Da li je Abrau-Durso PAO dividenda sigurna?
Abrau-Durso PAO povećava dividendu već 3 godina.
U poslednjih 10 godina, Abrau-Durso PAO je ovo povećao/la za -7,403 % godišnje snižen.
Na petogodišnjem nivou pao isplata je povećana za -41,860 %.
Analitičari očekuju za tekuću poslovnu godinu rast od Smanjenje dividende% na -100,000%.
Abrau-Durso PAO Aktienanalyse
Шта ради Abrau-Durso PAO?
Abrau-Durso PAO is one of the most prestigious wineries in Russia. The company was founded in 1870 and is located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Abrau in the Krasnodar region of Russia. The company has a long history and tradition in wine production, which has made it a leading winery in Russia.
The company has a wide portfolio of wines and sparkling wines that are known worldwide. The Abrau-Durso brand is one of the most well-known wine brands in Russia and is synonymous with quality. The company takes pride in offering its customers high-quality wines made from the best grapes in the region.
The company's business model is based on the production of wines and sparkling wines that are sold in local and international markets. Abrau-Durso PAO aims to offer its customers a wide range of wines that cater to different tastes and preferences.
The winery offers a large variety of different wine types, including Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and many others. The company also produces sparkling wines, including Brut, Rosé, and Moscato. Additionally, the company offers non-alcoholic wines. The company has also specialized in the production of premium wines specifically tailored for the Russian market.
In addition to wine production, the company also provides sales support services, including wine tastings, marketing, and sales support. The company works closely with its customers to ensure they receive the best wines possible and excellent customer service.
The winery is divided into various departments, including production, marketing, distribution, and sales. Production is the core business area of the winery, where the wines and sparkling wines are made. Marketing and distribution are responsible for promoting the Abrau-Durso brand in Russia and abroad and increasing sales. Sales is the part of the company where wines are directly sold to customers.
The company is strongly committed to sustainability and environmental awareness. It strives to make all of its production technologies as environmentally friendly as possible and places great importance on protecting the natural resources in the region.
In summary, Abrau-Durso PAO is a winery with a long tradition and history. The company offers its customers a wide range of wines and sparkling wines that are distributed in local and international markets. The company aims to provide its customers with high-quality wines made from the best grapes in the region. The company is also focused on offering excellent customer service and sales support services to its customers. The company's commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness is reflected in its production processes and business practices. Abrau-Durso PAO je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija na Eulerpool.com.Plansovi za štednju u akcijama nude atraktivnu mogućnost za investitore da dugoročno izgrade bogatstvo. Jedna od glavnih prednosti je takozvani efekat prosečne cene: investiranjem redovnog fiksnog iznosa u akcije ili fondove akcija, automatski se kupuju više deonica kada su cene niske i manje kada su visoke. To može dovesti do povoljnijeg prosečnog cena po deonici tokom vremena. Pored toga, plansovi za štednju u akcijama omogućuju čak i malim ulagačima pristup skupim akcijama, pošto je moguće učestvovati već sa malim iznosima. Redovno investiranje takođe podstiče disciplinovanu strategiju ulaganja i pomaže da se izbegnu emocionalne odluke, kao što su impulsivno kupovanje ili prodaja. Osim toga, investitori profitiraju od potencijalnog povećanja vrednosti akcija kao i od isplata dividendi, koje se mogu reinvestirati, što pojačava efekat kamate na kamatu i time rast investiranog kapitala.