Da li je Univar Solutions dividenda sigurna?
Univar Solutions povećava dividendu već 0 godina.
U poslednjih 10 godina, Univar Solutions je ovo povećao/la za 0 % godišnje snižen.
Na petogodišnjem nivou pao isplata je povećana za 0 %.
Analitičari očekuju za tekuću poslovnu godinu rast od Smanjenje dividende% na -100,000%.
Univar Solutions Aktienanalyse
Шта ради Univar Solutions?
Univar Solutions Inc is a leading global distributor of chemicals and related products and services. The company is headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois, but operates branches worldwide.
The company was founded in 1924 in Seattle, Washington, as a distributor of chemicals to local businesses. Over the years, the company expanded its business to sell chemicals to customers across the country. In the 1970s, Univar began pursuing international expansions, and today the company operates in over 100 countries worldwide.
Univar Solutions is a B2B company and serves customers in various industries such as agriculture, life sciences, food and beverage, and many others. The company's business strategy is to utilize global supply chains to provide customers with the chemicals and raw materials they need for the production of their products.
The company not only offers a wide range of chemicals but also provides technical support to help its customers understand the applications and processes that can be used in their businesses. Univar Solutions also operates a refining and blending business that offers customers a wider range of products and services.
Univar Solutions is divided into three main business segments:
1. Univar Solutions Essentials: This segment offers a wide range of chemicals, including solvents, acids, alkalis, gases, and water treatment chemicals.
2. Univar Solutions Specialties: This segment focuses on a range of niche markets such as adhesives, coatings, plastics, and rubber.
3. Univar Solutions Business Competencies: This business segment offers specialized services such as process optimization, lifecycle management, and regulatory compliance.
Univar Solutions offers a wide range of products that are used in various industries and applications. Here are some of the key product categories:
1. Biotechnology
2. Personal care products
3. Food and beverage industry
4. Water treatment chemicals
5. Fuel and lubricant additives
6. Agricultural chemicals
7. Construction and building materials industry
8. Petrochemicals
Univar Solutions is committed to offering its customers innovative and cost-effective solutions to achieve their business goals. Customer relationships are designed on a long-term basis, and the company is committed to strengthening customer relationships through high service and value-added partnerships. Univar Solutions je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija na Eulerpool.com.Plansovi za štednju u akcijama nude atraktivnu mogućnost za investitore da dugoročno izgrade bogatstvo. Jedna od glavnih prednosti je takozvani efekat prosečne cene: investiranjem redovnog fiksnog iznosa u akcije ili fondove akcija, automatski se kupuju više deonica kada su cene niske i manje kada su visoke. To može dovesti do povoljnijeg prosečnog cena po deonici tokom vremena. Pored toga, plansovi za štednju u akcijama omogućuju čak i malim ulagačima pristup skupim akcijama, pošto je moguće učestvovati već sa malim iznosima. Redovno investiranje takođe podstiče disciplinovanu strategiju ulaganja i pomaže da se izbegnu emocionalne odluke, kao što su impulsivno kupovanje ili prodaja. Osim toga, investitori profitiraju od potencijalnog povećanja vrednosti akcija kao i od isplata dividendi, koje se mogu reinvestirati, što pojačava efekat kamate na kamatu i time rast investiranog kapitala.