Is het Noritz dividend veilig?
Noritz verhoogt het dividend al 1 jaar.
Binnen de laatste 10 jaar heeft Noritz deze met jaarlijks 5,856 % verhoogd verhoogd.
Op 5-jaarsbasis is de uitkering met steeg toegenomen met 10,618 %.
De analisten verwachten voor het lopende boekjaar een Dividendengroei van 0,730%.
Noritz Aktienanalyse
Wat doet Noritz?
Noritz Corporation is a company that was founded in Japan in 1951. Since then, the company has developed and produced innovative heating and hot water systems for residential and commercial applications. Noritz is globally known for its leading role in the development of advanced technologies for hot water supply.
Noritz began its history as a small company named Toho Gas Manufacturing Co. Ltd, specializing in the production of gas appliances for households. Over the years, the company expanded its product range and eventually obtained a patent for its gas circulation hot water heaters in 1962. This marked the beginning of Noritz's focus on the development and production of hot water heaters.
In the 1980s, the company expanded its activities by entering the Chinese market and acquiring the US-based company Excel Tankless, which is now known as Noritz America Corporation. Since then, the company has expanded its reach to the global market, distributing its products in North America, Australia, and Europe.
Business Model:
Noritz is an innovative company that continuously develops new technologies for hot water supply. The company offers a wide range of products that meet different requirements. Noritz's business model is based on research and development, as well as the production and distribution of hot water heaters and heating systems.
Noritz works closely with installers and professionals, providing them with comprehensive technical support and training. The company also has its own technical support department and customer service department to provide support to its customers. They also commit to compliance with environmental legislation and ensure that their products are environmentally friendly.
Noritz divides its business activities into four areas: household appliances, commercial systems, building materials, and services.
Household Appliances: To meet the needs of its users, Noritz offers a wide range of products for residential use. The range includes tankless hot water heaters, combination heating systems, boilers, heat pump systems, and solar systems.
Commercial Systems: Noritz offers various tailored products specifically designed for commercial use. Heating systems, high-capacity hot water heaters, and combined heating and hot water systems are offered, as well as heat pump and solar systems.
Building Materials: Noritz also offers building-related products such as PVC drainage pipes, plastic pipes, pipelines, and swimming pool heat exchangers.
Services: Noritz supports installers with a variety of services, including online training, work materials, and technical support.
Noritz can provide customized solutions to meet customers' needs. Some of Noritz's main products include:
Tankless Hot Water Heaters: An environmentally friendly and space-saving solution that quickly converts cold water into hot water.
Combination Heating Systems: Boilers, combined heating and hot water systems, and heat pump solutions for residential and commercial applications.
Boilers: High-efficiency, energy-efficient boilers with single or multi-family heating systems.
Heat Pumps: Air source heat pumps that can be used for heating purposes and hot water supply.
Solar Technology: Solar systems for hot water supply and heating, which are environmentally sustainable and save money in the long run.
Swimming Pool Heat Exchangers: Highly efficient heat exchangers used in swimming pool heaters.
Noritz is a leading company in the hot water supply and heating systems industry. The company continuously develops new and innovative technologies that are environmentally friendly and meet customers' needs. Noritz offers a wide range of products and services to support installers and customers. The company is committed to ensuring that all its products are environmentally friendly and meet the highest standards. Noritz is een van de populairste bedrijven op spaarplannen bieden een aantrekkelijke mogelijkheid voor beleggers om op de lange termijn vermogen op te bouwen. Een van de belangrijkste voordelen is het zogenaamde cost-average-effect: door regelmatig een vast bedrag in aandelen of aandelenfondsen te investeren, koopt men automatisch meer aandelen wanneer de prijzen laag zijn, en minder wanneer ze hoog zijn. Dit kan leiden tot een voordeligere gemiddelde prijs per aandeel over de tijd. Bovendien maken aandelen spaarplannen het ook voor kleine beleggers mogelijk om toegang te krijgen tot dure aandelen, aangezien ze al met kleine bedragen kunnen deelnemen. De regelmatige investering bevordert ook een gedisciplineerde beleggingsstrategie en helpt emotionele beslissingen, zoals impulsief kopen of verkopen, te voorkomen. Daarnaast profiteren beleggers van de potentiële waardestijging van de aandelen en van dividenduitkeringen die herinvesteerd kunnen worden, wat het effect van samengestelde interest versterkt en daarmee de groei van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal.