Meyer Burger Puts Module Production in Freiberg on Ice

Eulerpool News·

In an exemplary case of industrial resistance against Chinese dominance in the solar sector, Meyer Burger is temporarily suspending module production at its German facility in Freiberg. The company, which has its roots in the idyllic Switzerland, is now forced to take this significant step after having previously announced plans to make savings. The plant's workforce faces an uncertain future unless politics makes decisive policy adjustments. With a termination date already scheduled for the end of April, about 500 workers are left in limbo. Meyer Burger is thus confronting the relentless price competition from the Middle Kingdom, which overshadows local production costs. Hopes for governmental intervention through the incentivization of European solar products have so far faded, despite intensive lobbying by the industry. The manufacturer from the Alpine republic had announced the suspension of operations in Freiberg several weeks ago and clearly attributes the cause to the need for cost savings. Now the plant will at least temporarily close its doors, raising not only business-economic but also existential questions for the employees. The incident forms a small piece in the larger debate on structural change and the competitiveness of European industries against global competitors.

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