Berapa banyak dividen yang dibayarkan Mutares SE & Co KgaA 2025?
Berdasarkan data terkini dari Januari 2025, Mutares SE & Co KgaA telah membayar dividen sejumlah total 2,00 EUR per saham dalam 12 bulan terakhir. Dengan kurs Mutares SE & Co KgaA saat ini sebesar 26,10 EUR, ini setara dengan yield dividen sebesar 7,66 %.
Dividen dibayarkan sebanyak 1 kali per tahun.
2,87 % Dividen Yield | = | 0,75 EUR Dividen | 26,10 EUR Harga Saham |
Apakah dividen Mutares SE & Co KgaA aman?
Mutares SE & Co KgaA meningkatkan dividen sejak 2 tahun.
Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, Mutares SE & Co KgaA telah diturunkan sebesar 0 % setiap tahunnya.
Dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun, turun pembagian dividen meningkat sebesar -2,504 %.
Analis memperkirakan untuk tahun fiskal yang sedang berjalan akan terjadi pertumbuhan sebesar Pengurangan dividen%.
Mutares SE & Co KgaA Aktienanalyse
Apa yang dilakukan Mutares SE & Co KgaA?
Mutares SE & Co KgaA is a publicly traded investment company based in Munich that specializes in the acquisition, transformation, and sale of companies. The company was founded in 2008 by Axel Mühlhaus and Robin Laik, both of whom previously worked at renowned private equity firms.
Mutares' business model is focused on acquiring and transforming companies from various industries that have difficulties or growth potential, and bringing them back on a path to success through targeted transformation and operational improvements. The extensive experience of the company's founders and employees, as well as a close network of experts in various industries, enables Mutares to quickly identify potential acquisition targets and successfully transform them.
Mutares has four main divisions: Automotive & Mobility, Engineering & Technology, Goods & Services, and Healthcare & Services. Each of these divisions focuses on different industries and business fields. For example, the Automotive & Mobility division specializes in the automotive industry and related technologies, while the Engineering & Technology division focuses on industrial goods and mechanical engineering. On the other hand, Goods & Services covers a wide range of services and industries, from transportation and logistics to energy and environment. The Healthcare & Services division covers various areas in the healthcare sector and includes nursing facilities, laboratory and medical technology, as well as healthcare services.
Mutares actively invests in most of these industries and always aims to increase the value of the companies. This is achieved through extensive analysis and planning work, as well as investments in new technologies, infrastructure, and employees. By optimizing business processes, reducing costs, and improving cash flow, the companies are ultimately put on a value-creating path and can then be sold at a higher valuation.
Mutares has already completed a number of successful transactions and made some notable acquisitions. This includes the acquisition of German automotive supplier Elastomer Solutions, Belgian paper manufacturer Cenpa, British water treatment company Entaco, and German manufacturer of precision machinery STS Group, among others. Almost all of the companies acquired by Mutares were able to achieve significant value appreciation after a successful transformation through comprehensive process, product, and cost optimization.
Overall, Mutares is a very interesting investment company that focuses on the successful transformation of companies and thereby makes a significant contribution to the value creation of the entire German economy. Mutares SE & Co KgaA adalah salah satu perusahaan paling populer di tabungan saham menawarkan kesempatan menarik bagi investor untuk membangun kekayaan jangka panjang. Salah satu keuntungan utamanya adalah efek rata-rata biaya: Dengan berinvestasi dalam jumlah tetap secara reguler ke dalam saham atau dana saham, otomatis anda akan membeli lebih banyak saham ketika harga rendah, dan lebih sedikit ketika harga tinggi. Hal ini dapat menghasilkan harga rata-rata per saham yang lebih menguntungkan seiring waktu. Selain itu, rencana tabungan saham juga memungkinkan investor kecil untuk mengakses saham-saham mahal, karena mereka dapat berpartisipasi dengan jumlah yang kecil. Investasi rutin juga mendukung strategi investasi yang disiplin dan membantu menghindari keputusan emosional, seperti membeli atau menjual secara impulsif. Di samping itu, investor juga mendapat manfaat dari potensi peningkatan nilai saham serta dari pembagian dividen, yang bisa direinvestasikan, meningkatkan efek bunga majemuk dan dengan demikian pertumbuhan dari modal yang diinvestasikan.
Saham Mutares SE & Co KgaA dapat dijadikan rencana tabungan di penyedia layanan berikut: Trade Republic