What is the debt of Ubicom Holdings this year?
Ubicom Holdings has a debt level of -3,737.49 JPY this year.
In 2025, Ubicom Holdings's total debt was -3,737.49 JPY, a 9.07% change from the -3,426.83 JPY total debt recorded in the previous year.
Ubicom Holdings's total debt refers to the cumulative financial obligations the company owes to external parties. This can include short-term and long-term borrowings, bonds, loans, and other financial instruments. Assessing the company's debt levels is crucial for evaluating its financial health, risk profile, and ability to fund operations and expansions.
Analyzing Ubicom Holdings's debt structure over the years provides insights into the firm’s financial strategy and stability. A reduction in debt can indicate financial strength and operational efficiency, while an increase may signal growth investments or potential financial challenges ahead.
Investors pay close attention to Ubicom Holdings’s debt levels as they can influence the company’s risk and return profiles. Excessive debt can lead to financial strain, while moderate and well-managed debt can be a catalyst for growth and expansion, making it a critical aspect of investment evaluations.
Shifts in Ubicom Holdings’s debt levels can be attributed to various operational and strategic factors. An increase in debt might be geared towards funding expansion projects or enhancing operational capacity, while a decrease may indicate profit realizations or an approach to minimize financial risk and leverage.
Ubicom Holdings has a debt level of -3,737.49 JPY this year.
The debt of Ubicom Holdings has increased by 9.07% compared to the previous year increased.
High debt can pose a risk for investors of Ubicom Holdings, as it can weaken the company's financial position and hinder its ability to fulfill its obligations.
Low debt means that Ubicom Holdings has a strong financial position and is able to fulfill its obligations without overburdening its finances.
An increase in debt of Ubicom Holdings can adversely affect the financial condition of the company and result in a higher burden on its finances.
A reduction in debt of Ubicom Holdings can strengthen the company's financial position and improve its ability to meet its financial obligations.
Some factors that can influence the debt of Ubicom Holdings include investments, acquisitions, operating costs, and revenue development.
The debts of Ubicom Holdings are important for investors as they serve as an indicator of the company's financial stability. It provides investors with information on how the company fulfills its financial obligations.
To change the debt, Ubicom Holdings can take measures such as cost savings, increasing revenue, selling assets, making investments, or forming partnerships. It is important for the company to conduct a thorough review of its financial situation to determine the best strategic actions to change its debt.
Over the past 12 months, Ubicom Holdings paid a dividend of 13 JPY . This corresponds to a dividend yield of about 0.98 %. For the coming 12 months, Ubicom Holdings is expected to pay a dividend of 15.47 JPY.
The current dividend yield of Ubicom Holdings is 0.98 %.
Ubicom Holdings pays a quarterly dividend. This is distributed in the months of April, April, April, April.
Ubicom Holdings paid dividends every year for the past 9 years.
For the upcoming 12 months, dividends amounting to 15.47 JPY are expected. This corresponds to a dividend yield of 1.17 %.
Ubicom Holdings is assigned to the 'Information technology' sector.
To receive the latest dividend of Ubicom Holdings from 6/1/2025 amounting to 25 JPY, you needed to have the stock in your portfolio before the ex-date on 3/28/2025.
The last dividend was paid out on 6/1/2025.
In the year 2024, Ubicom Holdings distributed 11 JPY as dividends.
The dividends of Ubicom Holdings are distributed in JPY.
Our stock analysis for Ubicom Holdings Revenue stock includes important financial indicators such as revenue, profit, P/E ratio, P/S ratio, EBIT, as well as information on dividends. We also assess aspects such as stocks, market capitalization, debt, equity, and liabilities of Ubicom Holdings Revenue. If you are looking for more detailed information on these topics, we offer comprehensive analyses on our subpages.