Er Liberty Global udbyttet sikkert?
Liberty Global har øget udbyttet i 0 år.
Inden for de seneste 10 år har Liberty Global øget denne med 0 % årligt sænket.
På 5-årssigt faldt udbetalingen med 0 %.
Analytikerne forventer en Udbyttereduktion på -100,000% for det igangværende regnskabsår.
Liberty Global Aktienanalyse
Hvad laver Liberty Global?
Liberty Global PLC is a British company that is considered one of the largest international telecommunications and broadband providers in the world. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in London, the company operates in over 30 countries in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
In recent years, Liberty Global PLC has played a significant role in the global telecommunications industry by conducting numerous acquisitions and mergers. Some of the most well-known include the acquisition of Unitymedia in Germany, Telenet in Belgium, and Ziggo in the Netherlands. These acquisitions have helped the company become one of the leading telecommunications companies in Europe.
The business model of Liberty Global PLC is to provide high-quality telecommunications services such as broadband internet, landline telephony, and cable TV. The company offers extensive services for both residential and business customers. Additionally, the company is also active in the mobile and content sectors and invests in technologies such as fiber optic and 5G.
Liberty Global PLC is divided into different divisions, which can vary depending on the country. However, the main areas are broadband, landline telephony, mobile, and cable TV. The company also offers its customers on-demand videos, streaming, and other digital content to increase customer satisfaction and competitiveness.
In Germany, Liberty Global PLC has been active since 2018 with the acquisition of Unitymedia. Unitymedia is one of the largest cable network operators in Germany and offers products and services for residential and business customers. The acquisition of Unitymedia expands the portfolio of Liberty Global PLC and allows the company to enter the German market.
In Belgium, Liberty Global PLC offers telecommunications services for residential and business customers under the Telenet brand. Telenet is one of the leading broadband providers in Belgium and also offers cable TV and mobile services.
In the Netherlands, the company has been active since 2014 with the acquisition of Ziggo. Ziggo is the largest cable network operator in the Netherlands and offers broadband internet, landline telephony, and cable TV. With the acquisition of Ziggo, Liberty Global PLC became the largest cable network operator in Europe.
In addition to its telecommunications services, Liberty Global PLC also operates various media and entertainment companies. These include the TV channels NBCUniversal, the production company All3Media, and the film distributor Lionsgate. These companies help the company improve and enhance its digital offerings.
Overall, Liberty Global PLC has experienced impressive expansion in recent years. Through its acquisitions and mergers, the company has grown into a leading telecommunications company in Europe and significantly expanded its customer base. With its high-quality broadband internet services, availability of cable TV, and other digital content, Liberty Global PLC is well-positioned to continue growing in the coming years. Liberty Global er et af de mest populære virksomheder på tilbyder en attraktiv mulighed for investorer at opbygge formue på lang sigt. En af de største fordele er den såkaldte cost-average-effekt: Ved regelmæssigt at investere et fast beløb i aktier eller aktiefonde, køber man automatisk flere andele, når priserne er lave, og færre, når de er høje. Dette kan føre til en mere fordelagtig gennemsnitspris per andel over tid. Desuden giver aktiespareplaner også småinvestorer adgang til dyre aktier, da de kan deltage med små beløb. Den regelmæssige investering fremmer også en disciplineret investeringsstrategi og hjælper med at undgå følelsesladede beslutninger, som impulsiv køb eller salg. Derudover drager investorer fordel af den potentielle værdistigning af aktierne samt af udbytteudlodninger, der kan geninvesteres, hvilket forstærker renters rente effekten og dermed væksten af det investerede kapital.
Liberty Global aktien kan indgå i opsparingsplaner hos følgende udbydere: Trade Republic og Consorsbank