Trump und Musk: Eine ungewöhnliche Allianz bereitet die Bühne für ein fesselndes Interview.

  • Elon Musk will interview Donald Trump after publicly supporting him.
  • Ilon Maskning ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi faoliyati va America PAC bilan aloqalari e'tiborni tortmoqda.

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Elon Musk, a former skeptic and now a significant supporter of former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, will be interviewing him this coming Monday. Mr. Trump made this announcement via his own social media platform, Truth Social, while leaving the details of the upcoming conversation undisclosed. Trump is evidently hoping for a positive reception, particularly after Musk, who also serves as CEO of Tesla, publicly supported Trump's candidacy last month in a surprising move. This shift from a previously neutral stance to a clear preference has caused considerable commotion, especially in light of a failed assassination attempt on Mr. Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. During his campaign, the former president often emphasizes the relevance of Musk's support, despite frequently scrutinizing the range and costs of electric vehicles. However, Trump's fascination with the underlying technology of the vehicles remains unaffected. Musk is also in the spotlight due to his connections with the America PAC, a pro-Trump super PAC. The activities of this committee, which aimed to deploy millions for the campaign, are currently in disarray. Elon Musk's involvement in political discourse via his social media platform X is not new. When Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida entered the presidential race in May 2023, the associated livestream event was marred by technical glitches. Trump's supporters seized the opportunity to portray the glitches as a bad omen for DeSantis' campaign. Donald Trump Jr. dryly commented on the event with the hashtag "#DeSaster." After the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, when the platform was still operating under the name Twitter and owned by different proprietors, Mr. Trump's account was permanently suspended. Under Elon Musk's leadership, however, it was reactivated, potentially amplifying Trump's digital reach once again.

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