Er Restaurant Group udbyttet sikkert?
Restaurant Group har øget udbyttet i 1 år.
Inden for de seneste 10 år har Restaurant Group øget denne med 0 % årligt sænket.
På 5-årssigt faldt udbetalingen med 0 %.
Analytikerne forventer en Udbyttereduktion på 0% for det igangværende regnskabsår.
Restaurant Group Aktienanalyse
Hvad laver Restaurant Group?
The Restaurant Group PLC is a British company operating in the foodservice industry. It was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in London. The Restaurant Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange with a market value of around £500 million. The company's business model involves managing a portfolio of various foodservice businesses divided into four main areas: Restaurants, Pubs, Concessions, and Leisure. The Restaurants segment includes brands like Frankie & Benny's, Chiquito, and Garfunkel's, while the Pubs segment includes brands like Brunning & Price and Pub & Carvery Group. The Concessions segment focuses on locations such as airports and train stations, providing catering services. The Leisure segment of Restaurant Group includes bowling and other recreational facilities. The company currently operates over 650 establishments and employs around 16,000 people. The Restaurant Group also has international ambitions, particularly in the North American market, where they currently operate some Frankie & Benny's restaurants. Customers of the Restaurant Group can enjoy a variety of food and drinks offered by the different brands. For example, Frankie & Benny's offers Italian and American cuisine, while Chiquito specializes in Mexican dishes. Garfunkel's, on the other hand, offers typical British dishes such as Fish & Chips and Roast Beef. In the pubs, customers can find a wide selection of beers, wines, spirits, as well as classic British dishes. In recent years, the Restaurant Group has faced some challenges, particularly due to a difficult business environment and internal problems. In 2018, the company experienced a decline in revenue and had to announce store closures. In the same year, the company also announced plans for restructuring and closing unprofitable locations. However, overall, the Restaurant Group still maintains a strong presence in the British market and offers a wide range of brands and offerings to meet various customer needs. The company remains a significant player in the British foodservice industry and is likely to continue expanding, especially on an international level. Restaurant Group er et af de mest populære virksomheder på tilbyder en attraktiv mulighed for investorer at opbygge formue på lang sigt. En af de største fordele er den såkaldte cost-average-effekt: Ved regelmæssigt at investere et fast beløb i aktier eller aktiefonde, køber man automatisk flere andele, når priserne er lave, og færre, når de er høje. Dette kan føre til en mere fordelagtig gennemsnitspris per andel over tid. Desuden giver aktiespareplaner også småinvestorer adgang til dyre aktier, da de kan deltage med små beløb. Den regelmæssige investering fremmer også en disciplineret investeringsstrategi og hjælper med at undgå følelsesladede beslutninger, som impulsiv køb eller salg. Derudover drager investorer fordel af den potentielle værdistigning af aktierne samt af udbytteudlodninger, der kan geninvesteres, hvilket forstærker renters rente effekten og dermed væksten af det investerede kapital.
Restaurant Group aktien kan indgå i opsparingsplaner hos følgende udbydere: Trade Republic