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United Kingdom Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate


4.95 %
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+0 %
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+0.00 %

The current value of the Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate in United Kingdom is 4.95 %. The Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate in United Kingdom increased to 4.95 % on 10/1/2024, after it was 4.95 % on 9/1/2024. From 1/2/1997 to 10/3/2024, the average GDP in United Kingdom was 2.76 %. The all-time high was reached on 4/30/1998 with 8.61 %, while the lowest value was recorded on 12/31/2020 with 0.04 %.

Source: Bank of England

Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate

  • 3 years

  • 5 years

  • 10 years

  • 25 Years

  • Max

Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate

Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate History

10/1/20244.95 %
9/1/20244.95 %
8/1/20244.95 %
7/1/20245.2 %
6/1/20245.2 %
5/1/20245.2 %
4/1/20245.198 %
3/1/20245.189 %
2/1/20245.188 %
1/1/20245.188 %

Similar Macro Indicators to Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate

Average Overnight Interbank Rate
5.198 %5.198 %frequency_daily
Balance Sheets of Banks
4.535 T GBP4.527 T GBPMonthly
Central Bank Balance Sheet
894.321 B GBP889.947 B GBPfrequency_weekly
Deposit interest rate
5 %5 %Monthly
Foreign currency reserves
193.045 B USD188.793 B USDMonthly
Interbank rate
5.304 %5.304 %frequency_daily
Interest Rate
5 %5.25 %frequency_daily
Interest Rate for New Mortgages
4.82 %4.79 %Monthly
Interest Rate on Loans
5.5 %5.5 %Monthly
Interest rate on outstanding mortgages.
3.65 %3.61 %Monthly
Loans to the private sector
2.704 T GBP2.695 T GBPQuarter
Money Supply M0
95.446 B GBP95.265 B GBPMonthly
Money Supply M1
2.192 T GBP2.208 T GBPMonthly
Money Supply M2
3.021 T GBP3.031 T GBPMonthly
Money Supply M3
3.53 T GBP3.536 T GBPMonthly
Money Supply M4
3.056 T GBP3.041 T GBPMonthly
Private Debt to GDP
160.9 %171.9 %Annually

The Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) serves as a widely recognized interest rate benchmark and the reference rate for sterling Overnight Indexed Swaps (OIS). SONIA measures the rate at which interest is paid on short-term sterling wholesale funds under conditions where credit, liquidity, and other risks are minimal. Calculated on each London business day, SONIA is determined as the trimmed mean of interest rates paid on eligible sterling-denominated deposit transactions, rounded to four decimal places.

What is Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate?

The Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate (SONIA) is a critical benchmark in the global financial and macroeconomic landscape, especially pivotal for the UK financial markets. At Eulerpool, where we specialize in presenting advanced macroeconomic data, we understand the importance of SONIA and its implications for both professional traders and economic analysts. This comprehensive description seeks to elucidate the nuances of SONIA, its historical evolution, its role in financial markets, and why it is an indispensable component for anyone engaged in the realm of macroeconomic data analysis. SONIA represents the interest rate that banks pay to borrow sterling overnight from other financial institutions. This benchmark is essential because it provides a consistent measure of short-term interest rates in the GBP economy. The methodology behind the calculation of SONIA ensures that it truly reflects the average rate at which these overnight loans occur. This rate is anchored in actual transactional data rather than speculative estimates, giving it an edge in precision and reliability. The development of SONIA has been a response to the need for a robust and transparent benchmark that is less susceptible to manipulation. Before SONIA’s reinvention and standardization, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) was predominantly used. However, LIBOR's susceptibility to manipulation in the early 2000s led to a search for more sound and empirical alternatives. The Bank of England, taking cognizance of these flaws, revamped SONIA in April 2018. The revamped SONIA not only gained a refined methodology for calculation but also enhanced its scope to include a broader range of overnight unsecured transactions. SONIA plays an instrumental role in the pricing and valuation of various financial instruments within the sterling markets. These include derivatives such as Overnight Index Swaps (OIS), a range of fixed income securities, and floating rate notes. Its significance is further amplified by its usage in the valuation of trillions of pounds of financial contracts, ranging from derivatives to syndicated loans. As LIBOR is progressively phased out, SONIA's prominence as a benchmark is set to increase, with market participants extensively integrating it into their pricing models and economic forecasts. One of the robust attributes of SONIA is its resistance to market manipulation. This is largely accomplished through its calculation method, where the rate is derived from actual transactions data rather than survey-based inputs. Each business day, the WMBA publishes the SONIA rate based on transactions carried out until 6:00 PM on the previous day, ensuring that the rate transparently captures the prevailing market dynamics. From a macroeconomic perspective, SONIA is a vital indicator of monetary policy and liquidity conditions in the UK. Financial institutions, economic analysts, and central banks scrutinize this rate to gauge the short-term funding conditions and the effectiveness of monetary policies. For instance, any anomalies or significant gyrations in the SONIA rate can be indicative of the prevailing liquidity stress within the banking system, subsequently offering insights into the broader macroeconomic stability. SONIA's role is not confined to just the technical valuation of financial products; it also serves as a barometer for the implementation of monetary policies by the Bank of England. When the Bank of England modifies its base rate, the influence is often reflected in the overnight money markets, with SONIA consequently adjusting to mirror these changes. Therefore, SONIA stands as a precise reflection of the central bank's monetary stance and its first-hand effects on the financial markets. For corporate treasurers, SONIA provides invaluable markers for debt issuance and interest rate hedging strategies. Unlike LIBOR, which encompassed credit risk premiums, SONIA’s near risk-free nature offers a pure reflection of the sterling overnight funding market. Consequently, corporate entities find it a robust benchmark to manage their interest expenses and engage in swap contracts to hedge against interest rate uncertainties. In the context of debt capital markets, SONIA has emerged as the preferred benchmark for floating-rate issuance. Its transparency, reliability, and the backing of daily transactional data make it preferable over more opaque benchmarks. Consequently, international issuers looking to tap into the sterling-denominated market are increasingly aligning their debt structures with SONIA-based pricing models. At Eulerpool, our meticulous collation and presentation of SONIA-related macroeconomic data ensure that financial analysts, economists, and decision-makers can make well-informed judgments. Our platform provides a real-time, comprehensive suite of SONIA data, historical trends, and predictive analytics, tailored to meet the intricate needs of our professional clientele. Understanding and integrating the SONIA rate into macroeconomic analysis can offer profound insights into the liquidity conditions, monetary policy effectiveness, and financial health of the UK economy. In summary, the Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate is a foundation stone of sterling-denominated financial markets and monetary policy analysis. Its evolution from an alternative to LIBOR to the preeminent sterling benchmark underscores its reliability and transparency. For institutions and analysts who rely on precise and consistent macroeconomic indicators, SONIA serves as an indispensable tool, shaping everything from derivative pricing and debt issuance to monetary policy evaluation and corporate finance strategies. As we navigate a post-LIBOR financial environment, the significance of SONIA is poised to only grow, making it central to both day-to-day financial operations and broader macroeconomic analysis. At Eulerpool, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive and insightful SONIA data, ensuring our users stay ahead in the fast-evolving macroeconomic landscape.