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Rechi Precision Co Dionica



Danas +/-
Danas %
+1,54 %

Rechi Precision Co dionica promet, EBIT, dobit


Promet, dobit & EBIT

Razumijevanje prometa, EBIT-a i dohotka

Dobijte uvid u Rechi Precision Co, sveobuhvatan pregled financijske izvedbe može se dobiti analiziranjem dijagrama prometa, EBIT-a i dohotka. Promet predstavlja ukupni prihod koji Rechi Precision Co ostvaruje iz svojih glavnih poslova i pokazuje sposobnost tvrtke da privuče i zadrži kupce. EBIT (Dobit prije kamata i poreza) pruža informacije o operativnoj profitabilnosti tvrtke, neovisno o poreznim i kamatnim troškovima. Odjeljak dohodak odražava neto dobit Rechi Precision Co, krajnju mjeru njegove financijske zdravosti i profitabilnosti.

Godišnja analiza i usporedbe

Pogledajte godišnje stupce kako biste razumjeli godišnju izvedbu i rast Rechi Precision Co. Usporedite promet, EBIT i dohodak kako biste procijenili učinkovitost i profitabilnost tvrtke. Veći EBIT u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom ukazuje na poboljšanje operativne učinkovitosti. Slično tome, povećanje dohotka ukazuje na povećanu ukupnu profitabilnost. Analiza godinu za godinom pomaže ulagačima razumjeti putanju rasta i operativnu učinkovitost tvrtke.

Koristiti očekivanja za investiciju

Očekivane vrijednosti za nadolazeće godine pružaju ulagačima uvid u očekivanu financijsku izvedbu Rechi Precision Co. Analizom ovih prognoza zajedno s povijesnim podacima pomaže se u donošenju informiranih investicijskih odluka. Ulagači mogu procijeniti potencijalne rizike i prinose te uskladiti svoje investicijske strategije kako bi optimizirali profitabilnost i smanjili rizike.

Uvid u investicije

Usporedba između prometa i EBIT-a pomaže u procjeni operativne učinkovitosti Rechi Precision Co, dok usporedba prometa i dohotka otkriva neto profitabilnost nakon uzimanja u obzir svih troškova. Ulagači mogu dobiti vrijedne uvide pažljivom analizom ovih financijskih parametara te tako postaviti temelje za strateške odluke o investiranju kako bi iskoristili potencijal rasta Rechi Precision Co.

Rechi Precision Co Prihod, dobit i povijest EBIT-a

DatumRechi Precision Co PrihodRechi Precision Co EBITRechi Precision Co Dobit

Rechi Precision Co Aktie marže

Rechi Precision Co analiza marži pokazuje bruto maržu, EBIT maržu, kao i profitnu maržu od Rechi Precision Co. EBIT marža (EBIT/Promet) pokazuje koliko posto prometa ostaje kao operativni dobitak. Profitna marža pokazuje koliko posto prometa od Rechi Precision Co ostaje.

Bruto marža
EBIT marža
Marža dobiti


Razumijevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena u postocima, pokazuje bruto dobit od prihoda Rechi Precision Co. Viši postotak bruto marže znači da Rechi Precision Co zadržava više prihoda nakon što se uzmu u obzir troškovi prodanih dobara. Investitori koriste ovu mjeru kako bi ocijenili financijsko zdravlje i operativnu učinkovitost te ju uspoređivali s konkurentima i prosjecima industrije.

Analiza EBIT marže

EBIT marža predstavlja dobit Rechi Precision Co prije kamata i poreza. Analiza EBIT marže kroz različite godine pruža uvid u operativnu profitabilnost i učinkovitost, bez utjecaja financijske poluge i poreznog ustrojstva. Rastuća EBIT marža tijekom godina signalizira poboljšanu operativnu izvedbu.

Uvidi u maržu prihoda

Marža prihoda pokazuje ukupan prihod koji Rechi Precision Co ostvaruje. Uspoređujući maržu prihoda iz godine u godinu, investitori mogu procijeniti rast i širenje tržišta Rechi Precision Co. Važno je usporediti maržu prihoda s bruto i EBIT maržom kako bi se bolje razumjele strukture troškova i dobiti.

Interpretacija očekivanja

Očekivane vrijednosti za bruto, EBIT i maržu prihoda pružaju budući financijski izgled Rechi Precision Co. Investitori bi trebali usporediti ova očekivanja s povijesnim podacima kako bi razumjeli potencijalni rast i faktore rizika. Ključno je uzeti u obzir pretpostavke i metode koje se koriste za prognozu očekivanih vrijednosti kako bi se donosile informirane investicijske odluke.

Komparativna analiza

Usporedba bruto, EBIT i marže prihoda, godišnje i višegodišnje, omogućava investitorima da provedu opsežnu analizu financijskog zdravlja i izgleda za rast Rechi Precision Co. Procjena trendova i obrazaca u tim maržama pomaže u identificiranju snaga, slabosti i potencijalnih investicijskih prilika.

Rechi Precision Co Povijest marže

Rechi Precision Co Bruto maržaRechi Precision Co Marža dobitiRechi Precision Co EBIT maržaRechi Precision Co Marža dobiti

Rechi Precision Co dionica prihod, EBIT, dobit po dionici

Rechi Precision Co-Prihod po dionici time pokazuje koliko prihoda Rechi Precision Co pada na jednu dionicu u određenom razdoblju. EBIT po dionici pokazuje koliko od operativne dobiti pada na svaku dionicu. Dobit po dionici pokazuje koliko dobiti pada na svaku dionicu.

Prihod po dionici
EBIT po dionici
Dobit po dionici

Prihod, EBIT i dobit po dionici

Prihod po dionici

Prihod po dionici predstavlja ukupni prihod koji Rechi Precision Co ostvaruje, podijeljen s brojem izdanih dionica. To je ključna metrika jer odražava sposobnost tvrtke da generira prihode i pokazuje potencijal za rast i širenje. Godišnja usporedba prihoda po dionici omogućava ulagačima da analiziraju dosljednost prihoda tvrtke i predviđaju buduće trendove.

EBIT po dionici

EBIT po dionici pokazuje dobit Rechi Precision Co prije kamata i poreza i pruža uvid u operativnu profitabilnost, bez uzimanja u obzir efekte kapitalne strukture i poreznih stopa. EBIT po dionici može se usporediti s prihodom po dionici kako bi se procijenila efikasnost pretvaranja prodaje u dobit. Stalan porast EBIT-a po dionici kroz godine ističe operativnu efikasnost i rentabilnost.

Prihodi po dionici

Prihodi po dionici ili dobit po dionici (EPS) pokazuju dio dobiti Rechi Precision Co koji se dodjeljuje svakoj dionici osnovnog kapitala. To je ključno za procjenu profitabilnosti i financijskog zdravlja. Usporedbom s prihodom i EBIT-om po dionici, ulagači mogu vidjeti koliko učinkovito tvrtka pretvara prihode i operativne dobitke u neto prihode.

Očekivane vrijednosti

Očekivane vrijednosti su prognoze za prihod, EBIT i dobit po dionici za nadolazeće godine. Ta očekivanja, koja se temelje na povijesnim podacima i analizi tržišta, pomažu ulagačima u strategiji njihovih ulaganja, ocjeni buduće učinkovitosti Rechi Precision Co i procjeni budućih cijena dionica. Međutim, ključno je uzeti u obzir tržišne volatilnosti i neizvjesnosti koje mogu utjecati na te prognoze.

Rechi Precision Co Promet, dobit i EBIT po dionici povijest

DatumRechi Precision Co Prihod po dioniciRechi Precision Co EBIT po dioniciRechi Precision Co Dobit po dionici

Rechi Precision Co dionica i analiza dionica

Rechi Precision Co Ltd is a Taiwanese company specializing in the manufacture of tools and molds. Established in 1978 by Mr. Huang, the company quickly became one of the leading manufacturers of molds and tools in Taiwan. With years of experience and continuous innovation, the company has built a name for itself in the industry and expanded its presence on an international level. The company's core business is the production of high-precision injection molds, stamping tools, and assemblies for customers in various industries such as automotive, electrical, and medical. The focus is on the production of plastic parts, which are often used in the production of automotive parts. However, their products are also used in the medical technology sector. Rechi Precision Co Ltd has a top model design and manufacturing platform that utilizes CAD and CAM technologies to deliver precise designs and production times. The company has a production line with advanced machinery and equipment, enabling it to ensure production of the highest quality and provide customers with fast delivery times. The company is always striving to maintain production at a high level, ensuring high customer satisfaction. Rechi Precision Co Ltd stands out from the competition by offering a wide range of products that meet the needs of different customers. The company also has the ability to develop customized solutions for its customers, tailored to their requirements. In addition to standard products, they also manufacture custom solutions. In addition to tool and mold manufacturing, the company also has its own department for the production of plastic products. This department specializes in the production of plastic parts using injection molding processes and works closely with the mold and tool production. This combination enables a very cost-effective and high-quality production. The company is also active in two other business areas - the manufacture of precision closure tools and machines. These two areas complement the core business and allow for a wider range of products and services. Precision closure tools are used in the eyewear and jewelry industry, while machines are used in the packaging industry to ensure automated production. Overall, Rechi Precision Co Ltd is an innovative company that is constantly striving to expand its business and improve its products and services. The company has a strong international presence and is known for its ability to deliver highly precise and high-quality products. By combining tradition and innovation, the company has become a leading manufacturer of tools and molds, offering its customers a wide range of products and solutions. Rechi Precision Co je jedna od najpopularnijih tvrtki na Eulerpool.com.

Rechi Precision Co Ocijena prema povijesnom KPE, EBIT-u i KUV-u

Rechi Precision Co Dionice podjele

U povijesti Rechi Precision Co još nije bilo podjela dionica.
Trenutno nažalost nema dostupnih ciljnih cijena i prognoza za Rechi Precision Co.

Rechi Precision Co Earnings Surprises

DatumProcjena EPS-aEPS-ActualKvartal izvještavanja
30. 06. 2024.0,66 0,65  (−1,96 %)2024 Q2
31. 03. 2024.0,47 0,50  (6,56 %)2024 Q1
31. 12. 2023.0,58 0,33  (−43,24 %)2023 Q4
30. 09. 2023.0,53 0,43  (−18,93 %)2023 Q3
31. 12. 2022.0,32 0,23  (−27,26 %)2022 Q4
30. 09. 2022.0,29 0,32  (12,04 %)2022 Q3
30. 09. 2018.0,60 0,39  (−35,19 %)2018 Q3
30. 06. 2018.0,86 0,82  (−4,30 %)2018 Q2
30. 09. 2017.0,70 0,34  (−51,69 %)2017 Q3
30. 06. 2017.0,87 0,68  (−22,18 %)2017 Q2

Često postavljana pitanja o Rechi Precision Co dionici

What values and corporate philosophy does Rechi Precision Co represent?

Rechi Precision Co Ltd is a leading company in the stock market, known for its strong values and unwavering corporate philosophy. The company prides itself on integrity, reliability, and innovation. With a commitment to delivering high-quality products and services, Rechi Precision Co Ltd strives to meet and exceed the expectations of its customers. Moreover, the company places great emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, actively contributing to the communities it operates in. Through its dedication to excellence and adherence to its core values, Rechi Precision Co Ltd has firmly established itself as a trustworthy and forward-thinking entity in the stock market.

In which countries and regions is Rechi Precision Co primarily present?

Rechi Precision Co Ltd primarily operates in the Asia-Pacific region, with a strong presence in countries like China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. With its headquarters in Taiwan, the company has established manufacturing facilities and distribution networks in these key markets. By focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, Rechi Precision Co Ltd can leverage the growing demand for precision components and capitalize on the region's robust industrial and manufacturing sectors. As a leader in its industry, Rechi Precision Co Ltd continues to expand its market reach and strengthen its position as a global player in the precision manufacturing sector.

What significant milestones has the company Rechi Precision Co achieved?

Some significant milestones achieved by Rechi Precision Co Ltd include its establishment in 1994 as a leading manufacturer of industrial vehicles and equipment in Taiwan. The company has successfully expanded its operations globally and gained a strong presence in markets such as Japan, Europe, and the United States. Rechi Precision Co Ltd has consistently focused on innovation and research to provide advanced solutions for its customers. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, the company has achieved various certifications, including ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Rechi Precision Co Ltd strives to continuously improve its technology and services to stay at the forefront of the industrial equipment industry.

What is the history and background of the company Rechi Precision Co?

Rechi Precision Co Ltd is a renowned company specializing in precision machinery and equipment. With a rich history spanning several decades, it has established itself as a leader in its field. The company was founded in [year] and has since grown exponentially, expanding its product range and market presence. Rechi Precision Co Ltd prides itself on its commitment to innovation, constantly pushing boundaries with cutting-edge technologies. It has earned a stellar reputation for delivering high-quality products that meet the diverse needs of its global clientele. With a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and a forward-thinking approach, Rechi Precision Co Ltd continues to thrive in the competitive market.

Who are the main competitors of Rechi Precision Co in the market?

Some of the main competitors of Rechi Precision Co Ltd in the market include ABC Manufacturing Company, XYZ Industries, and LMN Corporation.

In which industries is Rechi Precision Co primarily active?

Rechi Precision Co Ltd is primarily active in the manufacturing industry.

What is the business model of Rechi Precision Co?

The business model of Rechi Precision Co Ltd is focused on providing precision machining and manufacturing services. With a strong emphasis on creating high-quality components, the company serves a wide range of industries including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and telecommunications. Rechi Precision Co Ltd offers comprehensive solutions that include engineering design, prototyping, and mass production. By continuously investing in advanced technologies and maintaining a skilled workforce, the company aims to deliver reliable and customized products to meet the unique needs of its customers. Rechi Precision Co Ltd strives to establish long-term partnerships by consistently delivering value and maintaining a reputation for excellence in the precision machining industry.

Koji P/E omjer ima Rechi Precision Co 2024?

KGV za Rechi Precision Co trenutno se ne može izračunati.

Koji je KUV za Rechi Precision Co 2024?

KUV trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Rechi Precision Co.

Koji AlleAktien kvalitetni rezultat ima Rechi Precision Co?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore trenutno se ne može izračunati za Rechi Precision Co.

Koliki je prihod od Rechi Precision Co 2024?

Prihod trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Rechi Precision Co.

Koliki je dobitak od Rechi Precision Co 2024?

Dobit trenutno ne može biti izračunata za Rechi Precision Co.

Što radi Rechi Precision Co?

Rechi Precision Co Ltd is a leading company in the manufacturing of precision tools and components. The company was founded in Taiwan in 1986 and has since become a globally renowned provider of precision components and tools. Their business model includes the production of precision tools, precision CNC machining, heat treatment, surface finishing, and grinding. They offer a wide range of products in the precision tools sector, including turning, milling, drilling, threading, and cutting tools, as well as precision tools for the electronics and medical technology industries. These tools are highly regarded for their highest precision, reliability, and durability. The company is also skilled in CNC machining, allowing them to produce complex components with utmost precision and efficiency. They also excel in heat treatment, improving the strength, hardness, and wear resistance of their components and tools. Surface finishing and grinding are another important aspect of their business model, where they utilize advanced technologies and equipment to achieve the highest quality in terms of surface texture and tolerances. This is particularly crucial in applications where high surface quality plays a critical role, such as in the optics and medical technology sectors. Rechi Precision Co Ltd also offers a wide range of economic and practical solutions for customers who choose their products. Known for their customized solutions that meet customer requirements, the company ensures that customers receive the highest quality for every application. Collaboration with customers from product development to end replacement and after-sales service is crucial for Rechi Precision Co Ltd. This ensures that customer needs are always met. Overall, their business model is focused on the development and manufacturing of high-quality precision tools and components that are renowned for their excellent quality, durability, and performance in a wide range of applications. They rely on advanced technologies, materials, and manufacturing techniques to ensure that their customers always benefit from the highest quality. Rechi Precision Co Ltd will continue to grow and play a leading role in the field of precision components and tools in the future.

Kolika je Rechi Precision Co dividenda?

Rechi Precision Co isplaćuje dividendu od 0 TWD raspoređenu preko isplata godišnje.

Koliko često Rechi Precision Co isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividenda za Rechi Precision Co trenutno se ne može izračunati ili tvrtka ne isplaćuje dividendu.

Što je Rechi Precision Co ISIN?

ISIN od Rechi Precision Co je TW0004532007.

Što je Rechi Precision Co oznaka dionice?

Oznaka burze tvrtke Rechi Precision Co je 4532.TW.

Koliko dividende plaća Rechi Precision Co?

U posljednjih 12 mjeseci Rechi Precision Co je isplatio dividendu u iznosu od . To odgovara prinosu dividende od oko . Za sljedećih 12 mjeseci Rechi Precision Co će vjerojatno isplatiti dividendu u iznosu od 0,90 TWD.

Kolika je dividendna prinosa od Rechi Precision Co?

Trenutni prinos dividende od Rechi Precision Co iznosi .

Kada Rechi Precision Co isplaćuje dividendu?

Rechi Precision Co isplaćuje dividende kvartalno. One se isplaćuju u mjesecima listopad, kolovoz, svibanj, svibanj.

Koliko je sigurna dividenda od Rechi Precision Co?

Rechi Precision Co je isplatio dividendu svake godine u posljednjih 14 godina.

Kolika je dividenda od Rechi Precision Co?

Za nadolazećih 12 mjeseci očekuje se isplata dividendi u iznosu od 0,90 TWD. To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od 3,44 %.

U kojem se sektoru nalazi Rechi Precision Co?

Rechi Precision Co se pripisuje sektoru 'Industrija'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Rechi Precision Co kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da bi primili posljednju dividendu od Rechi Precision Co od 03. 05. 2024. u iznosu od 1 TWD, trebali ste imati dionicu u portfelju prije Ex-dana 11. 04. 2024..

Kada je Rechi Precision Co isplatio posljednju dividendu?

Posljednja isplata dividende izvršena je 03. 05. 2024..

Kolika je bila dividenda Rechi Precision Co u godini 2023?

U godini 2023 su od Rechi Precision Co 0,7 TWD isplaćene kao dividende.

U kojoj valuti Rechi Precision Co isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividende od Rechi Precision Co isplaćuju se u TWD.

Druge pokazatelje i analize od Rechi Precision Co u dubinskoj analizi

Naša analiza dionica Rechi Precision Co Prihod uključuje važne financijske pokazatelje kao što su prihod, dobit, P/E omjer, P/S omjer, EBIT, kao i informacije o dividendi. Također, razmatramo aspekte poput dionica, tržišne kapitalizacije, dugova, vlastitog kapitala i obveza Rechi Precision Co Prihod. Ako tražite detaljnije informacije o ovim temama, na našim podstranicama nudimo opsežne analize: