Is het ASE Technology Holding Co dividend veilig?
ASE Technology Holding Co verhoogt het dividend al 3 jaar.
Binnen de laatste 7 jaar heeft ASE Technology Holding Co deze met jaarlijks 0 % verlaagd verhoogd.
Op 5-jaarsbasis is de uitkering met steeg toegenomen met 28,608 %.
De analisten verwachten voor het lopende boekjaar een Dividendengroei van 6,212%.
ASE Technology Holding Co Aktienanalyse
Wat doet ASE Technology Holding Co?
ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. is a Taiwanese company specialized in the design and manufacturing of semiconductor products. The company has been operating in the market for many decades and is one of the leading providers of semiconductor solutions.
Founded in 1984 as Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. (ASE Inc.) in Taiwan, the company has steadily grown over time to become one of the largest providers of chip packaging services worldwide. Today, ASE Technology is a mature company that has made a name for itself with a variety of products and services.
ASE Technology's business model focuses on providing solutions for semiconductor manufacturing, particularly in packaging and assembly. The company emphasizes a customer-oriented approach, offering customized solutions tailored to their specific requirements.
An important part of the company is its various departments specialized in different aspects of semiconductor production. These include module and substrate design, packaging and assembly technology, testing and analysis technology, as well as research and development.
In the packaging and assembly technology department, ASE Technology offers a wide range of services and products, including semiconductor manufacturing services and systems for customers who want to produce their own chips.
Another important area of the company is testing and analysis technology. ASE Technology provides various testing and analysis methods to assess the quality and performance of semiconductors.
The company's product range includes semiconductor substrates, SiP modules, LCP modules, MEMS sensors, and System-in-Package (SiP) solutions. SiP modules are a type of semiconductor component that integrates multiple individual components (such as processors, memory chips, etc.) into a single package. LCP modules are similar but designed for more specific applications. MEMS sensors are micro-mechanical systems typically used in measurement and control technology.
While the company is headquartered in Taiwan, it also has production and service facilities in other countries such as the United States, Europe, and Asia. ASE Technology works closely with customers from various industries, including automotive, electronics, industrial automation, and medical technology.
In summary, ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of semiconductor solutions offering a wide range of products and services. The company aims to provide its customers with tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements. With its long-standing experience and broad expertise, ASE Technology is an important partner for customers from various industries in need of high-quality semiconductor solutions. ASE Technology Holding Co is een van de populairste bedrijven op spaarplannen bieden een aantrekkelijke mogelijkheid voor beleggers om op de lange termijn vermogen op te bouwen. Een van de belangrijkste voordelen is het zogenaamde cost-average-effect: door regelmatig een vast bedrag in aandelen of aandelenfondsen te investeren, koopt men automatisch meer aandelen wanneer de prijzen laag zijn, en minder wanneer ze hoog zijn. Dit kan leiden tot een voordeligere gemiddelde prijs per aandeel over de tijd. Bovendien maken aandelen spaarplannen het ook voor kleine beleggers mogelijk om toegang te krijgen tot dure aandelen, aangezien ze al met kleine bedragen kunnen deelnemen. De regelmatige investering bevordert ook een gedisciplineerde beleggingsstrategie en helpt emotionele beslissingen, zoals impulsief kopen of verkopen, te voorkomen. Daarnaast profiteren beleggers van de potentiële waardestijging van de aandelen en van dividenduitkeringen die herinvesteerd kunnen worden, wat het effect van samengestelde interest versterkt en daarmee de groei van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal.