Je NK Lukoil PAO dividenda varna?
NK Lukoil PAO povečuje dividendo že 10 let.
V zadnjih 10 letih je NK Lukoil PAO to vrednost povečal za 22,638 % letno.
V petletnem obdobju se je izplačilo povečalo za 33,979 %.
Analitiki za tekoče poslovno leto pričakujejo rast Znižanje dividend za −65,336%.
NK Lukoil PAO Aktienanalyse
Kaj počne NK Lukoil PAO?
NK Lukoil PAO is a Russian company and one of the world's largest oil and gas producers. The history of Lukoil began in 1991 when the SOWINTEK company was founded, which was later renamed Lukoil. The company was then a state-owned enterprise that was privatized in the 1990s. Today, Lukoil is an internationally operating company that operates in over 30 countries.
Lukoil's business model is very diverse. The company is involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas, refining and processing, the sale of fuels and lubricants, and the petrochemical industry. The production of electricity and heat from natural gas is also part of Lukoil's offerings. With over 100,000 employees, the company generates an annual revenue of over $100 billion.
The various divisions of Lukoil are divided into five main areas: exploration and production, refining and processing, marketing, petrochemical production, and energy. The exploration and production of oil and gas is Lukoil's largest business segment. The company operates in Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Europe. In Russia, Lukoil is the largest oil producer and holds a 20% market share.
In the refinery and processing business, Lukoil is a major player in the global market. The company operates seven refineries in Russia and Europe, with a capacity of 72 million tons per year. The company produces a wide range of products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel, chemicals, and bitumen.
In the marketing sector, Lukoil focuses on selling fuels, lubricants, and gas to consumers in Russia and Europe. The company has a network of over 5,000 gas stations in Russia and more than 2,000 stations in Europe. Lukoil also has joint ventures with other companies in Europe and Asia to expand the sales of fuels and lubricants.
Lukoil's petrochemical division produces a variety of products, including ethylene, propylene, polymer resins, and polyester products. With an annual production capacity of over 5 million tons, Lukoil is a key player in the petrochemical industry.
The energy sector, which includes energy generation from natural gas, is a relatively new business field for Lukoil. The company produces electricity and heat from natural gas and operates several power plants in Russia.
In addition to the various divisions, Lukoil also offers various products and services, including lubricants, oils, aviation fuels, and bitumen. The company also operates a number of retail stores, including convenience stores and car washes.
In recent years, Lukoil has expanded its international presence through the acquisition of refineries and gas station networks in Europe and the United States. The company has also established joint ventures with other companies in Asia and the Middle East.
Overall, Lukoil is one of the largest and most diverse energy companies in the world. The company's broad business model allows it to operate in various areas of the energy industry and diversify its sources of income. While the company has faced political and legal challenges in some countries in recent years, it remains a strong force in the global energy industry. NK Lukoil PAO je eno izmed najbolj priljubljenih podjetij naški varčevalni načrti ponujajo privlačno možnost za vlagatelje, da dolgoročno zgradijo premoženje. Eden glavnih prednosti je tako imenovani učinek povprečenja stroškov: Z rednim vlaganjem fiksnega zneska v delnice ali delniške sklade se avtomatsko kupi več enot, ko so cene nizke, in manj, ko so visoke. To lahko vodi do ugodnejše povprečne cene na enoto s časom. Poleg tega delniški varčevalni načrti omogočajo tudi malim vlagateljem dostop do dragih delnic, saj se lahko pridružijo že z majhnimi zneski. Redna investicija tudi spodbuja disciplinirano investicijsko strategijo in pomaga izogibati se čustvenim odločitvam, kot so impulzivno kupovanje ali prodaja. Poleg tega vlagatelji profitirajo od potencialne rasti vrednosti delnic kot tudi od izplačil dividend, ki se lahko reinvestirajo, kar povečuje učinek obrestnega obrestovanja in s tem rast investiranega kapitala.