Чи є дивіденди Carter's надійними?
Carter's підвищує дивіденд уже 3 років.
Протягом останніх 10 років Carter's збільшила їх на 20,112 % щорічно збільшено.
На п'ятирічній перспективі зріс виплати на 10,757 %.
Аналітики очікують, що в поточному фінансовому році Зростання дивідендів складе 10,059%.
Carter's Aktienanalyse
Що робить Carter's?
Carter's Inc. is a leading American baby and children's clothing manufacturer based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company was founded in 1865 by William Carter and has a long history in the children's fashion industry. Today, Carter's Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers and retailers of baby clothing in the United States, with over 800 stores and outlets.
Carter's business model revolves around the production and marketing of clothing for children aged 0 to 8, including clothing, shoes, and accessories. With a focus on quality and innovation, the company has earned a good reputation for producing clothing for babies and toddlers. Carter's continuously works on developing new designs and products to meet the demands of parents and children.
One of Carter's Inc.'s strengths is its ability to offer a wide range of products, from casual wear to formal attire for special occasions. Carter's also carries a range of licensed products from well-known brands such as Disney, Sesame Street, and OshKosh B'gosh. Additionally, the company operates its own brand called "Just One You," specializing in personalized clothing for babies and toddlers.
The company is divided into various divisions, including retail, wholesale, and e-commerce. Retail sales are mainly generated in the United States and Canada, but Carter's also has stores in other countries such as Mexico, South Korea, and China. Wholesale distribution is done through partnerships with established retailers such as Target, Walmart, and Amazon. E-commerce is a crucial area for Carter's, as more and more consumers shop online. The company operates its own website and is also present on major e-commerce platforms like Amazon and eBay.
Carter's has experienced impressive growth in recent years, attributed to a combination of strategic acquisitions, expansions and improvements to existing business operations, and entering new markets. In 2019, the company acquired competitor Bonnie Baby, which helped strengthen Carter's presence in the UK. Carter's also expanded its physical presence in the US by opening over 100 new stores. Furthermore, the company successfully entered new markets such as China and South Korea.
Carter's is also known for its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. The company has initiated various initiatives, including a partnership with the Pajama Program to provide needy children with pajamas and books, and supporting measures to minimize its ecological footprint.
In summary, Carter's Inc. has established itself as a leading provider of baby and children's clothing in North America. The company has experienced impressive growth in recent years and expanded its presence both domestically and internationally. Carter's has earned a good reputation for quality, innovation, and versatility and is a key player in a growing market. Carter's є однією з найпопулярніших компаній на Eulerpool.com.Акціонерні заощаджувальні плани пропонують привабливу можливість для інвесторів довгостроково накопичувати капітал. Однією з основних переваг є так званий ефект середньої вартості інвестицій: інвестуючи регулярно фіксовану суму в акції або акціонерні фонди, автоматично купують більше часток, коли ціни низькі, та менше, коли вони високі. Це може призвести до більш вигідної середньої ціни за частку з часом. Крім того, акціонерні заощаджувальні плани також надають можливість малим інвесторам отримати доступ до дорогих акцій, оскільки вони можуть брати участь навіть з малими сумами. Регулярні інвестиції також сприяють дисциплінованій інвестиційній стратегії та допомагають уникнути емоційних рішень, таких як імпульсивне купівля або продаж. Крім того, інвестори отримують вигоду від потенційного зростання вартості акцій, а також від виплати дивідендів, які можуть бути реінвестовані, що посилює ефект складних відсотків та таким чином зростання інвестованого капіталу.