Diplomatic Mission: China Relies on the Global South for Ukraine Peace Plan

  • China seeks support for Ukraine peace plan.
  • Li Hui traveled through various countries to promote the Six-Point Consensus.

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In a renewed diplomatic offensive, China's Special Envoy for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, has intensified his efforts to garner support for a China-backed peace plan to resolve the Ukraine conflict. Following visits to Europe and the Middle East, Li held talks in Brazil and South Africa last week. His next destination will be Indonesia. This trip marks his fourth mission to promote peace in Ukraine since last May. China positions itself as a neutral mediator and peacemaker in the conflict, which has been ongoing for over three years. In May, China and Brazil presented a six-point consensus declaration in Beijing, aiming for negotiations and a possible ceasefire. This declaration was initiated by China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Celso Amorim, advisor to the Brazilian President. In South Africa, Li emphasized the positive feedback from over 110 countries on this consensus and advocated for enhanced communication and coordination with South Africa to foster international agreement. South Africa supports China's peace efforts and seeks to jointly promote the proposal within a multilateral framework. Simultaneously, Liu Jianchao, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, was also in South Africa and met with President Cyril Ramaphosa. Both emphasized the expansion of bilateral relations and party-to-party communication. Neither China nor South Africa has condemned Russia for the invasion of Ukraine so far and maintain communication with Moscow. Last year, South Africa led an African peace delegation to Kyiv and did not participate in a Ukraine-backed peace conference in Switzerland. The Chinese peace plan, which has also been viewed critically by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, calls for a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from occupied territories. However, a new dialogue appears possible as both Ukrainian and Russian representatives have recently signaled willingness. The diplomatic activities of Li and other Chinese representatives underscore China's commitment to bringing the six-point consensus to the United Nations and having it recognized as a basis for negotiations. Brazil continues to stand as a partner alongside China to advance the peace plan.

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