gezillmerte Nettoprämie Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff gezillmerte Nettoprämie für Deutschland.

gezillmerte Nettoprämie Definition

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gezillmerte Nettoprämie

"Gesillmerte Nettoprämie" is a specialized term used in the realm of insurance and refers to the calculated net premium that is derived after applying the concept of "geeigneter Bezugszeitraum" or matured period.

This concept takes into account the premiums paid by policyholders and the duration of the insurance coverage. The term "gezillmerte Nettoprämie" is particularly relevant in life insurance policies. In order to understand the significance of "gezillmerte Nettoprämie," it is crucial to comprehend the components that contribute to its calculation. The "Nettoprämie" indicates the amount of premium paid by policyholders after removing fee and administrative charges. This value accounts for various factors like mortality risk, interest rates, and investment returns. On the other hand, the concept of "geeigneter Bezugszeitraum" considers the period during which the insured party has been covered by the policy or has been involved in making premium payments. To arrive at the "gezillmerte Nettoprämie," insurance companies employ actuarial techniques and mathematical models, which evaluate historical data related to policyholders' characteristics, mortality rates, and financial variables. These calculations help determine a fair and accurate value of the net premium, enabling insurers to manage risks and generate sufficient funds for fulfilling the contractual obligations towards policyholders. The "gezillmerte Nettoprämie" plays a pivotal role in ensuring the financial sustainability of insurance companies. It facilitates the assessment of policyholders' contributions, which are vital for the solvency and profitability of insurers. Additionally, it helps policyholders evaluate the cost-effectiveness of their insurance coverage and make informed decisions regarding their individual financial planning. At, a renowned platform for equity research and finance news, we recognize the importance of providing comprehensive and up-to-date glossary entries to investors in capital markets. By delivering optimized and insightful content, we empower investors to navigate through the intricate world of stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies. Stay informed with, your trusted source for expert financial knowledge.
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