Padaryk geriausias savo gyvenimo investicijas
Vokietija Automobilių gamyba
Akcijos kaina
Dabartinė Automobilių gamybos vertė Vokietija yra 361 500 Units. Automobilių gamyba Vokietija padidėjo iki 361 500 Units 2025-02-01, po to, kai buvo 337 231 Units 2025-01-01. Nuo 1999-07-01 iki 2025-02-01 vidutinis BVP Vokietija buvo 422 547,45 Units. Visų laikų rekordas buvo pasiektas 2011-03-01 su 583 399,00 Units, o žemiausia vertė užfiksuota 2020-04-01 su 11 287,00 Units.
Automobilių gamyba ·
Automobilių gamyba | |
1999-07-01 | 408 400,00 Units |
1999-08-01 | 361 200,00 Units |
1999-09-01 | 509 800,00 Units |
1999-10-01 | 508 300,00 Units |
1999-11-01 | 545 700,00 Units |
1999-12-01 | 410 044,00 Units |
2000-01-01 | 394 000,00 Units |
2000-02-01 | 492 200,00 Units |
2000-03-01 | 552 400,00 Units |
2000-04-01 | 438 100,00 Units |
2000-05-01 | 535 400,00 Units |
2000-06-01 | 444 300,00 Units |
2000-07-01 | 414 400,00 Units |
2000-08-01 | 361 600,00 Units |
2000-09-01 | 482 600,00 Units |
2000-10-01 | 484 600,00 Units |
2000-11-01 | 551 300,00 Units |
2000-12-01 | 400 600,00 Units |
2001-01-01 | 490 200,00 Units |
2001-02-01 | 497 100,00 Units |
2001-03-01 | 563 800,00 Units |
2001-04-01 | 467 300,00 Units |
2001-05-01 | 508 000,00 Units |
2001-06-01 | 485 200,00 Units |
2001-07-01 | 391 000,00 Units |
2001-08-01 | 422 400,00 Units |
2001-09-01 | 500 300,00 Units |
2001-10-01 | 514 800,00 Units |
2001-11-01 | 513 100,00 Units |
2001-12-01 | 343 393,00 Units |
2002-01-01 | 407 168,00 Units |
2002-02-01 | 398 191,00 Units |
2002-03-01 | 436 641,00 Units |
2002-04-01 | 450 209,00 Units |
2002-05-01 | 400 300,00 Units |
2002-06-01 | 477 800,00 Units |
2002-07-01 | 395 132,00 Units |
2002-08-01 | 385 433,00 Units |
2002-09-01 | 481 879,00 Units |
2002-10-01 | 454 000,00 Units |
2002-11-01 | 501 771,00 Units |
2002-12-01 | 334 544,00 Units |
2003-01-01 | 412 170,00 Units |
2003-02-01 | 448 945,00 Units |
2003-03-01 | 466 451,00 Units |
2003-04-01 | 431 816,00 Units |
2003-05-01 | 440 264,00 Units |
2003-06-01 | 389 898,00 Units |
2003-07-01 | 448 133,00 Units |
2003-08-01 | 265 542,00 Units |
2003-09-01 | 473 740,00 Units |
2003-10-01 | 460 813,00 Units |
2003-11-01 | 515 272,00 Units |
2003-12-01 | 392 359,00 Units |
2004-01-01 | 370 616,00 Units |
2004-02-01 | 435 046,00 Units |
2004-03-01 | 529 180,00 Units |
2004-04-01 | 454 959,00 Units |
2004-05-01 | 430 063,00 Units |
2004-06-01 | 486 343,00 Units |
2004-07-01 | 404 472,00 Units |
2004-08-01 | 311 174,00 Units |
2004-09-01 | 481 897,00 Units |
2004-10-01 | 447 784,00 Units |
2004-11-01 | 475 483,00 Units |
2004-12-01 | 365 084,00 Units |
2005-01-01 | 405 548,00 Units |
2005-02-01 | 431 038,00 Units |
2005-03-01 | 481 021,00 Units |
2005-04-01 | 501 933,00 Units |
2005-05-01 | 402 131,00 Units |
2005-06-01 | 514 332,00 Units |
2005-07-01 | 428 165,00 Units |
2005-08-01 | 307 940,00 Units |
2005-09-01 | 527 986,00 Units |
2005-10-01 | 455 698,00 Units |
2005-11-01 | 518 419,00 Units |
2005-12-01 | 375 976,00 Units |
2006-01-01 | 426 190,00 Units |
2006-02-01 | 452 144,00 Units |
2006-03-01 | 545 487,00 Units |
2006-04-01 | 409 310,00 Units |
2006-05-01 | 488 101,00 Units |
2006-06-01 | 465 005,00 Units |
2006-07-01 | 443 636,00 Units |
2006-08-01 | 324 436,00 Units |
2006-09-01 | 506 066,00 Units |
2006-10-01 | 452 052,00 Units |
2006-11-01 | 517 100,00 Units |
2006-12-01 | 369 100,00 Units |
2007-01-01 | 493 900,00 Units |
2007-02-01 | 485 100,00 Units |
2007-03-01 | 567 300,00 Units |
2007-04-01 | 451 100,00 Units |
2007-05-01 | 496 300,00 Units |
2007-06-01 | 511 900,00 Units |
2007-07-01 | 462 000,00 Units |
2007-08-01 | 345 000,00 Units |
2007-09-01 | 507 800,00 Units |
2007-10-01 | 502 600,00 Units |
2007-11-01 | 552 800,00 Units |
2007-12-01 | 360 600,00 Units |
2008-01-01 | 475 197,00 Units |
2008-02-01 | 531 397,00 Units |
2008-03-01 | 492 336,00 Units |
2008-04-01 | 579 869,00 Units |
2008-05-01 | 444 537,00 Units |
2008-06-01 | 516 609,00 Units |
2008-07-01 | 434 801,00 Units |
2008-08-01 | 340 288,00 Units |
2008-09-01 | 535 893,00 Units |
2008-10-01 | 448 565,00 Units |
2008-11-01 | 452 590,00 Units |
2008-12-01 | 279 948,00 Units |
2009-01-01 | 310 113,00 Units |
2009-02-01 | 297 921,00 Units |
2009-03-01 | 435 693,00 Units |
2009-04-01 | 373 308,00 Units |
2009-05-01 | 427 239,00 Units |
2009-06-01 | 478 133,00 Units |
2009-07-01 | 410 321,00 Units |
2009-08-01 | 325 060,00 Units |
2009-09-01 | 553 205,00 Units |
2009-10-01 | 508 450,00 Units |
2009-11-01 | 493 851,00 Units |
2009-12-01 | 351 229,00 Units |
2010-01-01 | 376 937,00 Units |
2010-02-01 | 450 355,00 Units |
2010-03-01 | 560 055,00 Units |
2010-04-01 | 464 591,00 Units |
2010-05-01 | 470 130,00 Units |
2010-06-01 | 528 820,00 Units |
2010-07-01 | 392 553,00 Units |
2010-08-01 | 335 748,00 Units |
2010-09-01 | 536 468,00 Units |
2010-10-01 | 502 507,00 Units |
2010-11-01 | 519 765,00 Units |
2010-12-01 | 414 480,00 Units |
2011-01-01 | 398 078,00 Units |
2011-02-01 | 519 342,00 Units |
2011-03-01 | 583 399,00 Units |
2011-04-01 | 470 463,00 Units |
2011-05-01 | 563 015,00 Units |
2011-06-01 | 456 548,00 Units |
2011-07-01 | 462 005,00 Units |
2011-08-01 | 396 706,00 Units |
2011-09-01 | 562 504,00 Units |
2011-10-01 | 502 897,00 Units |
2011-11-01 | 546 272,00 Units |
2011-12-01 | 410 689,00 Units |
2012-01-01 | 443 510,00 Units |
2012-02-01 | 508 798,00 Units |
2012-03-01 | 546 169,00 Units |
2012-04-01 | 426 321,00 Units |
2012-05-01 | 448 045,00 Units |
2012-06-01 | 463 839,00 Units |
2012-07-01 | 460 830,00 Units |
2012-08-01 | 363 254,00 Units |
2012-09-01 | 450 072,00 Units |
2012-10-01 | 454 716,00 Units |
2012-11-01 | 482 406,00 Units |
2012-12-01 | 340 499,00 Units |
2013-01-01 | 397 634,00 Units |
2013-02-01 | 459 180,00 Units |
2013-03-01 | 474 467,00 Units |
2013-04-01 | 502 411,00 Units |
2013-05-01 | 428 684,00 Units |
2013-06-01 | 475 779,00 Units |
2013-07-01 | 444 960,00 Units |
2013-08-01 | 394 991,00 Units |
2013-09-01 | 514 468,00 Units |
2013-10-01 | 456 669,00 Units |
2013-11-01 | 537 383,00 Units |
2013-12-01 | 353 278,00 Units |
2014-01-01 | 442 430,00 Units |
2014-02-01 | 513 041,00 Units |
2014-03-01 | 522 428,00 Units |
2014-04-01 | 494 416,00 Units |
2014-05-01 | 482 483,00 Units |
2014-06-01 | 456 069,00 Units |
2014-07-01 | 535 001,00 Units |
2014-08-01 | 272 744,00 Units |
2014-09-01 | 524 072,00 Units |
2014-10-01 | 478 999,00 Units |
2014-11-01 | 515 340,00 Units |
2014-12-01 | 367 003,00 Units |
2015-01-01 | 421 510,00 Units |
2015-02-01 | 501 118,00 Units |
2015-03-01 | 556 049,00 Units |
2015-04-01 | 479 631,00 Units |
2015-05-01 | 447 925,00 Units |
2015-06-01 | 513 315,00 Units |
2015-07-01 | 533 264,00 Units |
2015-08-01 | 338 834,00 Units |
2015-09-01 | 538 149,00 Units |
2015-10-01 | 529 856,00 Units |
2015-11-01 | 518 512,00 Units |
2015-12-01 | 329 975,00 Units |
2016-01-01 | 416 983,00 Units |
2016-02-01 | 529 061,00 Units |
2016-03-01 | 523 210,00 Units |
2016-04-01 | 550 158,00 Units |
2016-05-01 | 445 393,00 Units |
2016-06-01 | 563 546,00 Units |
2016-07-01 | 410 630,00 Units |
2016-08-01 | 410 256,00 Units |
2016-09-01 | 529 463,00 Units |
2016-10-01 | 464 434,00 Units |
2016-11-01 | 535 180,00 Units |
2016-12-01 | 368 494,00 Units |
2017-01-01 | 459 282,00 Units |
2017-02-01 | 487 600,00 Units |
2017-03-01 | 567 605,00 Units |
2017-04-01 | 450 717,00 Units |
2017-05-01 | 482 362,00 Units |
2017-06-01 | 473 778,00 Units |
2017-07-01 | 376 087,00 Units |
2017-08-01 | 452 786,00 Units |
2017-09-01 | 525 976,00 Units |
2017-10-01 | 428 029,00 Units |
2017-11-01 | 581 194,00 Units |
2017-12-01 | 360 168,00 Units |
2018-01-01 | 453 716,00 Units |
2018-02-01 | 447 565,00 Units |
2018-03-01 | 526 698,00 Units |
2018-04-01 | 485 519,00 Units |
2018-05-01 | 437 671,00 Units |
2018-06-01 | 495 652,00 Units |
2018-07-01 | 378 651,00 Units |
2018-08-01 | 310 076,00 Units |
2018-09-01 | 401 084,00 Units |
2018-10-01 | 427 322,00 Units |
2018-11-01 | 458 820,00 Units |
2018-12-01 | 297 635,00 Units |
2019-01-01 | 373 129,00 Units |
2019-02-01 | 439 882,00 Units |
2019-03-01 | 453 605,00 Units |
2019-04-01 | 406 359,00 Units |
2019-05-01 | 443 885,00 Units |
2019-06-01 | 375 186,00 Units |
2019-07-01 | 355 112,00 Units |
2019-08-01 | 311 919,00 Units |
2019-09-01 | 416 400,00 Units |
2019-10-01 | 391 949,00 Units |
2019-11-01 | 418 867,00 Units |
2019-12-01 | 277 456,00 Units |
2020-01-01 | 341 130,00 Units |
2020-02-01 | 388 668,00 Units |
2020-03-01 | 289 648,00 Units |
2020-04-01 | 11 287,00 Units |
2020-05-01 | 158 541,00 Units |
2020-06-01 | 305 080,00 Units |
2020-07-01 | 330 084,00 Units |
2020-08-01 | 195 493,00 Units |
2020-09-01 | 373 507,00 Units |
2020-10-01 | 384 540,00 Units |
2020-11-01 | 449 701,00 Units |
2020-12-01 | 287 809,00 Units |
2021-01-01 | 237 105,00 Units |
2021-02-01 | 322 612,00 Units |
2021-03-01 | 378 669,00 Units |
2021-04-01 | 297 384,00 Units |
2021-05-01 | 245 806,00 Units |
2021-06-01 | 253 869,00 Units |
2021-07-01 | 245 260,00 Units |
2021-08-01 | 123 504,00 Units |
2021-09-01 | 222 297,00 Units |
2021-10-01 | 214 233,00 Units |
2021-11-01 | 307 749,00 Units |
2021-12-01 | 247 677,00 Units |
2022-01-01 | 251 969,00 Units |
2022-02-01 | 309 534,00 Units |
2022-03-01 | 265 329,00 Units |
2022-04-01 | 257 934,00 Units |
2022-05-01 | 303 379,00 Units |
2022-06-01 | 297 963,00 Units |
2022-07-01 | 250 382,00 Units |
2022-08-01 | 231 320,00 Units |
2022-09-01 | 371 042,00 Units |
2022-10-01 | 283 933,00 Units |
2022-11-01 | 396 373,00 Units |
2022-12-01 | 261 199,00 Units |
2023-01-01 | 326 251,00 Units |
2023-02-01 | 380 597,00 Units |
2023-03-01 | 438 562,00 Units |
2023-04-01 | 316 039,00 Units |
2023-05-01 | 377 206,00 Units |
2023-06-01 | 384 738,00 Units |
2023-07-01 | 290 354,00 Units |
2023-08-01 | 253 507,00 Units |
2023-09-01 | 359 613,00 Units |
2023-10-01 | 322 843,00 Units |
2023-11-01 | 401 407,00 Units |
2023-12-01 | 258 254,00 Units |
2024-01-01 | 301 538,00 Units |
2024-02-01 | 374 140,00 Units |
2024-03-01 | 360 821,00 Units |
2024-04-01 | 396 427,00 Units |
2024-05-01 | 305 554,00 Units |
2024-06-01 | 349 310,00 Units |
2024-07-01 | 318 585,00 Units |
2024-08-01 | 300 964,00 Units |
2024-09-01 | 379 324,00 Units |
2024-10-01 | 366 585,00 Units |
2024-11-01 | 390 819,00 Units |
2024-12-01 | 225 155,00 Units |
2025-01-01 | 337 231,00 Units |
2025-02-01 | 361 500,00 Units |
Automobilių gamyba Istorija
Data | Vertė |
2025-02-01 | 361 500 Units |
2025-01-01 | 337 231 Units |
2024-12-01 | 225 155 Units |
2024-11-01 | 390 819 Units |
2024-10-01 | 366 585 Units |
2024-09-01 | 379 324 Units |
2024-08-01 | 300 964 Units |
2024-07-01 | 318 585 Units |
2024-06-01 | 349 310 Units |
2024-05-01 | 305 554 Units |
Panašūs makroekonominiai rodikliai Automobilių gamyba
Pavadinimas | Šiuo metu | Ankstesnis | Dažnis |
🇩🇪 Akcijų pokyčiai | 27,586 mlrd. EUR | 4,847 mlrd. EUR | Ketvirtis |
🇩🇪 Bendras PMI | 47,5 points | 48,4 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Elektromobilių registracijos | 34 498 Units | 33 561 Units | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Elektros biržos kainos | 77,75 EUR/MWh | 74,88 EUR/MWh | frequency_null |
🇩🇪 Fabriko užsakymai | −7 % | 5,9 % | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Gamybos PMI | 43,5 points | 45,4 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Gamybos produkcija | −5,9 % | −4,1 % | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Ifo lūkesčiai | 85,4 points | 84,3 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Ifo verslo klimato индексас | 85 points | 86 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Įmonių bankrotai | 1 653 Companies | 1 934 Companies | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Įmonių pelnai | 223,95 mlrd. EUR | 210,325 mlrd. EUR | Ketvirtis |
🇩🇪 Kasybos produkcija | 1,7 % | 7,1 % | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Lengvųjų automobilių naujų registracijų metinis pokytis (YoY) | −2,1 % | 6,1 % | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Nauji užsakymai | 88,2 points | 85,7 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Paslaugų PMI | 51,1 points | 52,5 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Plieno gamyba | 2,8 mln. Tonnes | 2,7 mln. Tonnes | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Pramonės gamyba | −2,7 % | −5,6 % | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Pramonės gamybos pokytis per mėnesį | 2,9 % | −2,9 % | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Sudėtinis ankstyvojo įspļjimo indikatorius | 100,327 points | 100,031 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Talpumo naudojimas | 76,4 % | 76,1 % | Ketvirtis |
🇩🇪 Transporto priemonių registracijos | 224 721 Units | 203 434 Units | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 Verslo klimatas | 85,4 points | 86,6 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 ZEW dabartinė padėtis | −84,5 points | −77,3 points | Mėnesinis |
🇩🇪 ZEW ekonomikos lūkesčių indeksas | 47,5 points | 47,1 points | Mėnesinis |
Makroseiten für andere Länder in Europa
- 🇦🇱Albanija
- 🇦🇹Austrija
- 🇧🇾Baltarusija
- 🇧🇪Belgija
- 🇧🇦Bosnija ir Hercegovina
- 🇧🇬Bulgarija
- 🇭🇷Kroatija
- 🇨🇾Kipras
- 🇨🇿Čekijos Respublika
- 🇩🇰Danija
- 🇪🇪Estija
- 🇫🇴Farerų salos
- 🇫🇮Suomija
- 🇫🇷Prancūzija
- 🇬🇷Graikija
- 🇭🇺Vengrija
- 🇮🇸Sala
- 🇮🇪Airija
- 🇮🇹Italija
- 🇽🇰Kosovas
- 🇱🇻Latvija
- 🇱🇮Lihtenšteinas
- 🇱🇹Lietuva
- 🇱🇺Liuksemburgas
- 🇲🇰Šiaurės Makedonija
- 🇲🇹Malta
- 🇲🇩Moldova
- 🇲🇨Monakas
- 🇲🇪Montenegro
- 🇳🇱Nyderlandai
- 🇳🇴Norvegija
- 🇵🇱Lenkija
- 🇵🇹Portugalija
- 🇷🇴Rumunija
- 🇷🇺Rusija
- 🇷🇸Serbija
- 🇸🇰Slovakija
- 🇸🇮Slovėnija
- 🇪🇸Ispanija
- 🇸🇪Švedija
- 🇨🇭Šveicarija
- 🇺🇦Ukraina
- 🇬🇧Jungtinė Karalystė
- 🇦🇩Andora
Kas yra Automobilių gamyba
Car production is a significant component of macroeconomic analysis, reflecting the industrial capacity, technological advancement, labor market, and overall economic health of a country. In Lithuania, car production serves not only as a measure of industrial prowess but also as a driver of economic growth and employment. This article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of car production in Lithuania, delving into its history, current standing, economic impact, and future outlook. The evolution of car production in Lithuania can be traced back to the post-Soviet era when the country embarked on a path of rapid industrialization and economic modernization. Although Lithuania does not host the large-scale car manufacturing plants seen in countries like Germany or Japan, it has developed a robust automotive components industry. This sector plays a crucial role in the broader European supply chain, contributing to the production of various vehicle parts, including electrical components, engines, and body parts. In recent years, global trends in car production have been characterized by significant shifts towards electric vehicles (EVs) and advancements in autonomous driving technologies. Lithuania has not been an exception to this trend. The government and private sector have invested in research and development to innovate in these areas, aligning with the European Union’s broader environmental and technological goals. These investments have led to the emergence of local companies specializing in electric vehicle technologies, battery production, and renewable energy solutions for automotive applications. One of the key aspects of Lithuania’s car production industry is its integration into the European automotive supply chain. The country’s strategic location offers logistical advantages, facilitating trade and transportation of automotive components to major car manufacturing hubs across Europe. Lithuanian companies have established strong partnerships with renowned automotive brands, supplying high-quality parts that meet stringent international standards. This position not only bolsters Lithuania’s economic stature but also enhances its reputation as a reliable partner in the automotive sector. The economic impact of car production on Lithuania cannot be overstated. The industry is a significant employer, providing thousands of jobs across various skill levels. From engineering and design to manufacturing and logistics, the automotive sector offers diverse employment opportunities, contributing to the overall reduction of unemployment rates in the country. Furthermore, the industry generates substantial revenue through exports, strengthening Lithuania’s trade balance and contributing to its GDP growth. Government policies and incentives have been pivotal in shaping the landscape of car production in Lithuania. The Lithuanian government has implemented various measures to attract foreign investment and foster the growth of the automotive industry. This includes offering tax incentives, providing grants for research and development, and creating special economic zones with favorable business conditions. Such initiatives have attracted international automotive companies to set up operations in Lithuania, further integrating the country into the global automotive network. Education and training also play a crucial role in supporting the car production industry. Lithuanian educational institutions offer specialized programs and courses in automotive engineering, electronics, and related fields. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the automotive industry. Collaboration between academia and industry ensures that the workforce is well-prepared to meet the evolving demands of car production, driving innovation and maintaining high standards of quality. Looking ahead, the future of car production in Lithuania appears promising. The global shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly vehicles presents new opportunities for growth and innovation. Lithuania’s focus on electric vehicle technologies and renewable energy solutions positions it well to capitalize on these emerging trends. Continued investment in research and development, coupled with supportive government policies, will be crucial in maintaining the industry’s momentum and ensuring its competitiveness on the global stage. Moreover, the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies, such as automation and artificial intelligence, is expected to revolutionize car production processes. Lithuanian companies are increasingly exploring these technologies to enhance efficiency, reduce production costs, and improve product quality. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing digital transformation will be key to sustaining Lithuania’s position in the competitive automotive market. In conclusion, car production in Lithuania is a vital component of the country's macroeconomic framework. It reflects the nation’s industrial capabilities, contributes significantly to employment and economic growth, and positions Lithuania as a strategic player in the European automotive supply chain. The industry’s focus on innovation, sustainability, and technological advancement ensures its relevance in the face of global trends and challenges. As Lithuania continues to invest in its automotive sector, the future looks bright for car production, promising further economic benefits and advancements in automotive technologies.