Udělej nejlepší investice svého života
Za 2 eura si zabezpečte Německo Výroba aut
Aktuální hodnota Výroba aut v Německo je 340 800 Units. Výroba aut v Německo vzrostla na 340 800 Units dne 1. 1. 2025, poté co byla 225 155 Units dne 1. 12. 2024. Od 1. 7. 1999 do 1. 1. 2025 byl průměrný HDP v Německo 422 757,93 Units. Historického maxima bylo dosaženo dne 1. 3. 2011 s 583 399,00 Units, zatímco nejnižší hodnota byla zaznamenána dne 1. 4. 2020 s 11 287,00 Units.
Výroba aut ·
3 roky
5 let
10 let
25 let
Automobilová produkce | |
1. 7. 1999 | 408 400,00 Units |
1. 8. 1999 | 361 200,00 Units |
1. 9. 1999 | 509 800,00 Units |
1. 10. 1999 | 508 300,00 Units |
1. 11. 1999 | 545 700,00 Units |
1. 12. 1999 | 410 044,00 Units |
1. 1. 2000 | 394 000,00 Units |
1. 2. 2000 | 492 200,00 Units |
1. 3. 2000 | 552 400,00 Units |
1. 4. 2000 | 438 100,00 Units |
1. 5. 2000 | 535 400,00 Units |
1. 6. 2000 | 444 300,00 Units |
1. 7. 2000 | 414 400,00 Units |
1. 8. 2000 | 361 600,00 Units |
1. 9. 2000 | 482 600,00 Units |
1. 10. 2000 | 484 600,00 Units |
1. 11. 2000 | 551 300,00 Units |
1. 12. 2000 | 400 600,00 Units |
1. 1. 2001 | 490 200,00 Units |
1. 2. 2001 | 497 100,00 Units |
1. 3. 2001 | 563 800,00 Units |
1. 4. 2001 | 467 300,00 Units |
1. 5. 2001 | 508 000,00 Units |
1. 6. 2001 | 485 200,00 Units |
1. 7. 2001 | 391 000,00 Units |
1. 8. 2001 | 422 400,00 Units |
1. 9. 2001 | 500 300,00 Units |
1. 10. 2001 | 514 800,00 Units |
1. 11. 2001 | 513 100,00 Units |
1. 12. 2001 | 343 393,00 Units |
1. 1. 2002 | 407 168,00 Units |
1. 2. 2002 | 398 191,00 Units |
1. 3. 2002 | 436 641,00 Units |
1. 4. 2002 | 450 209,00 Units |
1. 5. 2002 | 400 300,00 Units |
1. 6. 2002 | 477 800,00 Units |
1. 7. 2002 | 395 132,00 Units |
1. 8. 2002 | 385 433,00 Units |
1. 9. 2002 | 481 879,00 Units |
1. 10. 2002 | 454 000,00 Units |
1. 11. 2002 | 501 771,00 Units |
1. 12. 2002 | 334 544,00 Units |
1. 1. 2003 | 412 170,00 Units |
1. 2. 2003 | 448 945,00 Units |
1. 3. 2003 | 466 451,00 Units |
1. 4. 2003 | 431 816,00 Units |
1. 5. 2003 | 440 264,00 Units |
1. 6. 2003 | 389 898,00 Units |
1. 7. 2003 | 448 133,00 Units |
1. 8. 2003 | 265 542,00 Units |
1. 9. 2003 | 473 740,00 Units |
1. 10. 2003 | 460 813,00 Units |
1. 11. 2003 | 515 272,00 Units |
1. 12. 2003 | 392 359,00 Units |
1. 1. 2004 | 370 616,00 Units |
1. 2. 2004 | 435 046,00 Units |
1. 3. 2004 | 529 180,00 Units |
1. 4. 2004 | 454 959,00 Units |
1. 5. 2004 | 430 063,00 Units |
1. 6. 2004 | 486 343,00 Units |
1. 7. 2004 | 404 472,00 Units |
1. 8. 2004 | 311 174,00 Units |
1. 9. 2004 | 481 897,00 Units |
1. 10. 2004 | 447 784,00 Units |
1. 11. 2004 | 475 483,00 Units |
1. 12. 2004 | 365 084,00 Units |
1. 1. 2005 | 405 548,00 Units |
1. 2. 2005 | 431 038,00 Units |
1. 3. 2005 | 481 021,00 Units |
1. 4. 2005 | 501 933,00 Units |
1. 5. 2005 | 402 131,00 Units |
1. 6. 2005 | 514 332,00 Units |
1. 7. 2005 | 428 165,00 Units |
1. 8. 2005 | 307 940,00 Units |
1. 9. 2005 | 527 986,00 Units |
1. 10. 2005 | 455 698,00 Units |
1. 11. 2005 | 518 419,00 Units |
1. 12. 2005 | 375 976,00 Units |
1. 1. 2006 | 426 190,00 Units |
1. 2. 2006 | 452 144,00 Units |
1. 3. 2006 | 545 487,00 Units |
1. 4. 2006 | 409 310,00 Units |
1. 5. 2006 | 488 101,00 Units |
1. 6. 2006 | 465 005,00 Units |
1. 7. 2006 | 443 636,00 Units |
1. 8. 2006 | 324 436,00 Units |
1. 9. 2006 | 506 066,00 Units |
1. 10. 2006 | 452 052,00 Units |
1. 11. 2006 | 517 100,00 Units |
1. 12. 2006 | 369 100,00 Units |
1. 1. 2007 | 493 900,00 Units |
1. 2. 2007 | 485 100,00 Units |
1. 3. 2007 | 567 300,00 Units |
1. 4. 2007 | 451 100,00 Units |
1. 5. 2007 | 496 300,00 Units |
1. 6. 2007 | 511 900,00 Units |
1. 7. 2007 | 462 000,00 Units |
1. 8. 2007 | 345 000,00 Units |
1. 9. 2007 | 507 800,00 Units |
1. 10. 2007 | 502 600,00 Units |
1. 11. 2007 | 552 800,00 Units |
1. 12. 2007 | 360 600,00 Units |
1. 1. 2008 | 475 197,00 Units |
1. 2. 2008 | 531 397,00 Units |
1. 3. 2008 | 492 336,00 Units |
1. 4. 2008 | 579 869,00 Units |
1. 5. 2008 | 444 537,00 Units |
1. 6. 2008 | 516 609,00 Units |
1. 7. 2008 | 434 801,00 Units |
1. 8. 2008 | 340 288,00 Units |
1. 9. 2008 | 535 893,00 Units |
1. 10. 2008 | 448 565,00 Units |
1. 11. 2008 | 452 590,00 Units |
1. 12. 2008 | 279 948,00 Units |
1. 1. 2009 | 310 113,00 Units |
1. 2. 2009 | 297 921,00 Units |
1. 3. 2009 | 435 693,00 Units |
1. 4. 2009 | 373 308,00 Units |
1. 5. 2009 | 427 239,00 Units |
1. 6. 2009 | 478 133,00 Units |
1. 7. 2009 | 410 321,00 Units |
1. 8. 2009 | 325 060,00 Units |
1. 9. 2009 | 553 205,00 Units |
1. 10. 2009 | 508 450,00 Units |
1. 11. 2009 | 493 851,00 Units |
1. 12. 2009 | 351 229,00 Units |
1. 1. 2010 | 376 937,00 Units |
1. 2. 2010 | 450 355,00 Units |
1. 3. 2010 | 560 055,00 Units |
1. 4. 2010 | 464 591,00 Units |
1. 5. 2010 | 470 130,00 Units |
1. 6. 2010 | 528 820,00 Units |
1. 7. 2010 | 392 553,00 Units |
1. 8. 2010 | 335 748,00 Units |
1. 9. 2010 | 536 468,00 Units |
1. 10. 2010 | 502 507,00 Units |
1. 11. 2010 | 519 765,00 Units |
1. 12. 2010 | 414 480,00 Units |
1. 1. 2011 | 398 078,00 Units |
1. 2. 2011 | 519 342,00 Units |
1. 3. 2011 | 583 399,00 Units |
1. 4. 2011 | 470 463,00 Units |
1. 5. 2011 | 563 015,00 Units |
1. 6. 2011 | 456 548,00 Units |
1. 7. 2011 | 462 005,00 Units |
1. 8. 2011 | 396 706,00 Units |
1. 9. 2011 | 562 504,00 Units |
1. 10. 2011 | 502 897,00 Units |
1. 11. 2011 | 546 272,00 Units |
1. 12. 2011 | 410 689,00 Units |
1. 1. 2012 | 443 510,00 Units |
1. 2. 2012 | 508 798,00 Units |
1. 3. 2012 | 546 169,00 Units |
1. 4. 2012 | 426 321,00 Units |
1. 5. 2012 | 448 045,00 Units |
1. 6. 2012 | 463 839,00 Units |
1. 7. 2012 | 460 830,00 Units |
1. 8. 2012 | 363 254,00 Units |
1. 9. 2012 | 450 072,00 Units |
1. 10. 2012 | 454 716,00 Units |
1. 11. 2012 | 482 406,00 Units |
1. 12. 2012 | 340 499,00 Units |
1. 1. 2013 | 397 634,00 Units |
1. 2. 2013 | 459 180,00 Units |
1. 3. 2013 | 474 467,00 Units |
1. 4. 2013 | 502 411,00 Units |
1. 5. 2013 | 428 684,00 Units |
1. 6. 2013 | 475 779,00 Units |
1. 7. 2013 | 444 960,00 Units |
1. 8. 2013 | 394 991,00 Units |
1. 9. 2013 | 514 468,00 Units |
1. 10. 2013 | 456 669,00 Units |
1. 11. 2013 | 537 383,00 Units |
1. 12. 2013 | 353 278,00 Units |
1. 1. 2014 | 442 430,00 Units |
1. 2. 2014 | 513 041,00 Units |
1. 3. 2014 | 522 428,00 Units |
1. 4. 2014 | 494 416,00 Units |
1. 5. 2014 | 482 483,00 Units |
1. 6. 2014 | 456 069,00 Units |
1. 7. 2014 | 535 001,00 Units |
1. 8. 2014 | 272 744,00 Units |
1. 9. 2014 | 524 072,00 Units |
1. 10. 2014 | 478 999,00 Units |
1. 11. 2014 | 515 340,00 Units |
1. 12. 2014 | 367 003,00 Units |
1. 1. 2015 | 421 510,00 Units |
1. 2. 2015 | 501 118,00 Units |
1. 3. 2015 | 556 049,00 Units |
1. 4. 2015 | 479 631,00 Units |
1. 5. 2015 | 447 925,00 Units |
1. 6. 2015 | 513 315,00 Units |
1. 7. 2015 | 533 264,00 Units |
1. 8. 2015 | 338 834,00 Units |
1. 9. 2015 | 538 149,00 Units |
1. 10. 2015 | 529 856,00 Units |
1. 11. 2015 | 518 512,00 Units |
1. 12. 2015 | 329 975,00 Units |
1. 1. 2016 | 416 983,00 Units |
1. 2. 2016 | 529 061,00 Units |
1. 3. 2016 | 523 210,00 Units |
1. 4. 2016 | 550 158,00 Units |
1. 5. 2016 | 445 393,00 Units |
1. 6. 2016 | 563 546,00 Units |
1. 7. 2016 | 410 630,00 Units |
1. 8. 2016 | 410 256,00 Units |
1. 9. 2016 | 529 463,00 Units |
1. 10. 2016 | 464 434,00 Units |
1. 11. 2016 | 535 180,00 Units |
1. 12. 2016 | 368 494,00 Units |
1. 1. 2017 | 459 282,00 Units |
1. 2. 2017 | 487 600,00 Units |
1. 3. 2017 | 567 605,00 Units |
1. 4. 2017 | 450 717,00 Units |
1. 5. 2017 | 482 362,00 Units |
1. 6. 2017 | 473 778,00 Units |
1. 7. 2017 | 376 087,00 Units |
1. 8. 2017 | 452 786,00 Units |
1. 9. 2017 | 525 976,00 Units |
1. 10. 2017 | 428 029,00 Units |
1. 11. 2017 | 581 194,00 Units |
1. 12. 2017 | 360 168,00 Units |
1. 1. 2018 | 453 716,00 Units |
1. 2. 2018 | 447 565,00 Units |
1. 3. 2018 | 526 698,00 Units |
1. 4. 2018 | 485 519,00 Units |
1. 5. 2018 | 437 671,00 Units |
1. 6. 2018 | 495 652,00 Units |
1. 7. 2018 | 378 651,00 Units |
1. 8. 2018 | 310 076,00 Units |
1. 9. 2018 | 401 084,00 Units |
1. 10. 2018 | 427 322,00 Units |
1. 11. 2018 | 458 820,00 Units |
1. 12. 2018 | 297 635,00 Units |
1. 1. 2019 | 373 129,00 Units |
1. 2. 2019 | 439 882,00 Units |
1. 3. 2019 | 453 605,00 Units |
1. 4. 2019 | 406 359,00 Units |
1. 5. 2019 | 443 885,00 Units |
1. 6. 2019 | 375 186,00 Units |
1. 7. 2019 | 355 112,00 Units |
1. 8. 2019 | 311 919,00 Units |
1. 9. 2019 | 416 400,00 Units |
1. 10. 2019 | 391 949,00 Units |
1. 11. 2019 | 418 867,00 Units |
1. 12. 2019 | 277 456,00 Units |
1. 1. 2020 | 341 130,00 Units |
1. 2. 2020 | 388 668,00 Units |
1. 3. 2020 | 289 648,00 Units |
1. 4. 2020 | 11 287,00 Units |
1. 5. 2020 | 158 541,00 Units |
1. 6. 2020 | 305 080,00 Units |
1. 7. 2020 | 330 084,00 Units |
1. 8. 2020 | 195 493,00 Units |
1. 9. 2020 | 373 507,00 Units |
1. 10. 2020 | 384 540,00 Units |
1. 11. 2020 | 449 701,00 Units |
1. 12. 2020 | 287 809,00 Units |
1. 1. 2021 | 237 105,00 Units |
1. 2. 2021 | 322 612,00 Units |
1. 3. 2021 | 378 669,00 Units |
1. 4. 2021 | 297 384,00 Units |
1. 5. 2021 | 245 806,00 Units |
1. 6. 2021 | 253 869,00 Units |
1. 7. 2021 | 245 260,00 Units |
1. 8. 2021 | 123 504,00 Units |
1. 9. 2021 | 222 297,00 Units |
1. 10. 2021 | 214 233,00 Units |
1. 11. 2021 | 307 749,00 Units |
1. 12. 2021 | 247 677,00 Units |
1. 1. 2022 | 251 969,00 Units |
1. 2. 2022 | 309 534,00 Units |
1. 3. 2022 | 265 329,00 Units |
1. 4. 2022 | 257 934,00 Units |
1. 5. 2022 | 303 379,00 Units |
1. 6. 2022 | 297 963,00 Units |
1. 7. 2022 | 250 382,00 Units |
1. 8. 2022 | 231 320,00 Units |
1. 9. 2022 | 371 042,00 Units |
1. 10. 2022 | 283 933,00 Units |
1. 11. 2022 | 396 373,00 Units |
1. 12. 2022 | 261 199,00 Units |
1. 1. 2023 | 326 251,00 Units |
1. 2. 2023 | 380 597,00 Units |
1. 3. 2023 | 438 562,00 Units |
1. 4. 2023 | 316 039,00 Units |
1. 5. 2023 | 377 206,00 Units |
1. 6. 2023 | 384 738,00 Units |
1. 7. 2023 | 290 354,00 Units |
1. 8. 2023 | 253 507,00 Units |
1. 9. 2023 | 359 613,00 Units |
1. 10. 2023 | 322 843,00 Units |
1. 11. 2023 | 401 407,00 Units |
1. 12. 2023 | 258 254,00 Units |
1. 1. 2024 | 301 538,00 Units |
1. 2. 2024 | 374 140,00 Units |
1. 3. 2024 | 360 821,00 Units |
1. 4. 2024 | 396 427,00 Units |
1. 5. 2024 | 305 554,00 Units |
1. 6. 2024 | 349 310,00 Units |
1. 7. 2024 | 318 585,00 Units |
1. 8. 2024 | 300 964,00 Units |
1. 9. 2024 | 379 324,00 Units |
1. 10. 2024 | 366 585,00 Units |
1. 11. 2024 | 390 819,00 Units |
1. 12. 2024 | 225 155,00 Units |
1. 1. 2025 | 340 800,00 Units |
Výroba aut Historie
Datum | Hodnota |
1. 1. 2025 | 340 800 Units |
1. 12. 2024 | 225 155 Units |
1. 11. 2024 | 390 819 Units |
1. 10. 2024 | 366 585 Units |
1. 9. 2024 | 379 324 Units |
1. 8. 2024 | 300 964 Units |
1. 7. 2024 | 318 585 Units |
1. 6. 2024 | 349 310 Units |
1. 5. 2024 | 305 554 Units |
1. 4. 2024 | 396 427 Units |
Podobné makroekonomické ukazatele k Výroba aut
Jméno | Aktuálně | Předchozí | Frekvence |
🇩🇪 Aktuální situace ZEW | -84,5 points | -77,3 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Ceny elektřiny na spotovém trhu | 77,75 EUR/MWh | 74,88 EUR/MWh | frequency_null |
🇩🇪 Ifo očekávání | 85,4 points | 84,3 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Ifo-Geschäftsklima | 85 points | 86 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Index konjunkturních očekávání ZEW | 47,5 points | 47,1 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Kompozitní PMI | 47,5 points | 48,4 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Nové objednávky | 88,2 points | 85,7 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Objednávky továren | 6,9 % | -5,2 % | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Podnikatelské klima | 85,4 points | 86,6 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Průmyslová produkce | -2,7 % | -5,6 % | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Průmyslová produkce MeziMěsíčně | 2,9 % | -2,9 % | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Registrace elektromobilů | 33 561 Units | 35 167 Units | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Registrace nových osobních automobilů YoY | -2,1 % | 6,1 % | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Registrace vozidel | 224 721 Units | 207 640 Units | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Složený předstihový ukazatel | 100,327 points | 100,031 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Služby PMI | 52,2 points | 52,5 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Těžební produkce | 8,6 % | 9,5 % | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Úpady | 1 653 Companies | 1 934 Companies | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 výroba oceli | 2,7 mil. Tonnes | 2,9 mil. Tonnes | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Výrobní PMI | 43,5 points | 45,4 points | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Výrobní produkce | -5,9 % | -4,1 % | Měsíčně |
🇩🇪 Využití kapacity | 76,4 % | 76,1 % | čtvrtletí |
🇩🇪 Zisky společnosti | 223,95 mld. EUR | 210,325 mld. EUR | čtvrtletí |
🇩🇪 Změny stavů zásob | 27,586 mld. EUR | 4,847 mld. EUR | čtvrtletí |
Makrostránky pro ostatní země v Evropa
- 🇦🇱Albánie
- 🇦🇹Rakousko
- 🇧🇾Bělorusko
- 🇧🇪Belgie
- 🇧🇦Bosna a Hercegovina
- 🇧🇬Bulharsko
- 🇭🇷Chorvatsko
- 🇨🇾Kypr
- 🇨🇿Česká republika
- 🇩🇰Dánsko
- 🇪🇪Estonsko
- 🇫🇴Faerské ostrovy
- 🇫🇮Finsko
- 🇫🇷Francie
- 🇬🇷Řecko
- 🇭🇺Maďarsko
- 🇮🇸Island
- 🇮🇪Irsko
- 🇮🇹Itálie
- 🇽🇰Kosovo
- 🇱🇻Lotyšsko
- 🇱🇮Lichtenštejnsko
- 🇱🇹Litva
- 🇱🇺Lucembursko
- 🇲🇰Severní Makedonie
- 🇲🇹Malta
- 🇲🇩Vltava
- 🇲🇨Monako
- 🇲🇪Montenegro
- 🇳🇱Nizozemsko
- 🇳🇴Norsko
- 🇵🇱Polsko
- 🇵🇹Portugalsko
- 🇷🇴Rumunsko
- 🇷🇺Rusko
- 🇷🇸Srbsko
- 🇸🇰Slovensko
- 🇸🇮Slovinsko
- 🇪🇸Španělsko
- 🇸🇪Švédsko
- 🇨🇭Švýcarsko
- 🇺🇦Ukrajina
- 🇬🇧Spojené království
- 🇦🇩Andorra
Co je Výroba aut
Car Production in the Czech Republic: A Macroeconomic Perspective The automobile industry holds a pivotal role in the macroeconomic framework of the Czech Republic, symbolizing one of the most vital industrial sectors driving the nation's economic growth, employment, and technological advancement. As a cornerstone of the Czech economy, car production not only has significant direct implications but also engenders substantial indirect economic effects across various ancillary industries. At Eulerpool, where we specialize in delivering detailed macroeconomic data, understanding the intricacies of car production offers invaluable insights into the broader economic landscape. In terms of macroeconomic contributions, the car production sector in the Czech Republic is a major source of GDP. The industry is characterized by its high level of output and robust international trade relations, primarily with European Union countries. The Czech automotive sector is renowned for being home to leading global car manufacturers such as Škoda Auto, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech, and Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile (TPCA), all of which anchor a complex network of suppliers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and advanced manufacturing capabilities. Employment is another crucial area where car production significantly impacts the Czech economy. The industry employs tens of thousands directly in manufacturing facilities and indirectly through a wide range of supporting services and parts suppliers. The intricate supply chain network means that a substantial portion of the labor force is engaged in producing components, providing logistics, and developing technological innovations required by the car manufacturers. As such, fluctuations in car production volumes have a cascading effect, influencing employment levels, wage trends, and overall economic stability. Investment in research and development (R&D) is a key aspect of the car production industry in the Czech Republic. Automobile manufacturers in the country are continually advancing their technological capabilities to enhance vehicle performance, safety, and sustainability. The burgeoning focus on electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid technology underscores the industry's commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility. By investing in R&D, car manufacturers not only boost their competitiveness but also foster an environment conducive to scientific progress and skilled labor training, which contributes to the nation's broader economic resilience. The Czech automotive sector's integration into global supply chains emphasizes its essential role in international trade. The country's central European location coupled with its advanced infrastructure makes it an attractive site for car production aimed at both the European market and global exports. The export-driven nature of Czech car production means that changes in international demand, trade policies, and economic conditions in key markets can have significant repercussions on domestic economic performance. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for assessing the health of the sector and its broader economic implications. Integral to the industry's success is the extensive network of suppliers that support the manufacturing process. These suppliers range from multinational corporations to local SMEs, providing everything from raw materials and components to specialized manufacturing equipment. The symbiotic relationship between car manufacturers and their suppliers is a critical driver of innovation and efficiency, ensuring that the Czech automotive sector remains competitive on an international scale. In addition to economic contributions, the car production industry in the Czech Republic faces several challenges and opportunities that shape its future trajectory. Regulatory compliance, particularly with environmental and safety standards, necessitates continuous adaptation and investment. The ongoing transition towards eco-friendly automotive technologies presents both a challenge in terms of initial investment and an opportunity for long-term sustainability and market leadership. Government policies and incentives play a crucial role in shaping the macroeconomic environment for car production. Supportive measures such as tax incentives, subsidies for R&D, and investments in infrastructure can significantly enhance the sector's competitiveness. Conversely, policy uncertainties or restrictive regulations can hinder growth prospects. Therefore, a stable and favorable policy landscape is imperative for ensuring the industry's sustained contribution to the Czech economy. From a technological perspective, the rise of digitalization and Industry 4.0 is transforming car production processes. Advanced manufacturing techniques, such as automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT), are being increasingly integrated to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance product quality. These technological advancements not only boost productivity but also necessitate a skilled workforce capable of operating and maintaining sophisticated machinery, further emphasizing the importance of education and training in driving economic development. Moreover, the car production sector's environmental impact is a critical consideration in the context of global climate change initiatives. The industry's move towards sustainable practices, including the development of low-emission vehicles and the adoption of green manufacturing processes, underscores its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. These efforts are in line with broader international objectives aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth and minimizing environmental harm. In conclusion, the car production industry in the Czech Republic is a linchpin of the national economy, with far-reaching implications on GDP, employment, trade, and technological advancement. At Eulerpool, we recognize the macroeconomic significance of this sector and provide comprehensive data to facilitate informed decision-making and strategic planning. The industry's ongoing evolution, driven by technological innovation, regulatory developments, and environmental considerations, will undoubtedly continue to shape the Czech Republic's economic future. Understanding the multifaceted nature of car production is essential for grasping the broader economic dynamics at play and ensuring that the nation remains competitive and resilient on the global stage.