Political leaders demand clear statements on tax relief from Scholz

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In the current tax debate, leading FDP politicians are demanding decisive action from Chancellor Olaf Scholz. During the discussions on a so-called "dynamization package" proposed by Finance Minister Christian Lindner, FDP Secretary General Bijan Djir-Sarai expects the Chancellor to now demonstrate leadership strength. Djir-Sarai expressed concern about the Chancellor's reserve and his lack of initiative in promoting economic growth. Christian Dürr, the FDP parliamentary group leader, expressed to the German Press Agency his hope for a clear signal from Scholz regarding further tax relief, which should be facilitated by the coalition partners SPD and Greens. Meanwhile, Scholz was reserved about the proposals from the Minister of Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, and Lindner, who each presented different concepts for tax relief for businesses. The Chancellor referred to the Growth Opportunities Act, which is currently being processed and aims to stimulate the German economy, being stuck in the mediation process between the legislative chambers. Djir-Sarai considers the discussion on Germany's lack of competitiveness to be urgent but warns that the current discourse must not lead to inactivity. The issue now is to be courageous and ready to act. Dürr emphasized in conclusion that improving competitiveness is the common goal. It is a priority to take pragmatic steps—such as the abolition of the solidarity surcharge for companies—which would allow simple and quick measures by the Bundestag.

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