Classe d'affichage Obligations - Tous les 3612 ETFs en un coup d'œil

Classe d'investissement
Volume moyen
Ratio de frais
Segment d'investissement
Date de création
Obligations62,558 Mrd.
Vanguard0,10Investissement de qualitéBloomberg Short Treasury Index26/10/20202 878,9100
Obligations62,141 Mrd.
L&G 0,56Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US 15+ Year AAA-A Corporate Select Index - Benchmark TR Net14/02/201934,6200
Obligations59,935 Mrd.
Capital0,25Investissement de qualitéICE BofA Large Cap Developed Markets US Corporate (15+ Y)(Single-A)03/04/201933,5800
Obligations59,207 Mrd.
Capital0Investissement de qualitéICE BofA 15+ Year US Telecommunications Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net08/12/201738,5500
Mirae Asset Tiger KTB3 ETF
Obligations57,715 Mrd.
Tiger ETF0,15Investissement de qualitéKTB Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Gross21/08/2009106 680,2200
KGI 20+Years US Banking Bond ETF
Obligations54,852 Mrd.
KGI0,25Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Corporate 20+ Year Banking Index - Benchmark TR Net14/02/201936,5600
Obligations54,591 Mrd.
Xtrackers0,10Investissement de qualitéFTSE US Treasury Short Duration Index - Benchmark TR Net03/09/20206 809,1800
Obligations54,562 Mrd.
ACE0,15Crédit Large23/08/2022108 052,5900
Obligations54,479 Mrd.
NEXT FUNDS0,13Crédit LargeBloomberg U.S.Treasury 7-10 Year Index TTM JPY Currency Unhedged - JPY - Benchmark TR Net29/10/20213 500,1900
Obligations54,47 Mrd.
JPMorgan0,10Investissement de qualitéICE 0-1 Year US Treasury Securities Index - USD19/11/201911 829,6700
Obligations53,808 Mrd.
Hanwha0Crédit LargeKAP Investable Credit Bond 1Y Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Gross26/09/2017114 744,7000
Obligations52,595 Mrd.
32,373 Mio.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéUS Treasury 20+ Year Index22/07/200288,4700
Obligations50,902 Mrd.
ACE0,08Investissement de qualité29/06/2017105 982,0900
Obligations49,799 Mrd.
NEXT FUNDS0,12Crédit LargeFTSE WGBI (USD)11/12/20171 080,8000
Obligations48,56 Mrd.
5,715 Mio.
Vanguard0,03Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Aggregate Credit - Corporate (5-10 Y)19/11/200980,7900
Obligations43,832 Mrd.
iShares0,31Investissement de qualitéMarkit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade (TTM JPY Hedged) Index - JPY24/08/20171 759,7000
Obligations43,476 Mrd.
Capital0,16Investissement de qualitéICE U.S. TREASURY 25+ YEAR BOND INDEX05/12/201830,2000
Obligations42,937 Mrd.
Hanwha0Investissement de qualité22/08/202352 353,9700
Obligations42,409 Mrd.
Xtrackers0,15Investissement de qualitéFTSE Japanese Gov. Bond (JPY)15/11/20131 207,8900
Obligations42,185 Mrd.
KODEX0À haut rendementICE BofAML US High Yield Constrained Index19/10/202311 601,2500
Obligations42,146 Mrd.
NH-Amundi0Investissement de qualité22/11/202257 002,4100
Obligations41,743 Mrd.
iShares0,06Investissement de qualitéFTSE Japanese Government Bond Index - JPY25/02/20202 278,6300
Obligations41,067 Mrd.
Fullgoal0,20Crédit LargeChinaBond 7-10 Year Policy Financial Bond Index - CNY - Benchmark TR Gross19/08/2022115,9300
Obligations41,036 Mrd.
Bosera0,20Crédit LargeCSI convertible bond and exchangeable bond index - CNY - Benchmark TR Gross06/03/202011,9200
Obligations40,871 Mrd.
4,4 Mio.
iShares0,05Investissement de qualitéICE AMT-Free US National Municipal07/09/2007107,3500
Obligations40,794 Mrd.
Kiwoom0,15Investissement de qualitéMK MSB Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Gross14/01/2010101 993,0900
Obligations40,526 Mrd.
Capital0,31Investissement de qualitéICE 15+ Year Emerging Market Sovereign Bond (International) Index - TWD22/10/201832,0900
Obligations39,582 Mrd.
KODEX0Investissement de qualitéF-LKTB Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Net20/01/201269 337,0400
Obligations39,514 Mrd.
Cathay0,32Crédit Large29/01/201833,9900
Obligations36,9 Mrd.
6,961 Mio.
SPDR0,14Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Treasury - Bills (1-3 M)25/05/200791,4500
iShares MBS ETF
Obligations36,694 Mrd.
2,882 Mio.
iShares0,04Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Aggregate Securitized - MBS13/03/200792,2000
KGI 25+ Years US Treasury Bond ETF
Obligations36,268 Mrd.
KGI0,14Investissement de qualitéBloomberg Barclays US Treasury 25+ Year Index - Benchmark TR Net29/01/201931,2900
Obligations36,011 Mrd.
5,432 Mio.
Vanguard0,03Investissement de qualitéS&P National AMT-Free Municipal Bond21/08/201550,2300
Obligations35,493 Mrd.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéFTSE US Treasury 3-7 Years Select Index - JIT - Hedged to JPY - JPY - Benchmark TR Net Hedged26/07/2022669,7100
Obligations35,391 Mrd.
3,465 Mio.
Vanguard0,04Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Corporate (1-5 Y)19/11/200978,1900
10X Yield Selected Bond ETF ZAR
Obligations35,187 Mrd.
10X0,39Crédit LargeSouth African Yield Selected Nominal Bond Index - ZAR - Benchmark TR Net31/05/20231 108,0300
Obligations34,932 Mrd.
Fubon0,26Investissement de qualitéFTSE World Broad Investment Grade USD Bank Bond 10+ Year Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net20/03/201936,2900
Obligations34,486 Mrd.
iShares0,12Investissement de qualitéFTSE German Government Bond Index - EUR - Benchmark TR Net26/07/2022678,9100
Obligations34,16 Mrd.
Hanwha3,15Crédit LargeICE BofA 15+ Year AAA-A US Corporate Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Net20/08/201995 027,1800
Obligations33,457 Mrd.
UPAMC0Investissement de qualitéBloomberg U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Index - Benchmark TR Net07/08/202314,4100
Obligations33,013 Mrd.
2,074 Mio.
Vanguard0,04Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Government/Credit - Float Adjusted (1-5 Y)03/04/200777,4300
Obligations32,865 Mrd.
Fubon0,16Investissement de qualitéFTSE US Treasury 20+ Years Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net31/05/201731,0400
Obligations32,715 Mrd.
5,841 Mio.
iShares0,09Investissement de qualitéICE 0-3 Month US Treasury Securities Index26/05/2020100,3500
Obligations32,254 Mrd.
2,932 Mio.
iShares0,06Crédit LargeBloomberg US Universal10/06/201445,3900
Obligations31,826 Mrd.
5,273 Mio.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéICE BofA US Treasury (7-10 Y)22/07/200292,9700
Obligations31,575 Mrd.
Yuanta0,59Investissement de qualitéICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond 2X Leveraged Index - Benchmark TR Net11/01/20177,6100
Obligations31,564 Mrd.
HFT0,20Investissement de qualitéCSI Short Term Financing Index - CNY - Benchmark TR Gross03/08/2020110,9300
Obligations31,179 Mrd.
Nikko0,39Investissement de qualitéFTSE World Government Bond Index (ex-Japan Unhedged to JPY) - JPY25/09/200954 816,1800
Obligations31,018 Mrd.
2,781 Mio.
Vanguard0,03Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Treasury (3-10 Y)19/11/200958,4900
Obligations30,806 Mrd.
Kiwoom0,30Investissement de qualitéKIS 10Y KTB Leverage Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Net29/10/2012113 465,6600
Obligations30,654 Mrd.
6,03 Mio.
JPMorgan0,18Investissement de qualité17/05/201750,5900
Obligations30,514 Mrd.
20,782 Mio.
iShares0,14Investissement de qualitéiBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Index22/07/2002107,5000
Obligations30,471 Mrd.
Premier ETF0,95Investissement de qualitéIndonesia Bond Index Gross - IDR - Benchmark TR Gross21/08/2017509,8900
Obligations30,129 Mrd.
Capital0,46Investissement de qualitéICE 15+ Year AAA-AA US Corporate Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net15/10/201836,4700
Obligations29,974 Mrd.
KGI0,36Investissement de qualitéBloomberg EM USD Sovereign + Quasi-Sovereign Baa 10+Year 15% Country Cap Index - Benchmark TR Net05/09/201831,5300
Obligations29,669 Mrd.
8,101 Mio.
iShares0,05Investissement de qualitéICE U.S. Treasury Core Bond Index14/02/201222,5600
Obligations29,272 Mrd.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéFTSE US Treasury 7-10 Years Select Index JIT - JPY - Benchmark TR Net27/09/2017297,4600
Obligations29,265 Mrd.
Hanwha0Investissement de qualité20/08/2019129 289,4600
Obligations27,666 Mrd.
Hanwha0Investissement de qualité07/02/2023116 702,5000
Obligations27,495 Mrd.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Floating Rate Notes (<5 Y)31/08/2018870,0700
Fuh Hwa US Treasury 20+ Year ETF
Obligations26,857 Mrd.
Fuh Hwa0,16Investissement de qualitéBloomberg U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Index - Benchmark TR Net15/01/201955,1000
KB RISE Money Market Active ETF
Obligations26,818 Mrd.
KB RISE0,05Crédit Large09/05/202353 053,5700
Obligations24,967 Mrd.
Fuh Hwa0,43Crédit LargeBloomberg Emerging Markets USD Select Credit Bond Index - Benchmark TR Net14/11/201856,1400
Obligations24,341 Mrd.
CTBC0,39Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US 20+ Year BBB Corporate Capped Bond Index - Benchmark TR Net08/10/201933,5600
SinoPac ICE 20+ Year US Treasury ETF
Obligations23,615 Mrd.
SinoPac0,20Investissement de qualitéICE BofA 20+ Year US Treasury Index - TWD19/09/201925,0300
Obligations22,998 Mrd.
3,38 Mio.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéICE BofA US Treasury Bond (1-3 Y)22/07/200282,0200
Obligations21,496 Mrd.
2,676 Mio.
Vanguard0,03Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Treasury (1-3 Y) (Inception 4/30/1996)19/11/200958,5000
Obligations21,481 Mrd.
Fuh Hwa0,51Investissement de qualitéBloomberg 20+ Year USD A3 and above corporate bond liquidity index - USD - Benchmark TR Net08/03/201951,5000
Obligations21,429 Mrd.
2,635 Mio.
iShares0,04Investissement de qualitéICE BofA US Corporate (1-5 Y)05/01/200752,0700
Obligations21,291 Mrd.
1,323 Mio.
Vanguard0,04Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Government/Credit - Float Adjusted (5-10 Y)03/04/200775,0500
Obligations20,735 Mrd.
KODEX1,50Investissement de qualitéKAP 33-06 Government Bond Index - KRW - South Korean Won - Benchmark TR Gross31/05/202311 095,2100
Obligations20,033 Mrd.
Capital0À haut rendementShenzhen Stock Exchange Small & Medium Enterprises Price Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net12/08/202410,3500
Obligations20,025 Mrd.
5,296 Mio.
Janus Henderson0,21Investissement de qualité16/10/202050,7800
Obligations19,794 Mrd.
2,647 Mio.
Vanguard0,04Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US MBS - Float Adjusted19/11/200945,6100
Obligations19,372 Mrd.
3,552 Mio.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéICE BofA Short US Treasury Securities05/01/2007110,3600
Obligations19,191 Mrd.
CTBC0,34Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US 10+ Year Telecommunications Bond index - Benchmark TR Net08/10/201934,2000
Obligations19,109 Mrd.
KODEX1,50Investissement de qualitéKAP 53-09 Government Bond Index - KRW - South Korean Won - Benchmark TR Gross31/05/202312 137,3000
Obligations19,076 Mrd.
KGI0,25Investissement de qualitéBloomberg Global Agg Corp A USD Ex Emg 500M Cpn >4.5% Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net01/07/202414,9800
Obligations18,988 Mrd.
iShares0,58À haut rendementMarkit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield (TTM JPY Hedged) Index - JPY24/08/20171 807,5300
Obligations18,962 Mrd.
iShares0Investissement de qualitéFTSE US Treasury Select JIT 1-3 Years in JPY Terms Index - JPY - Benchmark TR Net14/10/2020351,0600
Obligations18,673 Mrd.
10,899 Mio.
iShares0,08À haut rendementICE BofA US High Yield Constrained25/10/201737,0600
Obligations18,488 Mrd.
ACE0,15Investissement de qualitéKTB Index - KRW - Benchmark TR Gross31/07/2009102 662,4100
Obligations18,464 Mrd.
CTBC0,35Investissement de qualitéICE 0-5 Year AAA-BB EM USD Government Bond ex-144a Constrained Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net23/07/201938,0800
Obligations18,437 Mrd.
Nikko0,57Crédit Large30/03/201248 889,4300
Obligations18,359 Mrd.
iShares0,10Investissement de qualitéICE BofA US Treasury (1-3 Y)31/08/20187 912,9600
Obligations18,254 Mrd.
Yuanta0,30Investissement de qualitéICE 15+ Year AAA-BB Large Cap US Emerging Markets External Sovereign Constrained Index - TWD - Benchmark TR Net26/01/201929,2200
Obligations18,234 Mrd.
Nikko0,10Investissement de qualitéS&P US Treasury 7-10 year Index - Benchmark TR Net31/08/201623 210,6000
Obligations17,919 Mrd.
Shin Kong0,28Investissement de qualitéICE BofA US Telecommunication (15+ Y)(A-BBB)15/11/201933,4700
Obligations17,602 Mrd.
4,794 Mio.
WisdomTree0,15Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Treasury Floating Rate Bond04/02/201450,4800
Obligations17,383 Mrd.
iShares0,15Investissement de qualitéFTSE US Treasury 0-3 Months Index - Japanese Investment Trusts - JPY - Benchmark TR Net17/01/2024219,7200
Obligations17,367 Mrd.
KODEX0,15Investissement de qualitéMarkit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Index19/10/202311 479,4400
Fidelity Total Bond ETF
Obligations17,351 Mrd.
2,05 Mio.
Fidelity0,36Crédit Large06/10/201445,0700
Obligations17,219 Mrd.
NEXT FUNDS0,27Investissement de qualitéBloomberg US Corporate Intermediate Index26/06/2019777,1700
Obligations16,56 Mrd.
ACE0,30Crédit Large23/08/202211 683,6000
Obligations16,442 Mrd.
Kiwoom0,15Investissement de qualitéKOSPI 100 Index - KRW27/02/2012109 662,4600
Obligations16,403 Mrd.
NEXT FUNDS0,13Investissement de qualitéBloomberg U.S.Treasury 7-10 Year Index TTM JPY Currency Unhedged - JPY - Benchmark TR Net29/10/20215 638,6900
Obligations16,313 Mrd.
Nippon0,15Investissement de qualitéNifty CPSE Bond Plus SDL Sep 2024 50:50 Index - INR - Benchmark TR Gross13/11/2020118,9100
Obligations15,641 Mrd.
Kiwoom0Investissement de qualité12/10/202355 966,6000
Obligations15,473 Mrd.
MAXIS0,12Investissement de qualitéS&P US Treasury 7-10 year Index - Benchmark TR Net09/12/20218 369,0800
Obligations15,426 Mrd.
Fuh Hwa0,45Investissement de qualitéBloomberg Barclays EM USD ex China Investment Grade 10 year 10% Country Capped Index - Benchmark TR Net22/08/201716,2700