Apakah dividen Jazz Pharmaceuticals aman?
Jazz Pharmaceuticals meningkatkan dividen sejak 0 tahun.
Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, Jazz Pharmaceuticals telah diturunkan sebesar 0 % setiap tahunnya.
Dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun, turun pembagian dividen meningkat sebesar 0 %.
Analis memperkirakan untuk tahun fiskal yang sedang berjalan akan terjadi pertumbuhan sebesar Pengurangan dividen%.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Aktienanalyse
Apa yang dilakukan Jazz Pharmaceuticals?
Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC is a global biopharmaceutical company specializing in treating life-threatening diseases. The company was founded in 2003 in Ireland and now operates in Europe, North America, and other parts of the world. Jazz's business model focuses on offering innovative therapies for diseases that have no cure or unsatisfactory existing treatments. The company has a well-planned pipeline of high-quality products, supported by excellent customer service and innovative marketing strategies. Jazz holds numerous patents for various medications that can be used for different medical purposes. The company offers four different medical specialties: hematology-oncology, narcolepsy, pain medicine, and psychiatric disorders. Its most well-known specialty is hematology-oncology, where Jazz concentrates on developing therapies for hematological cancers such as leukemia, lymphomas, and myeloma. Furthermore, Jazz provides medications for rare diseases such as Gaucher's disease and Fabry disease. In the field of pain medicine, Jazz Pharmaceuticals has developed specific therapies for patients with sleep disorders and pain. The company also offers treatments for depressive disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Another important area for Jazz is the development of medications for patients suffering from narcolepsy, a condition that causes constant fatigue and sudden sleep attacks, significantly impacting daily life for many patients. One of Jazz Pharmaceuticals' most well-known products is Xyrem, which is used to treat narcolepsy. Xyrem is a potent sedative with a high potential for addiction and can only be prescribed by qualified doctors. Another key product from Jazz is Vyxeos, a medication for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive form of blood cancer typically difficult to treat. Vyxeos is a dual-action medication that can significantly improve the survival chances of leukemia patients. Jazz Pharmaceuticals is a global leader in hematology-oncology and has become a significant player in the market for medical therapies in recent years. The company currently employs over 1,500 employees and is listed on the NASDAQ. Its headquarters are located in Dublin, Ireland. Jazz Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to supporting patients worldwide with high-quality medical products and services. Jazz Pharmaceuticals adalah salah satu perusahaan paling populer di Eulerpool.com.Rencana tabungan saham menawarkan kesempatan menarik bagi investor untuk membangun kekayaan jangka panjang. Salah satu keuntungan utamanya adalah efek rata-rata biaya: Dengan berinvestasi dalam jumlah tetap secara reguler ke dalam saham atau dana saham, otomatis anda akan membeli lebih banyak saham ketika harga rendah, dan lebih sedikit ketika harga tinggi. Hal ini dapat menghasilkan harga rata-rata per saham yang lebih menguntungkan seiring waktu. Selain itu, rencana tabungan saham juga memungkinkan investor kecil untuk mengakses saham-saham mahal, karena mereka dapat berpartisipasi dengan jumlah yang kecil. Investasi rutin juga mendukung strategi investasi yang disiplin dan membantu menghindari keputusan emosional, seperti membeli atau menjual secara impulsif. Di samping itu, investor juga mendapat manfaat dari potensi peningkatan nilai saham serta dari pembagian dividen, yang bisa direinvestasikan, meningkatkan efek bunga majemuk dan dengan demikian pertumbuhan dari modal yang diinvestasikan.