einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve für Deutschland.

einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve Definition

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einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve

"Einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve" is a German term used in the field of economics and finance to describe a demand curve that exhibits a single point of inflection.

This term is derived from the German words "einfach" meaning "simple" or "single," "geknickt" meaning "bent" or "angular," "Preis" meaning "price," "Absatz" meaning "sales," and "Kurve" meaning "curve." In a market scenario, the "einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve" represents the relationship between the price of a product or service and the quantity demanded by consumers. Traditionally, a demand curve is smooth and linear, indicating the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. However, an "einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve" introduces a kink or bend in the curve, leading to different consumer responses regarding price changes. At the kink point, there is a significant shift in the elasticity of demand. Below the kink, the demand becomes price elastic, meaning that a slight change in price leads to a more significant change in quantity demanded. Above the kink, the demand becomes price inelastic, implying that the quantity demanded remains relatively constant even with fluctuations in price. This phenomenon can occur due to various factors. One major determinant is the presence of substitute products or services. When a substitute is readily available, consumers tend to be more price-sensitive, resulting in a steeper demand curve below the kink. Conversely, when there are no substitutes, consumers may be less responsive to price changes, leading to a flatter demand curve above the kink. Understanding and analyzing the "einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve" is crucial for businesses and investors operating in capital markets. By recognizing the presence of a kink in the demand curve, market participants can adjust their pricing strategies and forecast demand more accurately. Moreover, it enables them to identify profitable pricing points and anticipate consumer behavior in response to changes in market conditions. In conclusion, the term "einfach geknickte Preisabsatzkurve" refers to a demand curve with a single point of inflection, indicating a change in the elasticity of demand. The bend in the curve signifies different consumer responses to price variations below and above the kink. Through a comprehensive understanding of this concept, investors and businesses can optimize their pricing strategies and make informed decisions in the dynamic world of capital markets. Note: To maximize SEO optimization, ensure the glossary on Eulerpool.com includes relevant keywords such as "capital markets," "stocks," "bonds," "money markets," and "crypto." Providing a comprehensive glossary covering these terms will enhance the visibility and credibility of Eulerpool.com as a leading platform for equity research and finance news.
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