspect of their business. With a rich history dating back to 1831, this company is committed to upholding traditional brewing techniques while embracing innovation to meet evolving consumer preferences. They prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to provide a remarkable experience through their wide range of premium beers and exceptional service. Young & Co's Brewery PLC’s unwavering commitment to quality, heritage, and customer-centric values makes it an attractive investment opportunity.

In which countries and regions is Young & Co's Brewery primarily present?

Young & Co's Brewery PLC is primarily present in the United Kingdom.

What significant milestones has the company Young & Co's Brewery achieved?

In its long history, Young & Co's Brewery PLC has achieved several significant milestones. The company has continued to expand its portfolio, acquiring and renovating numerous pubs and hotels across the UK. Young & Co's Brewery PLC has also successfully introduced a wide range of innovative craft beers and premium spirits, catering to diverse consumer preferences. Furthermore, the company has consistently delivered strong financial performances, marked by steady revenue growth and impressive returns to shareholders. Young & Co's Brewery PLC's commitment to quality and exceptional customer experiences has helped establish its esteemed reputation in the hospitality industry.

What is the history and background of the company Young & Co's Brewery?

Young & Co's Brewery PLC, established in 1831, is a renowned British pub and hotel company. With a rich heritage spanning nearly two centuries, Young & Co's Brewery has maintained its dedication to brewing excellence and hospitality services. Initially founded by Charles Allen Young and Anthony Fothergill Bainbridge, the company has grown to become an iconic name in the industry. Young & Co's Brewery PLC operates a diverse portfolio of pubs, bars, and hotels across London and Southern England. Over the years, the company has successfully combined traditional brewing methods with modern innovations, ensuring top-quality beverages and exceptional guest experiences. Today, Young & Co's Brewery PLC continues to be a trusted and reputable player in the hospitality sector.

Who are the main competitors of Young & Co's Brewery in the market?

The main competitors of Young & Co's Brewery PLC in the market include other prominent breweries and pub chain operators. Some notable competitors include Greene King PLC, Marston's PLC, Fullers Smith & Turner PLC, and JD Wetherspoon PLC.

In which industries is Young & Co's Brewery primarily active?

Young & Co's Brewery PLC is primarily active in the beverage industry, specifically in the brewing and pub sectors. Known for its long-standing heritage as a British brewery, Young & Co's Brewery PLC operates a diverse portfolio of pubs and hotels across the United Kingdom. With a focus on producing high-quality craft beers and providing exceptional customer experiences, the company has established itself as a prominent player in the hospitality sector. Young & Co's Brewery PLC continues to thrive through its dedication to traditional brewing techniques and commitment to delivering memorable drinking and dining experiences for its patrons.

What is the business model of Young & Co's Brewery?

The business model of Young & Co's Brewery PLC focuses on operating and managing pubs, hotels, and restaurants. With a rich history in the brewing industry since 1831, Young & Co's Brewery PLC has diversified its business to provide enjoyable and high-quality hospitality experiences to its customers. Their portfolio includes a wide range of award-winning establishments, emphasizing exceptional service, delicious food and drink offerings, and creating inviting atmospheres. Young & Co's Brewery PLC places a strong emphasis on maintaining and expanding their impressive collection of unique and distinctive venues, catering to various customer preferences and ensuring lasting success in the hospitality sector.

Hvilken P/E har Young & Co's Brewery 2024?

KGV kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Young & Co's Brewery.

Hvad er KUV for Young & Co's Brewery 2024?

KUV kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Young & Co's Brewery.

Hvilken AlleAktien kvalitetsscore har Young & Co's Brewery?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Young & Co's Brewery.

Hvor høj er omsætningen for Young & Co's Brewery 2024?

Omsætningen kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Young & Co's Brewery.

Hvor høj er overskuddet for Young & Co's Brewery 2024?

Overskuddet kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Young & Co's Brewery.

Hvad laver Young & Co's Brewery?

Young & Co's Brewery PLC is a British company specializing in the production and distribution of beers and other alcoholic beverages. The company is based in London and operates several pubs and restaurants throughout the region. The business model of Young & Co's Brewery PLC is threefold. Firstly, the company produces a wide range of beers that are sold in bottles or kegs. These include traditional English beers such as Pale Ale, Bitter, or Stout, as well as more modern varieties such as IPA or Craft Beer. The second branch is the operation of pubs and restaurants: Here, the company ensures that its beers and other drinks are served in pleasant and cozy environments. The food offering is diverse and ranges from traditional pub dishes to modern international cuisine. The third branch is the brewing of specialty beers, which are produced in limited editions. These are usually seasonal beers or experimental creations. They are often made in collaboration with other breweries or with local ingredients. Over the years, Young & Co's Brewery PLC has earned an excellent reputation and has been awarded numerous prizes. Particularly popular are the products of the "Wells & Young's Brewery," a subsidiary of the company that specializes in craft brewing. These include the "Bombardier" beer and the "Courage" beer. Another important pillar of Young & Co's Brewery PLC is the distribution of its products to retailers and the gastronomy industry. The company offers a wide range of bottled and keg beers, which are available in many supermarkets, bars, and restaurants. Young & Co's Brewery PLC is also active in the real estate industry and owns several properties, especially pubs and restaurants, throughout Great Britain. These are either operated by the company itself or rented to independent operators under franchise agreements. Overall, the business model of Young & Co's Brewery PLC is broad-based and allows the company to flexibly respond to various market developments. The range of beers and restaurants is diverse and appeals to different target groups, while the specialty beers sector provides room for creativity and innovation.

Hvor høj er Young & Co's Brewery udbyttet?

Young & Co's Brewery udbetaler et udbytte på 0 GBP fordelt over udbetalinger om året.

Hvor ofte betaler Young & Co's Brewery udbytte?

Udbyttet kan for nuværende ikke beregnes for Young & Co's Brewery, eller selskabet udbetaler ikke udbytte.

Hvad er Young & Co's Brewery ISIN?

ISIN'en for Young & Co's Brewery er GB00B2NDK765.

Hvad er den Young & Co's Brewery WKN?

WKN for Young & Co's Brewery er A0NBNJ.

Hvad er Young & Co's Brewery tickeren?

Tickeren for Young & Co's Brewery er YNGA.L.

Hvor meget i udbytte betaler Young & Co's Brewery?

I løbet af de sidste 12 måneder betalte Young & Co's Brewery en dividende på . Dette svarer til et dividendeudbytte på omkring . For de kommende 12 måneder vil Young & Co's Brewery sandsynligvis betale en dividende på 0,39 GBP.

Hvor høj er udbytteafkastet for Young & Co's Brewery?

Udbytteafkastet for Young & Co's Brewery er i øjeblikket .

Hvornår udbetaler Young & Co's Brewery udbytte?

Young & Co's Brewery betaler kvartalsvis udbytte. Dette uddeles i månederne december, august, december, december.

Hvor sikker er udbyttet fra Young & Co's Brewery?

Young & Co's Brewery betalte udbytte hvert år i løbet af de sidste 7 år.

Hvor høj er udbyttet fra Young & Co's Brewery?

For de kommende 12 måneder forventes der dividender på 0,39 GBP. Dette svarer til et dividendeafkast på 3,98 %.

I hvilken sektor befinder Young & Co's Brewery sig?

Young & Co's Brewery bliver tildelt sektoren 'Cyklisk forbrug'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Young & Co's Brewery kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

For at modtage det seneste udbytte på Young & Co's Brewery fra den 6.12.2024 på 0,15 GBP, skulle du have haft aktien i din portefølje før ex-datoen den 22.11.2024.

Hvornår betalte Young & Co's Brewery den seneste udbytte?

Udbetalingen af det sidste udbytte blev foretaget den 6.12.2024.

Hvor høj var udbyttet fra Young & Co's Brewery i år 2023?

I løbet af 2023 udbetalte Young & Co's Brewery 0,211 GBP i form af dividender.

I hvilken valuta udbetaler Young & Co's Brewery udbyttet?

Udbytterne fra Young & Co's Brewery udbetales i GBP.

Andre nøgletal og analyser af Young & Co's Brewery i Deep Dive

Vores aktieanalyse af Young & Co's Brewery Omsætning-aktien indeholder vigtige finansielle nøgletal som omsætning, profit, P/E-ratioen, P/S-ratioen, EBIT samt informationer om udbytte. Desuden ser vi på aspekter som aktier, markedskapitalisering, gæld, egenkapital og forpligtelser hos Young & Co's Brewery Omsætning. Hvis du søger mere detaljerede oplysninger om disse emner, tilbyder vi på vores undersider omfattende analyser: